আ পৃষ্ঠা ২০
- Bengali Word আরকানEnglish definition[Arabic] (singular রুকন) (noun) (plural) 1 fundamental principles. 2 employees.
- Bengali Word আরক্ত, আরক্তিমEnglish definition(adjective) 1 reddish; slightly red. 2 deep-red; scarlet; crimson. আরক্ত-নয়ন, আরক্ত-লোচন (adjective) 1 with blood-shot eyes; angry. (noun) angry look. আরক্ত বদন, আরক্তমুখ (adjective) flushed with bashfulness; abashed in flush of chastity.
- Bengali Word আরক্ষ, আরক্ষকEnglish definition(noun) 1 police/military station or outpost. 2 defence force; national guard. আরক্ষা বিভাগ (noun) police department. আরক্ষিক, আরক্ষী (noun) constable; police picket.
- Bengali Word আরজ, আরযEnglish definition[Arabic আর্য্] (noun) prayer; petition; plaint. আরজ গুজার [Arabic আরজ + Persian গুজার] (noun) petitioner; plaintiff. আরজবেগ, আরজবেগি [Arabic আরজ+ Turkish বেগ] (noun) person who presents or places before; bench-clerk of the court.
- Bengali Word আরজি, আর্জিEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 formal request for (something); application; petition. 2 fervent request; entreaty; begging ( (something) of (somebody) ).
- Bengali Word আরজুEnglish definition[Persian] wish; desire; longing: মনের আরজু.
- Bengali Word আরণ্যEnglish definition(adjective) of forest(s); grown in forest; forest born; wild. আরণ্যক (adjective) living in forests; wild. (noun) 1 officer in charge of a forest; a forester. 2 concluding section of the Vedic literature Brahmana.
- Bengali Word আরতি ১English definition(noun) cessation; termination; stoppage.
- Bengali Word আরতি ২English definition(noun) the Hindu religious rite of worshipping an idol by waving lamps, etc in the evening: সন্ধ্যা আরতি.
- Bengali Word আরতি ৩English definitiondesire; craving; prayer.
- Bengali Word আরতি ৪English definition(noun) deep attachment; devotion.
- Bengali Word আরদালি, আর্দালিEnglish definition[English] (noun) servant in attendance on an officer (or master) to carry his orders; orderly; bearer.
- Bengali Word আরফাতEnglish definition[Arabic](noun)the celebrated plain near Mecca where pilgrims assemble on the 9th of Zilhajj to perform rites connected with the annual Hajj.
- Bengali Word আরবEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 Arabia. 2 inhabitant(s) of Arabia. 3 the people of Arab nationality; the Arabians; the Arabs. আরবি (noun) 1 the language of Arabia; Arabic. 2 the people of Arabia; the Arabians/Arabs; an Arabian/Arab. (adjective) 1 pertaining to Arabia. 2 grown/born in Arabia: আরব ঘোড়া. আরবগঁদ (noun) gum Arabic. আরব্য (adjective) of Arabia; born in the Arab world : আরব উপন্যাস, the Arabian Nights.
- Bengali Word আরব্ধEnglish definition(adjective) what has been started/undertaken for completion: আরব্ধকাজ
- Bengali Word আরব্যEnglish definition(adjective) of Arabia; born in the Arab world : আরব উপন্যাস, the Arabian Nights.
- Bengali Word আরমানEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 wish; desire; longing.
- Bengali Word আরমানিEnglish definition(noun) inhabitant of Armenia; Armenian. (adjective) of Armenia.
- Bengali Word আরম্ভEnglish definition(noun) 1 commencement; inception; origin. 2 introduction; prologue; preface. আরম্ভ করা (verb intransitive),(verb transitive) start; commence; begin; introduce. আরম্ভ হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) originate; commence; start.
- Bengali Word আরযEnglish definition(noun) prayer; petition; plaint. আরজ গুজার [Arabic আরজ + Persian গুজার] (noun) petitioner; plaintiff. আরজবেগ, আরজবেগি [Arabic আরজ+ Turkish বেগ] (noun) person who presents or places before; bench-clerk of the court.
- Bengali Word আরশ, আরসEnglish definition[Arabic আর্শ্] (noun) 1 the all-pervading seat of Allah; the highest heavenly position. 2 throne.
- Bengali Word আরশিEnglish definition(noun) mirror; looking glass.
- Bengali Word আরশুলা, আরশোলাEnglish definition আরসোলা
- Bengali Word আরসEnglish definition(noun) 1 the all-pervading seat of Allah; the highest heavenly position. 2 throne.
- Bengali Word আরসোলা, আরশুলা, আরশোলাEnglish definition(noun) the cockroach; the black-beetle.
- Bengali Word আরাধকEnglish definition(noun) worshipper; devotee.
- Bengali Word আরাধন, আরাধনাEnglish definition(noun) 1 prayer; worship; adoration. 2 service. আরাধন করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) pray; worship; adore. আরাধন আরাধ্য to be worshipped; adorable.
- Bengali Word আরাধ্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 prayer; worship; adoration.
- Bengali Word আরাফাত, আরফাতEnglish definition[Arabic](noun)the celebrated plain near Mecca where pilgrims assemble on the 9th of Zilhajj to perform rites connected with the annual Hajj.
- Bengali Word আরাম ১English definition[Arabic] grove; garden; park; small wood.