অ পৃষ্ঠা ১০
- Bengali Word অজুহাত, ওজুহাতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 cause; reason; ground. 2 a plea; an excuse; a pretext; a pretence.
- Bengali Word অজেয়English definition(adjective) unconquerable; invincible; insuperable.
- Bengali Word অজৈবEnglish definition(adjective) not belonging to an organism; inorganic: অজৈব রসায়ন; mineral: অজৈব লবণ, অজৈব সার.
- Bengali Word অজ্ঞEnglish definition(adjective) ignorant; uninformed; foolish. অজ্ঞতা (noun) ignorance. stupidity; foolishness; want of education. অজ্ঞতামূলক (adjective) proceeding from or caused by ignorance.
- Bengali Word অজ্ঞাতEnglish definition(adjective) unknown; unpublished; secret; mysterious. অজ্ঞাতকুলশীল (adjective) one whose family and antecedents are not known: of obscure origin. অজ্ঞাতনামা (adjective) not famous by name; unknown; unidentified. অজ্ঞাত পরিচয় (adjective) one whose identity is not known. অজ্ঞাতপূর্ব (adjective) not known before; hitherto unknown. অজ্ঞাতবাস (noun) livinig incognito. অজ্ঞাত রাশি (noun) (mathematics) unknown quantity. অজ্ঞাতসারে, অজ্ঞাতে (adverb) secretly; imperceptibly; unawares; beyond one's knowledge.
- Bengali Word অজ্ঞানEnglish definition(adjective) ignorant; illiterate; foolish. 2 unconscious; fainted; infatuated. (noun) 1 want of knowledge; lack of education; ignorance. 2 (philosophy) illusion; delusion; false idea or belief. অজ্ঞানতা (noun)ignorance. অজ্ঞানকৃত (adjective) done through ignorance; committed unknowingly or unconsciously. অজ্ঞানত, অজ্ঞানে (adverb) unknowingly; through ignorance. অজ্ঞান তিমির (noun) gloom of ignorance. অজ্ঞান তিমিরাচ্ছন্ন (adjective) wrapped up or enveloped in (the gloom of) ignorance.
- Bengali Word অজ্ঞেয়English definition(adjective) unknowable; incomprehensible.
- Bengali Word অজ্ঞেয়বাদEnglish definition(noun) (philosophy) the belief or doctrine that nothing can be known about God or of anything except material things: agnosticism.
- Bengali Word অজয়English definition(noun) 1 absence of victory. 2 defeat; discomfiture. (adjective) unconquerable; invincible.
- Bengali Word অঝোর, অঝরEnglish definition(adjective) incessant; unceasing: অঝোর বাদল. অঝোরে, অঝরে (adjective) ceaselessly; profusely; in torrents.
- Bengali Word অঞ্চলEnglish definition(noun) 1 the loose end or marginal portion of a woman's sari. 2 a region or locality: পাহাড়ি অঞ্চল. 3 border; brim: নয়নক অঞ্চল চঞ্চল ভাণ. অঞ্চল প্রভাব (noun) domination or influence of the wife over the husband; petticoat government.
- Bengali Word অঞ্চিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 what has been curved; tortuous (কুঞ্চিত). 2 worshipped. 3 raised; thrilled (রোমোঞ্চিত). 4 strung; composed; woven; collected (সঞ্চিত). 5 decorated; dressed; adorned; ornamented. অঞ্চিতভ্রূ (adjective) one with curved eye-brow.
- Bengali Word অঞ্জন, আঞ্জ, আঞ্জনEnglish definition(noun) 1 eye-salve; antimony; collyrium. 2 gloom; dimness; dullness; darkness; blemish (নিরঞ্জন). 3 various minerals described in the Ayurvedic science (রসাঞ্জন, নীলাঞ্জন).
- Bengali Word অঞ্জনিEnglish definition(noun) kind of small tumour or sore.
- Bengali Word অঞ্জনিকাEnglish definition(noun) a small boil or tumour on the edge of the eyelid; a sty.
- Bengali Word অঞ্জলিEnglish definition(noun) 1 palms of hands put together; hands cupped together as a token of respect. 2 a handful. 3 worship; adoration; devotion. 4 offering before an idol; oblation. অঞ্জলিপুট (noun) cavity formed by clasped palms. অঞ্জলিপুটে (adverb) with clasped palms or folded hands. অঞ্জলিবদ্ধ (adjective) having the palms folded or cupped together. (noun) act of folding or cupping the palms of hands. অঞ্জলি বন্ধন (noun) act of forming cavity by clasping of the palms.
- Bengali Word অটবি, অটবীEnglish definition(noun) 1 forest. 2 tree.
- Bengali Word অটলEnglish definition(adjective) 1 unshaken; firm; steady; fixed. 2 unperturbed; unflinching; resolute.
- Bengali Word অটুটEnglish definition(adjective) 1 unbroken; intact; whole; entire. 2 flawless; unimpaired; sound.
- Bengali Word অটোEnglish definition[English] (noun) otto, a kind of perfume; attar.
- Bengali Word অটোগ্রাফEnglish definition[English] (noun) autograph, ie a person's own handwriting, especially his signature.
- Bengali Word অট্টEnglish definition(adjective) very loud. অট্টনাদ, অট্টনিনাদ, অট্টরব, অট্টরোল (noun) a very loud sound; uproar. অট্টহাস, অট্টহাসি, অট্টহাস্য (noun) very loud or roaring laughter.
- Bengali Word অট্টালিকাEnglish definition(noun) a big building; an edifice; a palace; a mansion.
- Bengali Word অডিকোলনEnglish definition[French] (noun) eau de cologne. a French perfume.
- Bengali Word অডিটEnglish definition[English] (noun) audit or examination of accounts by authorized experts; official examination of accounts. অডিটর (noun) authorized examiner of accounts; auditor.
- Bengali Word অঢেল, আঢেলEnglish definition(adjective) plentiful; enough; immense; sufficient; inexhaustible: অঢেল সম্পদ.
- Bengali Word অণিমাEnglish definition(noun) 1 fineness; subtlety; the condition of being extremely slender. 2 faculty or power acquired by yogic practices which, it is believed, enables one to assume an atomic form and move about everywhere invisibly.
- Bengali Word অণুEnglish definition(noun) minutest particle of matter; atom; molecule. 2 (adjective) a little; a bit: অণু পরিমাণ. অণুমাত্র (adjective) just a little; infinitesimal; least: অণুমাত্র সংশয়. অণুবীক্ষণ (noun) an optical instrument for magnifying; microscope.
- Bengali Word অণুচ্ছেদ English definition= অনুচ্ছেদ
- Bengali Word অণ্ড English definition(noun) 1 an egg. 2 either of the two scrotal glands; testicles. অণ্ডকোষ (noun) the scrotum; the scrotal sack. অণ্ডজ (adjective) born of an egg. oviparous. অণ্ডাকার, অণ্ডাকৃতি (adjective) egg-shaped; oval. অণ্ডালু (adjective) having eggs. oviparous.