শ পৃষ্ঠা ১৯
- Bengali Word শিঞ্জিতে ২ English definition (adjective) tinkled; tinkling; jingling; rattling; sounding; sounded; resounded (with).
- Bengali Word শিঞ্জিনী English definition (noun) (1) anklet. (2) bow-string. (3) tinkling rings worn round the toes/ feet. (4) (mathematics) sine.
- Bengali Word শিঞ্জিল, শিঞ্জিতে ১ English definition (noun) tickling; sounding; tinkling of metallic ornament.
- Bengali Word শিটা, শিটে English definition (colloquial) noun(s) dregs; dross; sediment.
- Bengali Word শিটি English definition = সিটি
- Bengali Word শিঠা English definition = শিটা
- Bengali Word শিত English definition (adjective) (1) sharpened; sharp; pointed; whetted. (2) slender; slim; thin.
- Bengali Word শিতান English definition = শিথান
- Bengali Word শিতি English definition (adjective) (1) white. (2) black; dark-blue. (noun) (1) Shiva. (2) peacock. (3) gallinule.
- Bengali Word শিথলানো English definition (verb transitive) loosen; slacken; slip-(off).
- Bengali Word শিথান English definition (noun) (1) place/ position at the head of a person lying. (2) pillow (for the head).
- Bengali Word শিথিল English definition (adjective) (1) loose; flabby; baggy; flaccid: শিথিল অঙ্গ/ চর্ম. (2) weak; feeble; worn-out; languid; tired: শিথিল দেহ. (3) dishevelled; unfastened; untied: শিথিল কেশপাশ. (4) lose; not strict: শিথিল শাসন. (5) slow; tardy; slowed down; relaxed; slackened; leisurely: শিথিল গতি. (6) slovenly; blowzy; careless; neglectful; poky; slipshod; dowdy: শিথিল বেশবাস. শিথিলতা (noun) looseness; slackness; laxity; slowness; laziness; relaxation; inertia; carelessness; slovenliness; neglectfulness. শিথিলপ্রযত্ন (adjective) careless; negligent; perfunctory unmindful of; lacking in carefulness/ earnestness in one’s work; casual.
- Bengali Word শিন্নি English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শিরনি
- Bengali Word শিব English definition (noun) (1) Shiva, the third god of the Hindu Triad. (2) good; weal; welfare. (3) happiness. (4) liberation; final emancipation. (5) sacred writings. (adjective) good; auspicious; propitious; gracious; favourable; benign; kind; benevolent; friendly. শিবকর, শিবঙ্কর (adjective) causing happiness/ prosperity; auspicious; propitious. শিবকীর্তন (noun) act of praising/ celebrating Shiva. শিবচতুর্দশী (noun) the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month of Magh (kept as a festival in honour of Shiva). শিবজ্ঞান (noun) knowledge of what is fortunate/ auspicious moment. শিবত্ব (noun) (1) nature of Shiva; state/ condition (of a person absorbed in) Shiva; (2) immortality. শিবত্বপ্রাপ্তি (noun) death. শিবনেত্র (noun) upturned eyes of Shiva; eyes become upturned on the eve one’s death. (adjective) having upturned eyes (on the eve one’s death). শিবপুরী (noun) the city of Benaras. শিবপূজা (noun) worship/ adoration of Shiva. শিববাহন (noun) bull. শিবরাত্রি (noun) night of. শিবচতুর্দশী (a popular Hindu fast and festival in honour of Shiva). শিবরাত্রির সলতে (noun) (figurative) the only son; the sole surviving descendant. শিবলিঙ্গ (noun) Shiva’s genital organ or Shiva worshipper in the form of a phallus. শিবলোক (noun) Shiva’s heaven (on Kailas). সাযুজ্য = শিবত্ব. শিবালয় (noun) temple of Shiva. শিব গড়তে বাঁদর গড়া (figurative) do evil in one’s attempt to do something good.
- Bengali Word শিবা English definition (noun) (1) goddess Durga. (2) jackal; vixen.
- Bengali Word শিবানী English definition (noun) (feminine) wife of Shiva (= Durga).
- Bengali Word শিবি English definition (noun) (1) beast of prey. (2) birch tree.
- Bengali Word শিবিকা English definition (noun) palanquin; litter; palkee; sedan; sedan-chair. শিবিকারোহী (adjective) going in a palanquin/ sedan. শিবিকারোহিণী (feminine) = শিবিকারোহী.
- Bengali Word শিবির English definition (noun) (1) entrenchment for the protection of an army; camp; encampment. (2) royal camp/residence. tent in a royal camp; any tent. শিবির সন্নিবেশ (noun) encampment শিবির স্থাপন করা (noun) pitch a tent/ tents; encamp.
- Bengali Word শিবেতর English definition (adjective) malignant; inauspicious.