শ পৃষ্ঠা ১৬
- Bengali Word শাহানা ১ English definition (noun) name of an Indian musical mode.
- Bengali Word শাহানা ২ English definition [Persian] (adjective) royal; princely; regal. (noun) wedding dress.
- Bengali Word শাহি English definition [Persian] (adjective) royal; kingly; imperial; regal. শাহি তক্ত/তথ্য noun(s) royal seat; throne.
- Bengali Word শাহিদ English definition [Arabic] (noun) witness.
- Bengali Word শাহিন English definition [Persian] (noun) royal white falcon.
- Bengali Word শাড়ি, শাড়ী English definition (noun) sari.
- Bengali Word শায়ক English definition (noun) arrow; shaft; dart.
- Bengali Word শায়িত English definition (adjective) (1) knocked down; felled; struck down. (2) laid down. শায়িতা (feminine) = শায়িত.
- Bengali Word শায়ী English definition (adjective) (1) lying down; reclining; resting; abiding. (2) fallen: সমরশায়ী. শায়িনী (feminine) = শায়ী.
- Bengali Word শায়েস্তা English definition [Persian] (adjective) (1) subdued; chastened; broken; tamed; punished; rectified; corrected. (2) gentle; docile; polite; well-boed. (3) proper; suitable; worthy; honourable. শায়েস্তা করা (verb transitive) (1) punish; chasten; subdue; tame; break; master; correct; rectify. (2) teach.
- Bengali Word শিং English definition (noun) horn. শিং দেখানো/ নাড়া/ বাঁকানো (verb intransitive) (1) aim one’s horns threateningly. (2) (figurative) become audaciously aggressive; intimidate; look threatening; shake the fist at; look daggers. শিং ভেঙে বাছুরের দলে ভেড়া throw off all self-esteem to associate with youngsters.
- Bengali Word শিংশপা English definition = শিশু ২
- Bengali Word শিউলি ১ English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শেফালি
- Bengali Word শিউলি ২ English definition (noun) a man whose profession it is to incise the head of the date-palm to obtain its juice.
- Bengali Word শিওর English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শিয়র
- Bengali Word শিওরানো English definition (verb intransitive) (colloquial) = শিহরানো
- Bengali Word শিক English definition [Persian] (noun) skewer; spit; any long and thin piece of metal; window-bar. শিক কাবাব (noun) shikh kebab.
- Bengali Word শিকদার English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) (history) soldier using a long musket. (2) (history) magistrate; justice of the peace. (3) (history) an administrative title. (4) a particular family name.
- Bengali Word শিকনি English definition (noun) mucus of the nose. শিকনি ঝাড়া (verb intransitive) blow one’s nose. শিকনি ঝরা/পড়া (verb intransitive) (of the nose) run: তার শিকনি পড়ছে, His nose runs.
- Bengali Word শিকম English definition [Persian] (noun) belly; measurement round the belly; girth.