শ পৃষ্ঠা ১৮
- Bengali Word শিকড় English definition (noun) (botany) root. শিকড় গাড়া (verb intransitive) (literally, figurative) take/ strike root; (figurative) become established; be firmly established.
- Bengali Word শিকড়ে English definition (adjective) having roots.
- Bengali Word শিখ English definition (noun) Sikh.
- Bengali Word শিখণ্ড , শিখণ্ডক, শিখণ্ডিক English definition noun(s) (1) peacock’s tail. (2) crest; plume; tuft. (3) tuft/ lock of hair left on the crown or sides of the head at tonsure. (4) peacock.
- Bengali Word শিখণ্ডী English definition (adjective) wearing a tuft/ lock of hair; tufted; crested. (noun) (1) peacock. (2) peacock’s tail. (3) cock. (4) arrow. (5) Vishnu. (6) son of Drupada (in the Mahabharata). (7) (figurative) one from behind whose cover some misdeed is done. শিখণ্ডিনী (noun) (feminine) pea-hen.
- Bengali Word শিখন English definition = শিক্ষণ
- Bengali Word শিখর English definition (noun) (1) peak point. (2) top/ summit (of a tree). (3) edge/ point of a sword. (4) pinnacle; turret; end; spire; apex; vertex; crest. (5) a ruby-like gem. (6) bud of the Arabian jasmine. শিখরা (feminine). শিখর দশনা (adjective) (feminine) having teeth resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine. শিখরবাসিনী (adjective) (feminine) dwelling in a peak (of the Himalayas). (noun) goddess Durga.
- Bengali Word শিখরী English definition (adjective) pointed; peaked; crested; tufted. (noun) (1) (peaked) mountain. (2) hill-post; stronghold. (3) tree. (4) (mech) pyramid. শিখরিণী (feminine) (1) excellent/ eminent woman. (2) dish of curds and sugar with spices. (3) Arabian jasmine. (4) the plant Jasminum sambac.
- Bengali Word শিখা ১ English definition (noun) (1) top; sharp end; point; spike; peak; summit; pinnacle; projection; end. (2) (pointed) flame; beam; ray of light. (3) tuft/ lock of hair on the crown of the head; crest; top-knot; plume. (4) branch which takes root. (5) point/ tip of the foot. শিখাধর, শিখাধারক, শিখাধারী (adjective) having a sharp end/ point; having a topknot; (noun) peacock. শিখাবান (adjective) flaming; burning. জারকশিখা (noun) oxidizing flame. বিজারকশিখা (noun) reducing flames.
- Bengali Word শিখা ২ English definition (verb transitive) learn; study; practise; undergo training. (adjective) that which has been learnt/ studied/ practised; mastered; acquired. শিখানো (verb transitive) teach; educate; groom; instruct; train; tutor; coach; (adjective) that which has been taught; tutored; trained; schooled; advised; instructed. শিখানো সাক্ষী (noun) tutored/ primed witness.
- Bengali Word শিখি English definition (noun), (adjective) (in compounds) = শিখী. শিখিকণ্ঠ, শিখি গ্রীব noun(s) blue vitriol. শিখি ধবজ (adjective) fire-marked. (noun) (1) smoke. (2) Kartikeya. শিখি পুচ্ছ (noun) peacock’s tail. শিখি বাহন (noun) Kartikeya.
- Bengali Word শিখিনী English definition (noun) (feminine) (of শিখী) pea-hen.
- Bengali Word শিখী English definition (adjective) having a tuft/ lock of hair on the top of the head. (noun) (1) peacock. (2) fire. (3) cock. (4) mountain. (5) tree.
- Bengali Word শিগগির English definition (colloquial) = শীঘ্র
- Bengali Word শিঙ, শিঙ্গ English definition = শিং. শিঙাল, শিঙেল adjective(s) horned. শিঙানো (verb intransitive) (1) grow horns. (2) gore.
- Bengali Word শিঙা, শিঙ্গা English definition (noun) horn; bugle; trumpet. শিঙ্গা ফোঁকা (verb intransitive) (slang) die; kick the bucket.
- Bengali Word শিঙাড়া, শিঙ্গাড়া English definition noun(s) (1) kind of stuffed snack shaped like a water nut. (2) water nut.
- Bengali Word শিঙি, শিঙ্গি English definition noun(s) species of fresh-water fish (kind of sheat-fish); Saccobranches fossils.
- Bengali Word শিঙ্গান English definition (noun) mucus of the nose.
- Bengali Word শিঙ্গেল English definition (adjective) horned.