শ পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word শচি, শচী English definition (noun) (feminine) (1) name of the wife of Indra. (2) name of the mother of Chaitanya (চৈতন্য).
- Bengali Word শজনে English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শাজিনা
- Bengali Word শজারু English definition (noun) procupine.
- Bengali Word শজিনা English definition (noun) horse-raddish. শজিনা খাড়া (noun) the edible stem of this plant.
- Bengali Word শটকা English definition (noun) (1) long flexible tube of a hookah. (2) hookah; hubble-bubble. (3) slip of bamboo used in catching certain species of fish.
- Bengali Word শটকানো English definition = সটকানো
- Bengali Word শটকে English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শতকিয়া ( শত)
- Bengali Word শটল English definition (noun) putrefaction; rotting/ decomposition.
- Bengali Word শটি English definition noun(s) the plant Curcuma zedoaria; zedoary. শটি ফুড (noun) a barley-like powder produced from zedoary.
- Bengali Word শটিত English definition (adjective) putrefied; rotten; decomposed.
- Bengali Word শঠ English definition (adjective) false; deceitful; fraudulent; wicked; malignant. (noun) cheat; rogue; false husband/ lover. শঠতা, শঠতাচরণ noun(s) roguery; depravity; deceit; swindling; wickedness; wicked/ roguish conduct; knavery; false play; sharp practice; crookedness; slyness; chicanery. শঠতা করা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) deceive; play false; swindle; chicane.
- Bengali Word শণ English definition (noun) a kind of hemp/ flax. শণ তন্তু (noun) thread/ string made of the fibre of hemp. শণ পাট (noun) san hemp . শণে তৈরি (adjective) hempen ; flaxen. শণের নুড়ি (noun) sheaf of fibres of flax; (figurative) grey hair.
- Bengali Word শত English definition (noun), (adjective) hundred. (adjective) many; innumerable. শতক (noun) (1) hundred; (2) aggregate of one hundred similar things: গীতি শত; (3) century; amount of a hundred; (adjective) consisting of a hundred; comprising/ amounting to a hundred. শতকরা (adjective), (adverb) percent. শতকরা হার / শতকরা হিসাব (noun) percentage. শতকিয়া (noun) table of numbers upto one hundred. শতকোটি (noun), (adjective) (1) thousand million; billion; (2) countless; innumerable. শতখণ্ড (noun) hundred pieces. (adjective) broken into/ reduced to/ torn to (hundred) pieces; tattered. শতখণ্ড করা (verb transitive) break into a hundred pieces. শতগুণ (noun) hundred times. (adjective) hundred-fold; hundred times; hundred times of; (adverb) to / by hundred times; many/ countless times; in/ to a great degree/ extent; far. শতগুণে (adverb) = শতগুণ. শতগুণিত (adjective) increased a hundred fold; hundred times longer. শত গ্রন্থি (adverb) patched at hundred places; tattered; (noun) durva grass. শতঘ্নী (noun) (mythology) a particular deadly missile. শতচেষ্টা (noun) utmost effort. শতচ্ছিদ্র, শতচ্ছিন্ন adjective(s) having a hundred holes/ openings; torn at hundred places; tattered. শতজীবী (adjective) living a hundred years. শততম (adjective) /hundredth. শততমী (feminine). শত দল (noun) lotus-flower. শতদ্রু (noun) the river sutlej. শতধা (adjective) in/ to a hundred divisions; in a hundred ways; a hundred-fold; into a hundred parts/ pieces. শতধার (adjective) having a hundred streams/edges/ points; hundred-edged; (noun) thunderbolt. শতধারে (adverb) in hundred/ innumerable streams. শতপদী (noun) (1) centipede; (2) scorpion; (3) earwig. শতপুষ্প (adjective) having a hundred flowers; many-flowered. শতবর্ষ (noun) hundred years. শতবার্ষিক (adjective) centennial. শতবার্ষিক উৎসব (noun) centenary. শতভিষা (noun) name of a constellation. শতমারী (noun) (1) a man who has killed a hundred; (2) (iron) a bad physician who has killed a hundred patients; charlatan; quack. শতমুখ (noun) a hundred mouths/ openings; (adjective) (1) having a hundred apertures/ outlets; proceeding/ in hundred ways; having a hundred ways/ issues; (2) (figurative) voluble; glib; garrulous. শতমুখী (noun) besom. শতমুখে (adverb) volubly; glibly; highly: শতমুখে প্রশংসা করা. শতমূলী (noun) species of asparagus. শতরূপা (adjective) having a hundred/ many forms or shapes; (noun) (feminine) name of the daughter and wife of Brahma. শতশ, শতশঃ (adjective) by/ in hundreds; a hundred times; hundred times over; over and over again. শতসহস্র (noun), (adjective) hundred thousand; (adjective) many; innumerable; countless. শতাংশ (noun) a hundredth part; one hundred parts; one percent. শতশতাব্দ, শতাব্দী noun(s) hundred years; century. শতায়ু, শতায়ুঃ = শতজীবী. শতায়ু ব্যক্তি (noun) centenarian. প্রতি শত (adjective) percent.
- Bengali Word শতরঞ্চ শতরঞ্চ English definition [Arabic] noun(s) chess.
- Bengali Word শতরঞ্জি, শতরঞ্চি English definition [Arabic] noun(s) kind of checkered carpet.
- Bengali Word শতেক English definition (adjective) one hundred; nearly/ approximately a hundred; many hundred; many; innumerable; hundreds of. শতেক খাকি, শতেক খাগি noun(s) (feminine) (vulgar) (in swearing) cursed women who has seen the death of a hundred near ones. শতেক খোয়ারি (noun) (feminine) (vulgar) (in swearing) cursed woman who will have to suffer many misfortunes.
- Bengali Word শত্তুর English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শত্রু
- Bengali Word শত্রু English definition (noun) enemy; foe; adversary; opponent; rival. শত্রুঘ্ন (adjective) destroying enemies. (noun) name of the youngest brother of Rama. শত্রুজন (noun) enemy. শত্রুজয় (noun) conquering an enemy. শত্রুজয়ী, শত্রুঞ্জয়ী, শত্রুজিৎ adjective(s) victorious over enemies. শত্রুতা, শত্রুত্ব noun(s) enemity; hostility; antagonism; animosity. শত্রু তাচরণ (noun) hostile conduct; hostility; disaffection. শত্রু তাচরণ করা (verb intransitive) be hostile to; bear malice. শত্রুদমন (noun) subduing enemies. শত্রুনাশ (noun) destruction of enemies. শত্রুপক্ষ (noun) side/ part of an enemy; adversary; enemy party; opponent. শত্রুমর্দন (noun) crushing/ destroying enemies. শত্রুমিত্রভেদ (noun) discrimination between one’s enemies and friends. শত্রুসঙ্কুল (adjective) full of enemies. শত্রুর মুখে চাই (figurative) woe unto my enemies.
- Bengali Word শনশন English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing the sound of wind or something rushing through the air; whiz; scream; whistle.
- Bengali Word শনাক্ত, সনাক্ত English definition [Persian] (noun) recognition; identification. সনাক্ত করা (verb transitive) recognize; identify.