প পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word পঠিত English definition (adjective) read; studied; recited; perused. পঠনীয়ব্য = পঠনীয়.
- Bengali Word পঠ্যমান English definition (adjective) being read/studied/recited.
- Bengali Word পণ English definition (noun) (1) promise; resolve; vow: ধনুক-ভাঙা পণ. (2) wager; bet; stake:. পণ রেখে খেলা. (3) compact; stipulation; agreement; treaty. (4) compulsory dowry (especially one paid by a Hindu father to his son-in-law); marriage-money. (5) price. (6) commodity for sale. (7) a measure of counting (20 gandda = 80). (8) play; game; playing for a stake; bet; wager. (9) wages; hire; reward. পণ করা (verb intransitive) resolve; make a solemn vow. পণ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) pay the bridegroom (the bride) compulsory dowry/ marriage money. পণ ধরা/পণ রাখা (verb intransitive) bet; stake; lay a wager. পণ নেওয়া (verb intransitive) exact compulsory dowry/marriage money. কন্যা পণ (noun) compulsory dowry/ marriage money given to the bride. বর পণ (noun) compulsory dowry/ marriage money given to the bridegroom. ধনুক-ভাঙা পণ (noun) (figurative) solemn/ unflinching vow. পণ কর (noun) betting tax. পণকিয়া (noun) table of reckoning by panas ( পণ 7). পণন (noun) exchange; barter; selling; sale. পণপ্রথা (noun) system of exacting marriage-money; dowry system. পণবদ্ধ (adjective) bound by a promise; pledge-bound; under a vow.
- Bengali Word পণব English definition (noun) small drum; cymbal.
- Bengali Word পণায়িত, পণিত English definition (adjective(s) (1) transacted at business. (2) betted; staked.
- Bengali Word পণ্ড English definition (adjective) foiled; spoiled; abortive; futile; unavailing; fruitless; vain; marred; useless. পণ্ড করা (verb transitive) spoil; mar; foil; baffle; dash; thwart; defeat; blight. পণ্ডশ্রম (noun) fruitless toil; vain/ useless/ futile/ abortive efforts.
- Bengali Word পণ্ডিত English definition (adjective) (1) learned; scholarly; erudite. (2) conversant with; versed in. (3) wise; shrewd; clever. (4) expert; skilled in: রণপণ্ড. (noun) scholar; learned man; teacher; Sanskrit scholar; pundit. পণ্ড চূড়ামণি (noun) the most precious jewel amongst the learned; the most learned scholar. পণ্ডপ্রবর, পণ্ডবর (adjective(s) most learned. (noun(s) the most learned scholar; great scholar. পণ্ডমণ্ডলী (noun) assembly of learned men; learned community; community of scholars; learned men (collectively). পণ্ডমানী = পণ্ডম্মন্য. পণ্ডমূর্খ (adjective) learned but foolish. (noun) learned fool; wiseacre; know-all. পণ্ডশ্রেষ্ঠ = পণ্ডপ্রবর. পণ্ডম্মন্য, পণ্ডিতাভিমানী (adjective) fancying one's self learned/clever. পণ্ডম্মন্যা, পণ্ডিতাভিমানিনী (feminine) = পণ্ডিত. পণ্ডম্মন্যতা (noun) pretentious to learning. পণ্ডম্মন্য ব্যক্তি (noun) ignorant and conceited person; wiseacre; know-all.
- Bengali Word পণ্ডিতি English definition (adjective) (1) relating to/like a pundit/ (Sanskrit) scholar পণ্ডিতি বেশভূষা. (2) (of Bengali language style) sanskritized; full of bombast; high-falutin. (noun) (1) post/job of a pundit/ Sanskrit teacher. (2) (ironical) learning; wisdom: পণ্ডিতি ফলানো.
- Bengali Word পণ্য English definition (noun) (1) commodity; article of trade; ware; merchandise. (2) price; charge; cost; fee. (adjective) to be bought/sold; saleable; salable; marketable. পণ্যজীবী (adjective) living on/engaged in trade/business. (noun) trader; merchant; businessman; tradesman; dealer. পণ্যদ্রব্য (noun) commodity; wares; merchandise. পণ্যপত্তন (noun) port town. পণ্যবিপণী, পণ্যবীথি, পণ্যবীথী, পণ্যবীথিকা (noun(s) place of sale; market. পণ্যমূল্য (noun) price of a commodity. পণ্যশালা (noun) shop bazaar; department store; market. পণ্যস্ত্রী (noun) venal woman; courtesan; whore; prostitute. পণ্যাগার (noun) warehouse. পণ্যাঙ্গনা = পণ্যস্ত্রী. পণ্যাজীব = পণ্যজীবী. পণ্যার্হ (adjective) fit for sale.
- Bengali Word পণ্যোপচার English definition (noun) merchandise; commodities.
- Bengali Word পতগ English definition (noun) bird.
- Bengali Word পতঙ্গ English definition (noun) (1) any flying insect; butterfly; moth; bee; grasshopper. (2) bird. (3) arrow. (4) sun. পতঙ্গনাশক (adjective) insecticidal. পতঙ্গনাশক পদার্থ (noun) insecticide. পতঙ্গ পরাগণ (noun) (botany) entomophily. পতঙ্গ পরাগিত (adjective) (botany) insect-pollinated. পতঙ্গ পরাগী (adjective) (botany) entomophilous. পতঙ্গ বিজ্ঞান, পতঙ্গবিদ্যা (noun(s) entomology. পতঙ্গ বিজ্ঞানী, পতঙ্গবিদ (noun(s) entomologist. পতঙ্গবৃত্ত (adjective) having a moth-like instinct to kill oneself in the fire of one's depravity. পতঙ্গবৃত্তি (noun) moth-like instinct to kill oneself in the fire of one's depravity. পতঙ্গভুক (adjective) insectivorous. পতঙ্গভুক প্রাণী (noun) insectivore. পতঙ্গম = পতঙ্গ. পতঙ্গম (adjective) infested with insects.
- Bengali Word পতত্র English definition (noun) wing (of a bird).
- Bengali Word পতত্রি, পতত্রী English definition (noun) bird.
- Bengali Word পতন English definition (noun) (1) fall; decline; rain; downfall: সাম্রাজ্যের পতন. (2) coming down; alighting; descending; fall; falling. (3) slaughter; death ;overthrow; defeat: শক্রর পতন. (4) destruction: শরীরের পতন. (5) loss of caste; apostasy. (6) corruption; depravation: দেবতুল্য চরিত্রের পতন. (7) failing; omission: স্খলন-পতন-ক্রুটি. (8) hanging down; becoming flaccid (said of the breasts). (9) defect; flaw: ছন্দ পতন. পতন ঘটা (verb intransitive) (1) fall; have a fall; drop. (2) decline; have a downfall. (3) be overthrown/ defeated/ destroyed/ captured. (4) be flawed: ছন্দ পতন ঘটা. পতন ঘটানো (verb transitive) (1) cause to fall; fell; drop. (2) overthrow; defeat; capture. (3) deprave; corrupt. পতনশীল (adjective) falling; dropping; being shed; declining ;perishable.
- Bengali Word পতনোন্মুখ English definition (adjective) about to fall/ drop; tottering; crumbling.
- Bengali Word পতপত English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) flutter. পতন করে ওড়া (verb intransitive) flutter.
- Bengali Word পতর English definition (noun) metal hoop. পতন আঁটা (verb intransitive) fasten a metal hoop.
- Bengali Word পতাকা English definition (noun) (1) flag; pennon; banner; standard. (2) sign; emblem. পতন অর্ধনমিত/ অবনমিত করা (verb intransitive) fly a flag at half-mast. পতন উত্তোলন করা (verb intransitive) hoist a flag. পতন ঊর্ধ্বে তুলে ধরা (figurative) keep the flag flying. পতন নামিয়ে ফেলা (verb intransitive) take down/ lower/ strike a flag. পতনদণ্ড (noun) flag-staff; flag-pole. পতনধারী, পতনবাহী (adjective(s) carrying/ bearing a flag/ standard; adored with flags; ensign. (noun) standard-bearer; flag-carrier; flag-bearer.
- Bengali Word পতি English definition (noun) (1) husband. (2) master; lord; boss. (3) owner. (4) ruler; overlord; chief; king. পতিংবরা (adjective), (noun) (woman) who chooses her husband. পতিঘাতিনী (adjective) murdering her husband. (noun) murderess of her husband; cause of her husband's death. পতিঘ্ন (noun) murderer of one's master. পতিঘ্নী (feminine) = পতিঘ্ন. পতিত্ব (noun) state of being a husband/ master; ownership; rule; overlordship; mastery; office/ post of a chief. পতিত্বে বরণ করা (verb transitive) accept/ take as one‘s husband. পতিত্যাগ করা (verb transitive) desert/ divorce one's husband. পতিদেবতা (noun) one's husband regarded as a divinity; venerable husband. পতিধর্ম (noun) duty towards a husband. পতিপরায়ণা (adjective) extremely devoted to one's husband. পতি-পত্নী (noun) husband and wife. পতি-পুত্র husband and son(s). পতিপুত্রহীনা (adjective) deprived of one's husband and son. পতিপ্রাণা (adjective) extremer devoted to/ doting on her husband. পতিবত্নী (adjective) having a husband, married. পতি বিয়োগ (noun) death of one’s husband. পতিবিরহ (noun) separation from one’s husband. পতিবিরহিণী (adjective) separated from one’s husband. পতিব্রত (noun) loyalty/ fidelity to a husband. পতিব্রতা (adjective) = পতিপরায়ণা. পতিমতী (adjective) (1) = পতিবত্নী. (2) having a master/ ruler. পতিশোক (noun) grief for a husband. পতিশোকাতুর (adjective) overwhelmed with grief for a husband. পতিসেবা (noun) devotion to a husband. পতিহীনা (adjective) widowed. পতিহীনা নারী (noun) widow.