প পৃষ্ঠা ৪
- Bengali Word পটহ English definition (noun) (1) kettle-drum; war-drum; drum; tabor. (2) ear-drum. পটহ ধ্বনি, পটহ নিনাদ (noun(s)) sound of a drum.
- Bengali Word পটা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) get along; get on well; hit it off; be with the same wave-length; see eye to eye: বউয়ের সঙ্গে তার একেবারেই পটে না. (2) fall in love with somebody; fall for somebody; be taken with somebody: মেয়েটা শেষ পর্যন্ত ঐ বখাটে ছেলেটার সঙ্গে পটলো. (3) give in; come to terms; agree: অনেক তর্কাতর্কির পর সে পটেছে. পটানো (verb intransitive) (1) seduce; wood; entice somebody (away) (from something); entice somebody (into something/ doing something): মেয়েটাকে সে পটিয়ে বিয়ে করেছে. (2) persuade; win over; cajole somebody (into/out of something); cajole somebody (into/out of doing something); coax somebody (into/out of (doing) something); inveigle somebody into something/ doing something: বড়ো সাহেবকে পটিয়ে চাকরিটা সে নিজের ছেলেকে দিয়েছে.
- Bengali Word পটাপট English definition পট
- Bengali Word পটাশ English definition [English] (noun) potash.
- Bengali Word পটাস English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) loud crack/crackle/snap.[English] (noun) potash.
- Bengali Word পটি English definition (noun) (1) narrow piece of cloth; strip/band, of cloth; fillet; bandage: মাথায় পটি দেওয়া. (2) hem/edge of a garment. (3) tuck; pleat. (4) puttee (as part of an army uniform). (5) parish; quarters; township; locality: শাখারি পটি. (6) (section of a) market; row. সুতাপটি. পটি দেওয়া/পটি লাগানো (verb intransitive) (1) put in a tuck (in a dress); make pleats in. (2) apply a moistened strip of cloth; wind a bandage round; dress; (apply a) bandage. পটি পরা (verb intransitive) put on a puttee. পটি মারা (verb intransitive) cover with a patch.
- Bengali Word পটিকা English definition (noun) পটি
- Bengali Word পটীয়সী English definition (adjective) (feminine) ( of পটীয়ান)
- Bengali Word পটীয়ান English definition (adjective) very/more expert/adroit/skilful.
- Bengali Word পটু English definition (adjective) smart; clever; expert; sharp; skilful; adroit; efficient; proficient; able. পটুতা, পটুত্ব (noun(s) smartness; cleverness; expertness; skill; adroitness; dexterity; efficiency; proficiency; ability; experience; sharpness; acuteness.
- Bengali Word পটুয়া, পটো English definition (colloquial) (noun) painter.
- Bengali Word পটোল English definition (noun) kind of vegetable; Trichosanthes roxburgii. পটোল-চেরা (adjective) (of eyes) shaped like the longitudinal half of the aforesaid vegetable; very large and beautiful.
- Bengali Word পট্ট English definition (noun) (1) slab; tablet (for painting/writing upon); plate: তাম্রপট্ট. (2) flat/ level surface of anything. (3) seat; throne: রাজপট্ট. (4) frontlet; turban: পট্টদেবী. (5) bandage; ligature; strip; fillet(of cloth, leather, etc). (6) coloured/fine cloth; woven silk. (7) upper/outer garment. (8) town; city. (9) jute; silk. পট্টক (noun) counter. পট্টদেবী (noun) turbaned queen; principal wife of a king. পট্টন (noun) port; city; town. পট্টবস্ত্র, পট্টবাস (noun(s) silk-cloth; linen. পট্টমহিষী, পট্টরাজ্ঞী = দেবী.
- Bengali Word পট্টি ১ English definition = পর্টি
- Bengali Word পট্টি ২ English definition (noun) fib; deception. পট্টি দেওয়া/পট্টি মারা (verb intransitive) fib; deceive; cheat; put somebody upto some trick. পট্টি পড়ানো (verb transitive) advise; counsel; coax; seduce. পট্টিবাজ (noun) deceiver; fibber; cheat.
- Bengali Word পট্টিকা English definition (noun) (1) small slab/plate. (2) silk band. (3) strip/band of cloth.
- Bengali Word পট্টী English definition (noun) horse’s girth; strap and badge.
- Bengali Word পট্টু English definition (noun) kind of coarse woolen cloth.
- Bengali Word পঠন English definition (noun) reading; reciting; study(ing); perusal; recitation.
- Bengali Word পঠনীয় English definition (adjective) fit to be read/studied; worth reading; prescribed for reading/study; readable; legible.