প পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word পঞ্চালী ২ English definition (noun) a style of singing.
- Bengali Word পঞ্চায়েত, পঞ্চায়ত English definition (noun(s) court of arbitration consisting of five or more members; village council; jury. পঞ্চায়েতি, পঞ্চায়তি (noun(s) work/ arbitration of a panchayet/ village council; councillorship (of a panchayet). পঞ্চায়েতি, পঞ্চায়তি (adjective(s) relating to a village panchayet/ village council.
- Bengali Word পঞ্চেন্দ্রিয় English definition (noun) five sense-organs.
- Bengali Word পঞ্চোপচার English definition (noun) five oblations.
- Bengali Word পঞ্জর English definition (noun) (1) cage; aviary; dove-cot; net. (2) ribs; skeleton; thorax; flank. (3) body. পঞ্জরাস্থি (noun) rib-bone; rib.
- Bengali Word পঞ্জা English definition (noun) (1) five of playing-cards/ dice. (2) = পাঞ্জ.
- Bengali Word পঞ্জাবি English definition = পাঞ্জাবি
- Bengali Word পঞ্জি, পঞ্জিকা, পঞ্জী English definition (noun(s) almanac; calendar; register; journal; diary. পঞ্জিকর, পঞ্জিকাকার (noun(s) maker of almanac.
- Bengali Word পঞ্জেরি English definition = পাঞ্জেরি
- Bengali Word পট ১ English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing sudden sharp sound; snap; crack. পট করে (adverb) (1) with a snap/ cracking sound: পট করে খোলা, crack (open). (2) quickly; suddenly. পটপট, পটাপট (noun(s)) crackle; crackling: আতশবাজির পটপট. (adjective) (crackling/ snapping) in quick succession; quickly.
- Bengali Word পট ২ English definition (noun) (1) cloth; screen; veil; canvas; garment. (2) painting; canvas; painted piece of cloth; picture. (3) scene; curtain: দৃশ্যপট. পটকার (noun) painter; weaver. পটবাস (noun) tent. পটভূমিকা (noun) background; backdrop. পটমঞ্জরী (noun) name of an Indian musical mode. পটমণ্ডপ (noun) tent; canopied pavilion.
- Bengali Word পটকনো English definition = পটকানো
- Bengali Word পটকা English definition (adjective) sickly; frail; delicate; fragile; rickety; slightly-built. (noun) (1) cracker; squib; fire works. (2) bladder of a fish.
- Bengali Word পটকানি English definition (noun) throw(ing) to the ground; violent throw. পটকানি খাওয়া (verb intransitive) thrown down. পটকানি দেওয়া = পটকানো.
- Bengali Word পটকানো English definition (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (1) fling/dash to the ground; knock down; defeat; vanquish; overpower. (2) be overpowered. (3) be down/laid up in bed; go down with. (4) die; kick the bucket. পটকে দেওয়া (verb transitive) = পটকানো (1)
- Bengali Word পটপটানো English definition (verb intransitive) babble; chatter; prattle (away).
- Bengali Word পটপটি ১ English definition (noun) (1) mania for cleanliness/purity; fastidiousness; faddiness; fad. (2) exaggeration; tall talk; bragging: থামাও তো তোমার যত পটপটি!
- Bengali Word পটপটি ২, পটপটী English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) (1) tiny fire-work; small cracker. (2) kind of crackling toy; cracker. (3) crackling sound; crackle. (4) bladder (of a fish). (5) kind of small creeper. (6) a swish (of a whip .
- Bengali Word পটপটি ৩, পটপটী English definition (noun) an Ayurvedic medicine.
- Bengali Word পটল English definition (noun) (1) heap; mass; multitude: জলধর পটল. (2) veil; cover. (3) membrane (especially of the eyes). (4) section; chapter. (5) root; thatch. basket; box; chest. (6) = পটোল. পটল তোলা (verb intransitive) die; kick the bucket; croak. পটলপ্রান্ত (noun) edge of a roof.