দ পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word দর্শনেন্দ্রিয় English definition (noun) sense of sight; eye; visual organ.
- Bengali Word দর্শা English definition (verb transitive) show (result, etc); be seen/visible: সুফল দর্শে. দর্শানো (verb intransitive) show; cause; exhibit: কারণ দর্শানো.
- Bengali Word দর্শিত English definition (adjective) shown; displayed; exposed to view; exhibited.
- Bengali Word দর্শয়িতা English definition (adjective) showing; exhibiting. (noun) shower; guide; exhibitor; displayer. দর্শয়িত্রী (feminine) = দর্শয়িতা.
- Bengali Word দল ১ English definition (noun) (1) petal; leaf; small shoot; blade: ফুলদল, তৃণদল. (2) piece torn off or split off; fragment: মেঘদল. (3) party; group; company; body; band; team; gang. (4) flock; swarm; herd: ভেড়ার দল. (5) side; party: মোকদ্দমার দুই দল. (6) (derogatory) evil company: দলে ভিড়ে বখে যাওয়া. (7) faction; clique: দল পাকানো. (8) union: দল বাধা. দল ছাড়া (verb intransitive) (1) leave/quit/desert one’s party. (2) give up evil company. দল পাকানো/বাঁধা (verb intransitive) unite into a body; team up; band together; gang up; form a faction/clique. দল বেঁধে (adverb) in a body. দল ভাঙা (verb intransitive) (1) disrupt/disintegrate/breakup a party; disperse. (2) demobilize a troop. দল ভেঙে বের হয়ে আসা break away from a party; defect; cross the floor. দল কচু (noun) kind of edible arum. দল কমল (noun) lotus. দলচ্যুত (adjective) separated/expelled from one’s party/flock. দলচ্যুতি (noun) separation/ expulsion from one’s party/flock. দলছুট (adjective) separated from one’s party; breakaway. (noun) oddity; odd/queer fish; odd man/one out. দল ছাড়া (adjective) separated from the party/flock; solitary; queer; odd; singular; moving alone. দলত্যাগ (noun) act of leaving/deserting one’s party/flock. দল ত্যাগ করা (verb intransitive) leave/desert one’s party/flock. দলত্যাগী (adjective) leaving/deserting one’s party or flock. দলত্যাগী ব্যক্তি (noun) one who has left his party; defector; deserter of one’s party; renegade; apostate; turncoat. দলপতি (noun) leader; chief; headman; Chieftain; ringleader; gangster; bellwether. দল পরিবর্তন (noun) change of party/side; transfer from one club/team to another. দলবদ্ধ (adjective) (1) united; united into a body; combined banded together; flocked/herded together. (2) gregarious: দলবদ্ধ জীবন. দলবদ্ধভাবে (adjective) in a body; unitedly; in a block; en masse; gregariously. দলবদ্ধ হওয়া (verb intransitive) unite (in a group); band/league together; team up. দলবল (noun) one’s followers and forces. দলভুক্ত (adjective) included in/belonging to a party. দলভ্রষ্ট = দল ছাড়া. দলমণ্ডল (noun) (botany) corolla. দললগ্ন (adjective) (botany) epipetalous. দলহীন (adjective) (1) unattached to any party; non-party; independent. (2) (botany) apetalous. দলাদলি (noun) (1) partisanship; party-spirit; factionalism; grouping; formation of factions/ cliques. (2) dissension; dissidence. দলদলি করা (verb intransitive) (1) indulge in factionalism/ partisanship/ infighting. (2) form factions/ cliques. দলে দলে (adverb) (1) in (different) groups/flocks; in large numbers: দলে দলে যোগ দিন. (2) between/amongst parties or factions: দলে দলে মারামারি. দলে ভারী enjoying a majority; large/greater in number; having a numerical superiority. দলে ভেড়া (verb intransitive) join a party/group; associate oneself with a body of like-minded people; join forces. দলে হালকা (noun) small/ smaller in number; numerically inferior. খেলোয়াড়ের দল (noun) team (of players). দস্যুদল (noun) band/gang of robbers. নর্তকের দল (noun) group/ band of dancers; dance troupe. নাচের দল (noun) dancing party; dance troupe. নাবিক দল (noun) party/band of sailors; crew. পশুর দল (noun) herd of beasts. পাখির দল (noun) flock of bird. বদমাসের দল (noun) gang of ruffians. যাত্রার দল (noun) opera party. রাজনীতিক/ রাজনৈতিক দল (noun) political party. সৈন্যদল army of soldiers; troops.
- Bengali Word দলন English definition (noun) (1) kneading; pressing; crushing; grinding. (2) trampling under loot; splitting; destruction; chastisement; repression; subdual. (3) breaking (of a heart); tormenting. (noun) one who chastises/represses/subdues; subduer; destroyer; spoiler. দলনী (adjective) (feminine). দলন করা (verb transitive) knead; press; crush; grind; mash; chastise; repress; destroy; subdue; break; torment; trample under foot; tread over. দলন-মলন = দলাই-মলাই.
- Bengali Word দলনীয় English definition (adjective) to be crushed/trampled under foot/ subdued/ repressed/ destroyed.
- Bengali Word দলা ১ English definition (verb transitive) = দলন করা ( দলন). পায়ে দলা (verb transitive) trample under foot; tread over. দলানো cause to trample under foot; cause to crush.
- Bengali Word দলা ২ English definition (noun(s) handful; clamp; heap; clod: এক দলা মাটি.
- Bengali Word দলাই-মলাই English definition (noun) (1) currying (a horse). (2) massaging (a human being). (3) (figurative) strenuous and continuous effort. দলাই-মলাই করা (verb transitive) (1) curry. (2) massage. (3) make strenuous and continuous effort.
- Bengali Word দলাদলি English definition (noun) দল
- Bengali Word দলান English definition = দালান
- Bengali Word দলিজ English definition = দহলিজ
- Bengali Word দলিত English definition (adjective) (1) kneaded; pressed; ground; mashed. (2) crushed; trampled under foot; trodden; chastised; repressed; subdued; broken; tormented ; দলিত হৃদয়, tormented/broken heart.
- Bengali Word দলিল English definition (noun) [ Arabic] 1 deed; document; evidential document; piece of evidence. (2) proof. দলিল করা (verb intransitive) draw up/sign a deed/contract. দলিল দেখানো (verb intransitive) adduce proofs. দলিল পেশ করা (verb intransitive) bring forward. proof; submit documents. দলিল গ্রহীতা (noun) recipient of the deed/document; lessee; buyer. দলিল-দস্তাবেজ (noun) (collect) deeds and documents; papers. দলিলদাতা (noun) seller; lessor. দলিলি প্রমাণ (noun) documentary proof.
- Bengali Word দলীয় English definition (adjective) relating/belonging to a party/ group/ community; (attributive(ly)) party: দলীয় কোন্দল, party infighting;
- Bengali Word দলুয়া, দলো English definition (noun(s)) kind of reddish sugar made of dried molasses.
- Bengali Word দশ English definition (noun) (1) ten. (2) public; people; দশের কাজ. (3) several persons united into a body. (adjective) (1) ten. (2) many; several: দশ কথা শোনানো. দশই (noun) (adjective) (the) tenth (day of the month). দশক (noun) (1) number ten. (2) place of tens. (3) decade. (adjective) consisting of ten; having ten parts. দশ কণ্ঠ (noun) ten-necked; Havana. দশ কথা (noun) many words; lot of talking; much scolding; many rude words; tongue-lashing; lecture; admonition; taking-to. দশ কথা শোনানো give somebody a lecture; scold; give a tongue-lashing. দশকর্ম (noun) ten sacraments of the Hindus. দশ কর্মান্বিত (adjective) taking the ten Hindu sacraments. দশ কাহন (noun) ten kahans (কাহন); much talking; many rude words; exaggeration. (adjective) a great deal of; a lot of; a(steady) stream of: দশ কাহন কথা. দশকিয়া (noun) table of numeration by multiple of ten . দশকোশী, দশকুশী (noun) a measure of kirtan (কীর্তন). দশগুণ (adjective), (adverb) tenfold; ten times. দশগুণিত (adjective) multiplied by ten. দশচক্র (adjective) plot/intrigue by ten/many persons. দশচক্রে ভগবান ভূত ( চক্র). দশ জনের একজন (noun) one of the ten; somebody; notable. দশ তলক (noun) decahedron. দশদশা (noun) the ten forms of devotion/charity according to Vaishnavas. দশদিক, দশদিশ (noun(s)) the ten regions (including that overhead and underneath). দশধা (adjective) in ten parts; tenfold. দশ পঁচিশ (noun) an indoor game like dice played with cowries (কড়ি). দশ প্রহরণধারিণী (adjective) (feminine) holding ten weapons. (noun) goddess Durga. দশবল (noun) possessing ten powers; Buddha. দশবিধ (adjective) of ten kinds/varieties; tenfold. দশভুক্ত (দশ কোণী) ক্ষেত্র (noun) decagon. দশভুজা (adjective) (feminine) ten-handed. (noun) goddess Durga. দশম (adjective) tenth. দশ মহাবিদ্যা (noun) ‘one who possesses the ten great sciences’; Durga. দশমাংশ (noun) tenth (part). দশ মাবতার (noun) Kalki, the tenth and the last. incarnation of Vishnu. দশমিক (adjective) decimal. (noun) decimal fraction. দশমিক পদ্ধতি (noun) decimal system. দশমিক-মুদ্রা প্রথা decimal system of coinage. দশমিক-মুদ্রা প্রথা চালু করা/হওয়া go decimal. দশমী (noun) the tenth day of the lunar fortnight. দশমী দশা (noun) last stage of life. দশমূল (noun) a tonic medicine prepared from ten roots. দশশত (noun), (adjective) ten thousand. দশসনা, দশসমা (adjective(s)) ten years old. দশসহস্র (noun), (adjective) ten thousand; myriad. দশসালা (adjective) decennial. দশসালা বন্দোবস্ত (history) the decennial settlement (of land). দশস্কন্ধ = দশ কণ্ঠ. দশহরা (noun) (feminine) (1) Hindu goddess who take away the ten sins; Ganga. (2) the last day festival of Durga Puja. দশ হাত (noun) ten cubits; fifteen feet. (adjective) (1) measuring ten cubits. (2) (figurative) very much expanded/puffed up: বুক ফুলে দশ হাত, দশ হাতি (adjective) measuring ten cubits; (of a sari) having the standard length (of ten cubits). দশাংশ = দশমাংশ. দশাক্ষর (adjective) containing ten syllables; decasyllabic. দশানন (adjective), (noun) ten-headed (being); Ravana. দশাবতার (noun) ten incarnations of Vishnu. দশাশ্ব (adjective), (noun) having ten horses; the moon. দশাহ (noun) ceremony lasting) ten days.
- Bengali Word দশন English definition (noun) (1) tooth. (2) bite. দশনচ্ছদ (noun) lips. দশাপঙ্ক্তি (noun) set/row of teeth.
- Bengali Word দশা ১ English definition (noun) (1) fringe of a garment; loose ends of any piece of cloth; skirt; hem. (2) wick. (3) state/condition (of life). (4) period of life (youth, manhood, etc). (5) condition. circumstances; state: দুর্দশা. (6) fate of man as depending on the position of the planets: পোড়া দশা. (7) aspect/position of the planets: শনির দশা. (8) phase (of the moon). (9) disposition: মনের দশা. (10) phase; stage: জীবনের শেষ দশা. (11) one of the ten stages of human life (eg staying in the womb, birth, of infancy, etc). (12) one o the ten erotic states (eg desire, thought, memory, etc). (13) a Hindu obsequial rite observed on the tenth day of death. (14) (religious) ecstasy; trance; reverie: দশায় পড়া. (15) one of the ten forms of devotion according to Vaishnavas (eg audition, glorification, recollection, etc). দশাক্ষয় (noun) end of the influence of a planet. দশার শেষ, শেষ দশা (noun(s) last stage (of life); at death’s door. দশায় পড়া 1 fall into a state. (2) get oneself into a state. (3) go into/be thrown into ecstasy; go/fall into a trance; fall into a reverie. দশা বিপর্যয় (noun) reversal of fortune; set-back misfortune .