দ পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word দক্ষ English definition (adjective) adroit; expert; clever; fit; able; dexterous; intelligent; skilful; competent; skilled. (noun) (mythology) name of one of the Projapatis, born from Brahma’s right thumb— he is the father of Sati and lather-in-law of Shiva. দক্ষ কন্যা (noun) (feminine) daughter of Daksha; goddess Durga. দক্ষতা dexterity; ability; skill; adroitness; competence; expertness. দক্ষযজ্ঞ (noun) (1) Daksha’s sacrifice, in which Shiva was not invited and was publicly abused. The sacrifice was spoiled and Daksha was killed by Shiva. (2) (figurative) chaotic scene; pandemonium; topsy-turvydom; bedlam; maelstrom; madhouse.
- Bengali Word দক্ষিণ English definition (noun) (1) the south. (2) right hand (side). (3) the south. (adjective) (1) southern; south. (2) candid; sincere; straightforward; pleasing. (3) right: দক্ষিণহস্ত. (4) able; clever; dexterous. (5) favourable; graceful; pleased: দেবতার দক্ষিণ মুখ. দক্ষিণ-অয়নান্ত (noun) winter solstice. দক্ষিণকালিকা, দক্ষিণকালী (noun(s)) (feminine) form of Durga. worshipped by the Tantrikas. দক্ষিণকেন্দ্র মেরু. দক্ষিণ-পবন (noun) southerly breezes. দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম (noun) south-west. (adjective)south-western. দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব (noun) south-east. (adjective) south-eastern. দক্ষিণমেরু (noun) the south pole. দক্ষিণমেরু অঞ্চল (noun) the Antarctic. দক্ষিণহস্ত (noun) (1) right hand. (2) right-hand man. দক্ষিণহস্তের ব্যাপার (noun) (figurative) eating; affair/business of taking one’s meal. দক্ষিণে (adverb) on the right side/south; on the right side of/southward from.
- Bengali Word দক্ষিণরায় English definition (noun) (mythology) name of the presiding tiger-deity of the Sundarbans.
- Bengali Word দক্ষিণা ১ English definition (adjective) (1) gift donation. (2) fees/present to the officiating priest; donation to the priest. (3) reward. (4) (rhetorical) a mistress who loves to be cajoled by her lover. দক্ষিণান্ত (noun) a payment of the sacrificial fee. দক্ষিণান্ত করা (verb intransitive) conclude/terminate a religious function by paying the priest his fees.
- Bengali Word দক্ষিণা ২ English definition (adjective) southern; south; southerly: দক্ষিণা বাতাস. দক্ষিণাগ্র (adjective) having the points turned to the south. দক্ষিণা চল 1 (mythology) the Malaya range. (2) the Antarctic Mountain. দক্ষিণাচার (noun) a system of Tantrik rituals. দক্ষিণাচারী (adjective), (noun) (one) who follows the above rituals. দক্ষিণানিল (noun) southerly breezes. দক্ষিণাপথ (noun) the southern region; the Deccan. দক্ষিণাপ্রবণ (adjective) sloping south-wards. দক্ষিণাভিমুখ (adjective) having the face turned southwards; flowing southwards. দক্ষিণামুখ (adjective) standing with the face to the south/right. দক্ষিণায়ন (noun) the winter half year; southward way; winter solstice. দক্ষিণায়নবৃত্ত (noun) (astronomy) the Tropic of Cancer. দক্ষিণারণ্য = দণ্ডকারণ্য. দক্ষিণাবর্ত (adjective) turning (from the left) to the right; (moving/winding) clockwise; dextral. (noun) the Deccan. দক্ষিণাবহ = দক্ষিণানিল.
- Bengali Word দক্ষিণী English definition (adjective) southern.
- Bengali Word দক্ষিণে English definition (adjective) (colloquial) southern.
- Bengali Word দখল English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) possession; occupation; access; (right to) hold; control; entrance; admission; reach. (2) proficiency; knowledge; skill; mastery: তার ইংরেজিতে দখল আছে. দখল করা (verb transitive) (1) occupy: জমি দখল করা. (2) grab; get one’s hand on; corner; take possession of: বইটা সে দখল করেছে. (3) monopolize; take under control: রাস্তাটা ফেরিওয়ালাদের দখলে. দখল থাকা (verb transitive) (1) have possession: জমিতে দখল থাকা. (2) have knowledge/ proficiency/ mastery; be skilful/proficient in; অঙ্কে/ দাবায় দখল থাকা. (3) have hold/control; have possession: ছাত্রদের উপর তার কোনো দখল নেই. দখলে থাকা (verb transitive) be in possession/ control/ occupation. দখল দেওয়া (verb transitive) give possession. দখল নেওয়া (verb transitive) come into possession; take possession of (something). দখল পাওয়া (verb transitive) (1) obtain possession. (2) get admission; have access. দখলকার (adjective) one who is in possession/occupation; occupying. (noun) occupant; occupier; possessor. দখলকারী (noun) taking/ obtaining possession; occupancy. দখলচ্যুত (adjective) dispossessed. দখলদার = দখলকার. দখলদার বাহিনী (noun) army of occupation. দখলনামা (noun) writ of possession of lands; document giving the right of occupancy.
- Bengali Word দখলি English definition (adjective) relating to possession/occupancy; hold; occupied. দখলিকার, দখলিদার = দখলকার. দখলিস্বত্ব (noun) right by possession; possessorship; possessory right.
- Bengali Word দখিন English definition (noun), (adjective) (colloquial, poet) = দক্ষিণ
- Bengali Word দখিনা English definition (adjective) = দক্ষিণা
- Bengali Word দগদগ English definition (onomatopoeia) expressing burning sensation; sore; inflammation; festering. দগদগ করা (verb intransitive) burn; fester. দগদগানি (noun) burning sensation; festering; inflammation.
- Bengali Word দগদগে English definition (adjective) fervid; glowing; bunting; inflamed, festering: দগদগে ঘা.
- Bengali Word দগ্ধ English definition (adjective) (1) burnt; scorched; consumed by fire; roasted; parched. (2) red hot: দগ্ধলৌহ. (3) tormented; pained; consumed by grief/hunger; distressed: দগ্ধ হৃদয়. (3) inauspicious; miserable ill: দগ্ধ কপাল, দগ্ধ বিধাতা. (4) disgraced; humiliated: দগ্ধ বদন. দগ্ধা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (poet) (1) burn; parch; scorch; roast. (2) afflict; distress; torment; pain; badger. (noun) certain inauspicious days: দিনদগ্ধা, মাসদগ্ধা. দগ্ধানো (verb transitive) = দগ্ধা. দগ্ধ হৃদয় (adjective) having a distressed/ disconsolate/ grief-stricken heart; heart-broken. দগ্ধাবশেষ (noun) residue after burning. (adjective) remaining as residue after burning.
- Bengali Word দগড় English definition (noun) kind of war-drum/kettle-drum.
- Bengali Word দগড়া English definition (noun) (1) rope-like mark. (2) raised streak on the skin left by a blow with a lash, etc; wale. (3) track (left by a moving vehicle). দগড়া পড়া (verb intransitive) be marked with wale. দগড়া ফেলা (verb transitive) wale.
- Bengali Word দঙ্গল English definition (noun) (1) tumultuous assembly; crowd; swarm. (2) wrestling arena. (3) wrestling bout. (4) (hunting) party. দঙ্গল বাঁধা (verb intransitive) (form into a) crowd; swarm. দঙ্গল লড়া (verb intransitive) wrestle; have a wrestling bout.
- Bengali Word দজ্জাল English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) one-eyed man; liar; great deceiver. (2) imposter. (3) (of women) spiteful woman; shrew; virago; termagant; furious. (adjective) wicked; refractory; devilish; hell-born; fiendish; bad-tempered; ill-tempered; spiteful; shrewish.
- Bengali Word দণ্ড ১ English definition (noun) (1) stick; staff; rod; pole; cudgel; club; mace. (2) handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol, etc). (3) a pole as a measure of length (=4 cubits). (4) churning-stick. (5) wallet; pestle. (6) stalk/stern (of a tree). (7) staff of banner. (8) beam of a plough. (9) staff/sceptre (as a symbol of power of sovereignty). (10) control; restraint. (11) embodied power; army; column. (12) the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment; punishment; fine; reprimand; penalty; chastisement; sentence. (13) loss: কে জানত, ব্যবসায়ে এত দণ্ড দিতে হবে? (14) a ramrod. (15) maulstick. 1 (6) anything resembling a rod. দণ্ডক (noun) (1) handle (of a parasol). (2) staff of a banner. (3) beam of plough. দণ্ডকর্তা (noun) punisher; judge; governor. দণ্ডকর্ত্রী (feminine). দণ্ড গ্রহণ (noun) (1) acceptance of/submission to punishment. (2) becoming an ascetic. দণ্ড গ্রহণ করা v 1 accept punishment; submit to punishment; kiss the rod. (2) become an ascetic; renounce the world. দণ্ড চুম্বক (noun) bar magnet. দণ্ডদাতা (noun) inflicter of punishment; punisher; judge; avenger. দণ্ডদাত্রী (feminine). দণ্ডদান (noun) infliction of punishment; award of a sentence of punishment. দণ্ড দান করা, দণ্ড দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) punish; sentence to punishment; award a sentence of punishment; fine. দণ্ডধর (adjective) armed with/bearing a staff; staff-bearings; sceptred. (noun) (1) punisher; king; judge; ruler; governor. (2) name of Yama, the god of death and punisher of sinners. দণ্ডধার, দণ্ডধারী (adjective) = দণ্ডধর. দণ্ডন (noun) beating; chastising; punishing; (infliction of) punishment. দণ্ড নায়ক (noun) (1) judge; punisher-king. (2) commander of an army. দণ্ডনীতি (noun) administration of justice; judicature; penal system. দণ্ডনীয় (adjective) to be punished; punishable. দণ্ডনীয়া (feminine). দণ্ডপাণি (noun) policeman; judge; punisher. দণ্ডপাল, দণ্ড পালক (noun(s)) 1 gatekeeper; porter. (2) superintendent of judicature. দণ্ড প্রণাম (noun) prostration of the body at full length (like a stick). দণ্ড প্রণালী (noun) criminal procedure. দণ্ড প্রণেতা (noun) judge; punisher. দণ্ড প্রদান = দণ্ডদান. দণ্ডবৎ (adjective) (1) like a stick. (2) (with prostrating the body) in a straight line. (noun) lying prostrate in worship/respect. দণ্ডবৎ করা (verb intransitive) prostrate oneself in worship/respect (to/before). দণ্ডবৎ হওয়া (verb intransitive) lie prostrate in worship/rest. খুরে খুরে দণ্ডবৎ (ironical) bow down to your/his/her hoofs (calling the person a beast and get rid of him/her). দণ্ড বিধাতা = দণ্ডদাতা. দণ্ড বিধাত্রী (feminine). দণ্ড বিধান (noun) award/ determination of punishment; penal code. দণ্ডবিধি (noun) penal code; criminal/penal law or code or procedure. দণ্ডব্যূহ (noun) arraying army in columns. দণ্ডমুখ (noun) leader of a column; captain; general. দণ্ডমুণ্ড (noun) all sorts of punishment (ranging from the most lenient ones to capital punishment). দণ্ডমুণ্ডের কর্তা (noun) one who has the absolute power of punishing; king; judge. দণ্ডমূলক (adjective) penal. দণ্ডযোগ্য (adjective) punishable. দণ্ডস্বরূপ (adverb) by way of punishment; as a penalty. দণ্ডা (verb transitive) (1) beat; strike with a rod. (2) punish; inflict punishment. দণ্ডাঘাত (noun) blow with a stick; beating up with a rod. দণ্ডাদণ্ডি (noun) fighting with sticks/staffs; serious quarrel. দণ্ডাধিকরণ (noun) criminal court. দণ্ডাধীন (adjective) (1) subject to punishment; liable to be punished. (2) sentenced to punishment. (3) subject to government/rule. দণ্ডার্থ (adjective) penal. দণ্ডার্হ (adjective) deserving punishment; punishable. দণ্ডাহত (adjective) struck with stick.
- Bengali Word দণ্ড ২ English definition (noun) a measure of time (= 24 minutes). দণ্ড ঢক্কা (noun) a drum or gong on which the hours are struck. এক দণ্ডে (adverb) in a trice/moment/jiffy; in a short time. দণ্ডে দণ্ডে (adverb) every now and then; frequently; oftentimes; at every moment; repeatedly; incessantly.