দ পৃষ্ঠা ১২
- Bengali Word দাঁড়ি ২ English definition (noun) beam of a balance; (pair of) scales. দাঁড়ি পাল্লা, দাঁড়ি বাটখাড়া (noun) scales and weights.
- Bengali Word দাঁড়ি ৩ English definition (noun) Bengali punctuation corresponding to a full stop (l).
- Bengali Word দাঁড়ী English definition = দাঁড়ি ১
- Bengali Word দাই English definition (noun) (popular) = ধাই
- Bengali Word দাউ English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing sudden burst of fire. দাউ দাউ (noun) expressing furious burning. দাউ করে জ্বলে ওঠা (verb intransitive) flare up; burst into flames; blaze up. দাউ দাউ করে জ্বলা (verb intransitive) blaze; burn fiercely; be in flames; flame.
- Bengali Word দাও English definition (noun) (dialect) = দা ১
- Bengali Word দাওয়া ১ English definition (noun) verandah; terrace; gallery.
- Bengali Word দাওয়া ২ English definition (noun) [Arabic] claim; demand; pretension; law-suit; accusation; dues; right: দাবি দাওয়া. দাওয়াদার (noun) plaintiff; claimant; pretender.
- Bengali Word দাওয়া ৩ English definition (verb transitive) harvest; reap. দাওয়ানো (verb transitive) get harvested/ reaped.
- Bengali Word দাওয়া ৪, দাওয়াই English definition (noun) [Arabic] medicine; remedy; cure. দাওয়াই দেওয়া (verb intransitive) give/administer medicine; treat a patient; (figurative) take action for correction/to remedy a wrong. দাওয়াই খানা (noun) dispensary; apothecary’s hop; pharmacy; drug-store.
- Bengali Word দাওয়াত English definition [Arabic] 1 invitation; convocation. (2) feast; banquet; entertainment. দাওয়াত করা/ দেওয়া (verb transitive) invite; send out invitations; give a feast. দাওয়াত খাওয়া (verb intransitive) have an invitation; feast (on something). enjoy a least; be invited to a party.
- Bengali Word দাওয়াল, দাওয়ালে English definition (noun(s) harvester; reaper.
- Bengali Word দাক্ষায়ণী English definition (noun) (feminine) daughter of Daksha (দক্ষ); goddess Durga in her previous birth.
- Bengali Word দাক্ষিণাত্য English definition (adjective) southern; southerly; of the Deccan. (noun) the Deccan.
- Bengali Word দাক্ষিণ্য English definition (noun) (1) kindness; piety; liberality; generosity; benevolence; charity; favour; consideration. (2) cordiality; simplicity; gracefulness; amiability. (3) dexterity; skill; gallantry.
- Bengali Word দাখিল English definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) entering; penetrating; arriving. (2) filed; registered; produced; submitted; included; inserted: কাগজপত্র দাখিল. (3) paid; brought (in/before): খাজনা দাখিল. (4) admitted; allowed entrance. (5) as good as rendered/reduced almost to: মরার দাখিল, corpselike; at the point of death. দাখিল করা (verb transitive) (1) file; lodge: মামলা দাখিল/দলিল দাখিল করা. (2) present; produce; bring in/before: আসামিকে আদালতে দাখিল করা. (3) deposit; submit; send in: দরখাস্ত/ফি দাখিল করা. (4) present; submit: তথ্য দাখিল করা. (5) admit; enter; place/fix in; include; register; enroll: নাম দাখিল করা. (6) render/reduce almost to: মরার দাখিল করা. দাখিল হওয়া (verb intransitive) enter; arrive; penetrate; be inserted; be filed; be included; be deposited; be enrolled/registered. দাখিলকার (noun) occupant. দাখিলকারী (noun) hereditary occupancy. দাখিল খারিজ (noun) mutation; registration; proceedings of the transfer of property to the new proprietor. দাখিলে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) die; give up the ghost; croak.
- Bengali Word দাখিলা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) payment of money; receipt of payment. (2) admission; entrance.
- Bengali Word দাখিলি English definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) submitted; paid; filed; presented; relating to presentation/filing/ payment/ submission. contained; included; inclusive; internal; interior. দাখিলি মৌজা (noun) newly formed village; attached to/included in the older village.
- Bengali Word দাগ English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) mark; spot; scratch; speck; stain; smudge: কাপড়ের দাগ. (2) scar: পোড়া দাগ. (2) blemish; stigma; slur; blot; taint; aspersion: কলঙ্কের দাগ. (3) dark spot in printing; mackle. (4) grief; calamity; misfortune; loss; injury; damage; morbid/ unfavourable impression: মনের দাগ. (5) rust: লোহার দাগ ধরা. (6) brand; distinctive mark; earmark: পশুর গায়ে দাগ দেওয়া. (7) line; tick: দাগ কাটা/দেওয়া. (8) bounded plot of land bearing an official number: দাগ নম্বর. দাগ করা (verb transitive) mark; scratch. দাগ কাটা (verb intransitive) (1) tick off; draw a line. (2) mark (off); determine (a share/ the boundary, etc). (3) leave a good/bad impression on; impress upon: মনে দাগ কাটা. দাগ ছুটানো/দাগ তোলা (verb intransitive) (1) remove/ erase/a mark/ spot/ stain. (2) remove an unfavourable/a morbid impression. দাগ দেওয়া/লাগানো (verb transitive) (1) brand; mark by burning with a hot iron; scar; earmark. (2) draw a line; tick/off mark (off); determine. (3) cause grief/depression (to); produce an unfavourable impression. (4) slur; blacken; cast aspersion. blemish; mar; stain; taint; stigmatize; tarnish. দাগ মোছা = দাগ ছুটানো . দাগ ধরা/ দাগ পড়া/ দাগ লাগা (verb intransitive) (1) be stained/ soiled/ tainted/ blemished/ discoloured/ blotted; be covered in blotches. (2) be stigmatized/ tarnished/ besmeared/ tainted/ slurred; get a bad name. (3) be affected with an unfavourable/a morbid impression; be left with a bad impression. (4) accept/bear a mark: জলে দাগ পড়ে না. দাগনী (noun) branding-iron; brand. দাগ বিলি (noun) account/ description of a land holding and its tenants. দাগরাজি (noun) repair work (of a building etc).
- Bengali Word দাগা ১ English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) deceit; treachery; cheating; fraud; deception; artifice; delusion. (2) affliction; emotional shock/ distress; heartbreak: মনে দাগা পাওয়া. দাগা দেওয়া (verb transitive) deceive; cheat; act deceitfully/ treacherously. দাগাদার, দাগাবাজ (adjective(s) deceitful; fraudulent; treacherous. (noun(s) cheat; imposter; betrayer; traitor; swindler. দাগাদারি, দাগাবাজি (noun(s) cheating; imposture; trickery; treachery; deceitfulness; villainy; fraudulence; deception; fraud. দাগাবাজি করা (verb intransitive) practise deception/fraud/treachery.