দ পৃষ্ঠা ২৭
- Bengali Word দুরধিগম (য ফলা) English definition (adjective) (1) difficult to be obtained; not easily available. (2) not easily accessible; inaccessible; difficult to access. (3) unfathomable; incomprehensible; inscrutable; abstruse. দুরধিগম্যা (feminine) = দুরধিগম.
- Bengali Word দুরধ্যয় English definition (adjective) difficult/hard to read; hard-reading.
- Bengali Word দুরন্ত English definition (adjective) (1) unmanageably restless/naughty; turbulent; wild; unruly; mischievous; romping: দুরন্ত শিশু. (2) severe; harsh; rigorous: দুরন্ত শীত. (3) relentless; fierce; ferocious; implacable; unrelenting: দুরন্ত শত্রু. (4) awful; terrible; violent: দুরন্ত লোভ. (5) very strong; fierce; violent: দুরন্ত ঝড়. (6) hard to cure; relentless; persistent: দুরন্ত রোগ. (7) devilish/intolerably hot: দুরন্ত দিন. (8) billowy turbulent; stormy: দুরন্ত সমুদ্র. (9) difficult to go through/across; steep; difficult to be passed along: দুরন্ত পথ. (10) indomitable: দুরন্ত সাহস. দুরন্তপনা (noun) turbulence; naughtiness; romping and mischievous behaviour/conduct; pranks; restlessness.
- Bengali Word দুরপনেয় English definition (adjective) difficult to remove/efface; not easily delible. দুরপনেয় কলঙ্ক (noun) indelible stain/ blot/ blemish.
- Bengali Word দুরবগাহ English definition (adjective) difficult to bathe in; difficult to access: difficult to be fathomed/found out; inaccessible.
- Bengali Word দুরবস্থ English definition (adjective) (1) badly situated. (2) wretched; miserable; fallen into a bad state; poverty-stricken; indigent; in strained circumstances. দুরবস্থা (noun) bad situation; bad/low state; distress; poverty; indigence; wretchedness; misery.
- Bengali Word দুরবিন English definition [Persian] (noun) telescope.
- Bengali Word দুরভিগ্রহ English definition (adjective) difficult to be laid hold of; difficult to comprehend/know; difficult to accept/take/ apprehend; abstruse.
- Bengali Word দুরভিসন্ধি English definition (noun) evil design/motive; bad intention; sinister motive. দুরভিসন্ধিমূলক (adjective) ill-motivated; stemming from a sinister motive.
- Bengali Word দুরমুশ English definition (noun) (1) rammer; act of beating down with a rammer. (2) (ironical) sound drubbing/thrashing. দুরমুশ করা (verb transitive)1 beat down with a rammer. (2) drub soundly.
- Bengali Word দুরস্ত English definition [Persian] (adjective) (1) right; fit; proper; correct ; true. (2) corrected; amended; rectified: ভুল দুরস্ত হওয়া. (3) orderly; tidy; well-arranged; will-kept; spruce; clean; prim; কাপড়চোপড় দুরস্ত থাকা. (4) levelled: রাস্তা দুরস্ত থাকা. (5) chastened; chastised: চোর দুরস্ত হওয়া. (adverb) in keeping with: কেতা-দুরস্ত, লেফাফা-দুরস্ত. দুরস্ত করা (verb transitive) correct; amend; fit; arrange; adjust; put in order; repair; rectify; mend; restore; level; chasten; chastise.
- Bengali Word দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষ English definition (adjective) inordinately/audaciously ambitious; insatiable. দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষা (noun) inordinate/audacious ambition; aspiration; yearning; unrealizable longing; cry for the moon. দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষী = দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষ দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী (feminine) = দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষ.
- Bengali Word দুরাক্রম (য ফলা) English definition (adjective) difficult to be ascended/ approached; unassailable.
- Bengali Word দুরাগ্রহ English definition (noun) wicked/difficult venture; desire for/interest in evil/difficult things; wicked obstinacy. (adjective) indulging/engaged in wicked/difficult venture; desirous of/interested in evil/difficult things; evil-minded.
- Bengali Word দুরাচর English definition (adjective) difficult to be practised/performed; difficult to be treated/cured; incurable.
- Bengali Word দুরাচার English definition (noun) bad behaviour; ill conduct; wickedness; depravity; infamy; evildoing; vile/abominable/nasty practice. (adjective) wicked; infamous; depraved; sinful; nefarious; sinful; perverted; corrupt; monstrous. দুরাচারিণী (feminine) = দুরাচার.
- Bengali Word দুরাত্মা English definition (adjective) (1) evil-natured; wicked; bad; sinful; depraved. (2) roguish; villainous; oppressive; tyrannous.
- Bengali Word দুরাধর্ষ English definition (adjective) difficult to attack/approach; dangerous; invincible; irresistible; indomitable.
- Bengali Word দুরারাধ্য English definition (adjective) difficult to be propitiated/ won/ overcome; obstinate.
- Bengali Word দুরারোগ্য English definition (adjective) difficult to cure; incurable; irremediable.