দ পৃষ্ঠা ২৪
- Bengali Word দীপ্য English definition = দীপনীয়. দীপ্যমান (adjective) = দীপ্তিময়.
- Bengali Word দীপ্য ২ English definition (adjective) (1) long: দীপ্যযষ্টি. (2) much; long: দীপ্য সময়. (3) tall; high; lofty: দীপ্য দেহ. (4) lengthy: দীপ্য রচনা. (5) deep: দীপ্য শ্বাস. (6) large: দীপ্য নয়ন. (7) prolonged; long: দীপ্য জীবন. (8) (phonetics) long: দীপ্যস্বর. দীপ্য করা (verb transitive) lengthen; elongate. দীপ্যকণ্ঠ (adjective) long-necked. (noun) heron ; crane. দীপ্যকাণ্ড (adjective) having long joints tall. (noun) (1) kind of radish. (2) lengthy affair. দীপ্যকায় (adjective) tall. দীপ্যকায়া (feminine). দীপ্যকাল (noun) long time. দীপ্যকালব্যাপী (adjective) continuing for a long time. দীপ্যকেশ (adjective) ton-haired. (noun) bear. দীপ্যকেশা, দীপ্যকেশী (feminine). দীপ্যগতি (adjective) walking with long steps; striding. দীপ্যচ্ছেদ (noun) (geometry) longitudinal section. দীপ্যজঙ্ঘ (adjective) long—legged. (noun) camel. দীপ্যজিহ্ব (adjective) long-tongued. (noun) snake. দীপ্যজীবন (noun) long life. দীপ্যজীবিতা (noun) longevity. দীপ্যজীবী (adjective) long-lived. দীপ্যজীবিনী (feminine). দীপ্যতনু (adjective) having a long body; tall. দীপ্যতপা (adjective) having meditated for a long time. দীপ্যতম (adjective) longest; tallest. দীপ্যতমা (feminine). দীপ্যতর (adjective) longer; taller. দীপ্যতরা (feminine). দীপ্যতা, দীপ্যত্ব noun(s) length; lengthiness. দীপ্যত্রিপদী (noun) (prosody) a verse containing 26 syllables. দীপ্যদর্শন, দীপ্যদর্শী (adjective(s)) far-sighted; provident; far-seeing; sagacious; wise. দীপ্যদর্শিনী (feminine). দীপ্যদিন, দীপ্যদিবস noun(s) long day; long time. দীপ্যদৃষ্টি = দীপ্যদর্শন. দীপ্যনখ (adjective) having long nails. দীপ্যনাদ (adjective) long-sounding, loud. (noun) dog; conch-shell. দীপ্যনাস (adjective) long-nosed. দীপ্যনিদ্রা (noun) long sleep; death. দীপ্য নিঃশ্বাস, দীপ্য নিশ্বাস (noun(s)) long/deep-drawn sigh. দীপ্য নিঃশ্বাস নেওয়া (verb intransitive) take a deep breath. দীপ্য নিঃশ্বাস ফেলা (verb intransitive) (heave a) sigh. দীপ্যপক্ষ (noun) long wing. (adjective) long-winged; fork-tailed. দীপ্যপথ (noun) long way. দীপ্যপদ (adjective) long-legged. (noun) lengthy word. দীপ্যপাদ (adjective) long-legged. (noun) crane; heron; camel. দীপ্যবাহু (adjective) long-armed. দীপ্য বিলম্বিত (adjective) (1) long delayed. (2) hung low. দীপ্যভুজ = দীপ্যবাহু. দীপ্যমাত্রা (noun) (1) (prosody) long syllable. (2) bracket. (3) large amount/ dose. (4) great deal: দীপ্যমাত্রায় নিদ্রা যাওয়া. দীপ্যমুখ (adjective) long-faced; long-mouthed; long-beaked. দীপ্যযাত্রা (noun) long journey. দীপ্যরাত্র, দীপ্যরাত্রি (noun) long night. দীপ্যরোগী (adjective) long ill/sick. দীপ্যরোমা (adjective) long-haired; shaggy. (noun) bear. দীপ্যরোষ (adjective) bearing a grudge. দীপ্যলোচন (adjective) long-eyed. দীপ্যশাখ (adjective) having long branches. দীপ্যশ্বাস = দীপ্য নিঃশ্বাস. দীপ্যসূত্র, দীপ্যসূত্রী (adjective(s) “spinning a long yarn"; slow; procrastinating; dilatory; sluggish; slothful. দীপ্যসূত্রতা (noun) procrastination; dilatoriness; sluggishness; sloth. দীপ্যসূত্রতা করা (verb intransitive) procrastinate. দীপ্যস্বর 1 (phonetics) long vowel. (2) (music) long note. (adjective) having a long note. দীর্ঘাকার, দীর্ঘাকৃতি (adjective(s) tall; long-formed; oblong; large. দীর্ঘায়ত (adjective) large. দীর্ঘায়ু (ঃ) (adjective) long-lived.
- Bengali Word দীপ্র English definition (adjective) flaming; shining; radiant; glowing.
- Bengali Word দীর্ঘিকা English definition (noun) (oblong) pond/lake.
- Bengali Word দীর্ণ English definition (adjective) (1) torn; rent; sundered; split; cleft; broken. (2) scattered; dispersed.
- Bengali Word দীয়মান English definition (adjective) in the state of being given/ distributed.
- Bengali Word দু- English definition (adjective) (used as a prefix) two. দু-আনি = দুয়ানি. দু-এক = দুয়েক. দুকথা (noun) (1) few words. (2) harsh words; rebuke: দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া. (3) altercation; argument: তার সঙ্গে অনর্থক দুকথা হয়ে গেল. (4) conversation; exchange of words: দুকথা না হলে বুঝবে কিরূপে? দুকলম লেখা write a few lines. দুকান করা (verb intransitive) give out (a secret). দুকানকাটা (adjective) (figurative) utterly shameless; brazen-faced; bare-faced; unblushing. দুকাঠি বাজানো (figurative) set somebody against somebody. দুকুল (noun) (1) the paternal and maternal lines (of any person). (2) the father’s family and the father-in-law’s family (of a woman). (3) (figurative) both alternativesl options. দুকুল খাওয়া (verb intransitive) (figurative) lose all means of aid/ support; burn one’s boats/ bridges. দুকূল (noun) (1) both the banks (of a river). (2) this world and the next; both worlds. (3) (figurative) both altematives. দুখানা, দুখানি, দুখানা (colloquial) two pieces; two. (adjective) two pieces of; two; split/ torn/ broken into two. দুগুণ (adjective) twice; double. দুঘড়ি (noun) (1) two hours. (2) noon; midnight. দুচালা, দোচালা (adjective)having two (thatched) roofs. (noun) house with two (thatched) roofs. দুচোখ (noun) two eyes. দুচোখের দেখা (noun) brief meeting. দুচোখের বিষ (figurative) anathema; béte noire; eyesore. দুচোখের মিলন (noun) exchange of glances. দুচোখ যেদিকে যায় wherever (my) eyes lead (me) to. দুচোখো (adjective) biased; one-sided; squint-eyed; unfair; jaundiced; partisan. দুজন (noun) two (persons). (adjective) two. দুজনই (pronoun), (adjective) both. দুটা, দুটো (adjective(s)) two (objects/things). (noun) two o’clock. দুটি (adjective) = দুটা. দুটানা, দোটানা (noun) simultaneous pulls in two opposite directions; dilemma; fix; oscillation; hesitation. দুটানায়/দোটানায় পড়া (verb intransitive) be in a dilemma/ fix/ quandary; not to know which way to turn; have misgivings. দু-তরফা (adjective) pertaining to/ shared by/ contested by both the opposite sides; bipartite. দুতলা, দোতলা (adjective) two-storied; double-decks. (noun) first floor; upper deck. দুতারা, দোতারা (adjective) two-stringed. (noun) double-stringed musical instrument. দুধার (noun) both/tow sides. দুধারী (adjective) pertaining/ inclined to both the sides; two-sided; double-handled; double-edged: দুধারী তলোয়ার. দুনলা, দোনলা (adjective(s)), (noun(s)) double-barrelled (gun). দুনা, দুনো (adjective(s)) double; two-fold; twice as much. দু-নৌকায় পা দেওয়া (figurative) fall between two stools; serve God and Mammon simultaneously. পহর = দ্বিপ্রহর. দু-পাক (noun) act/instance of twisting/ enfolding / taking round twice. (2) two coils. (3) short stroll/ leisurely walk. দু-পাটি (noun) two rows of. দু-পেয়ে (adjective) two-legged; biped. দু-ফলা (adjective) (1) (of a knife) having two blades. (2) (of a tree) bearing fruit twice yearly. দুফাঁক (adjective) split asunder into two. দু-ফালি (noun) two slices. (adjective) sliced/ parted into two. দুবার (noun) two times. (adverb) twice. দুভাষী = দোভাষী ( দো). দু-মনা (adjective) hesitating; of two minds; wavering; vacillating; silly-shallying. দুমুখো (adjective) (1) double-faced; two-faced. (2) two-way: দুমুখো রাস্তা. দুমুখো আচরণ (noun) double-dealing; double-crossing; duplicity. দুমুখো লোক (noun) double-dealer; hypocrite. দু-মুঠা, দুমুঠো (adjective) two handfuls of . দু-মেটে (adjective) (of clay images, etc) doubly plastered. দুয়ানি (noun) two-annas bit/ piece. দুরঙা (adjective) bi-coloured. দু-সন্ধ্যা (adjective), (adverb) both m the day-time and evening; twice a day. দুসুতি (adjective), (noun) (coarse doth) woven in double thread. দুহাত এক করা (verb intransitive) (1) unite (a bride and bridegroom) in marriage. (2) cup one’s palms. দু-হাত এক হওয়া (verb intransitive) be united in marriage. দু-হাতি (adjective) measuring two cubits. দুহাতিয়া (adjective) (of a stroke) dealt with both hands. (adverb) with both hands.
- Bengali Word দুঁদে English definition (adjective) (1) terrible; difficult to cope/contend with; roguish; terribly wicked; turbulent; unruly; riotous; wild; wilful; rowdy; headstrong. (2) quarrelsome; litigious; wrangling; contentious; bellicose; pugnacious; factious; disruptive.
- Bengali Word দুঃ- English definition (prefix) implying, evil, vile, wicked, bad, difficult, hard, prohibited; inauspicious distressing, sorrowful. badly, slight; inferior, etc.
- Bengali Word দুঃখ English definition (noun) (1) sorrow; uneasiness; trouble. difficulty; grief; distress; unhappiness; misery; suffering; woe; tribulation: তার দুঃখের শেষ নেই. (2) pain; inflammation. (3) regret; remorse; repentance. (4) apology: আসতে না পেরে তিনি দুঃখ প্রকাশ করলেন. দুঃখ করা (verb intransitive) (1) regret; remorse (for something). (2) grieve (for somebody); grieve (over/ about somebody/ something); sorrow (at/for/over something); be/ feel sorry for. (3) repent; rue: তোমাকে এজন্যে দুঃখ করতে হবে, You will live to rue it. (4) suffer (pain); take trouble: ছেলেটাকে মানুষ করতে তার মা অনেক দুঃখ করছে. দুঃখ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) pain; grieve; distress; hurt; (give) trouble; anguish; gall; cause pain/ trouble/ distress. দুঃখ পাওয়া/ দুঃখ ভোগ করা (verb intransitive) suffer (pain); be stricken with sorrow/ grief/ misery; be in pain/ trouble; be afflicted/ distressed/ pained. দুঃখ সওয়া (verb intransitive) suffer pain/ torture; bear one’s sorrow/ sufferings; pass through trouble. দুঃখে পড়া (verb intransitive) run into trouble/ distress; fall upon evil days. দুঃখকর, দুঃখজনক, দুঃখদ (adjective(s)) causing pain; painful; afflicting; grievous; woeful; sad; agonizing; distressing. দুঃখদগ্ধ (adjective) pained; distressed. দুঃখদায়ক, দুঃখদায়ী = দুঃখকর. দুঃখদায়িনী (feminine) of দুঃখ. দুঃখদারিদ্র্য (noun) sorrows and poverty; miseries. দুঃখধান্দা (noun) painful manual labour; drudgery. দুঃখপ্রদ = দুঃখকর. দুঃখবহুল (adjective) full of trouble and pain. দুঃখবাদ (noun) pessimism. দুঃখবাদী (noun) pessimist. (adjective) pessimistic. দুঃখবেগ (noun) violent grief. দুঃখবোধ (noun) feeling of sorrow/grief. দুঃখবোধ করা (verb intransitive) feel sorry/ pity; be sorry. দুঃখভাগী (adjective) sharing the sorrow of another; having pain as one’s portion; unhappy দুঃখ ভাগিনী (feminine). দুঃখভোগ (noun) act of suffering pain/ undergoing distress. দুঃখময় (adjective) full of/ abounding in sorrow/ suffering. দুঃখমোচন (noun) deliverance from pain; allaying/ alleviation/ mitigation of sorrow/suffering; relieving pain/ distress. দুঃখলভ্য (adjective) attainable through sorrow/ suffering. দুঃখশোক (noun) pain and sorrow. দুঃখসহিষ্ণু (adjective) patiently enduring sorrow/ suffering. দুঃখ সাগর (noun) ocean of pain; great sorrow; sea of distress; endless sorrow/ suffering. দুঃখহর, দুঃখহারী (adjective(s)) removing pain; relieving pain/ sorrow/ suffering. দুঃখহরা, দুঃখহারিণী (feminine). দুঃখাকুল (adjective) filled with sorrow. দুঃখাতীত (adjective) freed/ escaped from pain; past all sorrow/ suffering; immune to sorrow/ suffering. দুঃখান্ত (noun) end of pain/ trouble. দুঃখান্বিত (adjective) accompanied with pain; filled with grief; distressed দুঃখান্বিতা (feminine). দুঃখার্ত (adjective) visited by pain; distressed; rueful; sufferer. দুঃখের কাহিনী (noun) pathetic/ woeful tale. দুঃখ বিষয় (noun) matter of regret; pity; painful affair. দুঃখের সাগর = দুঃখ সাগর .
- Bengali Word দুঃখিত English definition (adjective) pained; sorry; distressed; afflicted; unhappy; rueful; grieved; sad; sorrowful; suffering; regretful; stricken with sorrow দুঃখিতা (feminine). দুঃখিত চিত্ত, দুঃখিত হৃদয় (adjective) pained at heart; having a sorrowing/ regretful mind/ heart; grief laden; heavy-hearted; sore at heart; broken hearted.
- Bengali Word দুঃখী English definition (adjective) (1) = দুঃখিত. (2) poor; destitute; poverty-stricken; needy. (noun) poor person; destitute; pauper; wretch. দুঃখিনী (feminine). দুঃখের দুঃখী (noun) sympathizer.
- Bengali Word দুঃখোক্তি English definition (noun) regrets; lament; rueful/ woeful utterance/ remark.
- Bengali Word দুঃশাসন English definition (adjective) (1) difficult to be controlled; unruly; indomitable; intractable; refractory. (2) misgoverning; tyrannous. (noun) C]n misgovernment; tyranny.
- Bengali Word দুঃশীল English definition (adjective) badly disposed; ill-behaved; wicked; depraved; vicious. দুঃশীলা (feminine) = দুঃশীল. দুঃশীলতা (noun) misbehaviour; wickedness; depravity; bad nature; viciousness.
- Bengali Word দুঃশ্রব English definition (adjective) unpleasant to be heard. দুঃশ্রবত্ব (noun) cacophony.
- Bengali Word দুঃসংবাদ English definition (noun) bad/evil news.
- Bengali Word দুঃসম English definition (adjective) unequal; uneven; unfit; perverse.
- Bengali Word দুঃসময় English definition (noun) evil days; hard days.
- Bengali Word দুঃসহ English definition (adjective) unbearable; intolerable; insufferable; severe; insupportable.