দ পৃষ্ঠা ২৫
- Bengali Word দুঃসাধ্য English definition (adjective) difficult; arduous; uphill; difficult to be performed/ accomplished; difficult to be cured. দুঃসাধ্য কার্য (noun) arduous/ uphill task. দুঃসাধ্যতা (noun) state of being hard to accomplish; difficulty; formidability.
- Bengali Word দুঃসাহস English definition (noun) audacity; intrepidity; daring; overmuch boldness; foolhardiness; bravado; temerity. দুঃসাহসিক, দুঃসাহসী (adjective(s) audacious; intrepid; daring; daredevil; adventuresome; impetuous; foolhardy; excessively bold. দুঃসাহসিকতা = দুঃসাহস
- Bengali Word দুঃসাহস ২ English definition (adjective) (1) poor; miserable; indigent; needy; wretched. (2) distressed; desolate; afflicted; woebegone. দুঃসাহসতা (noun) poverty; indigence; wretchedness; misery; ill condition.
- Bengali Word দুঃস্থিত English definition = দুঃস্থ, দুঃস্থিতি = দুঃস্থিতি
- Bengali Word দুঃস্পর্শ English definition (adjective) difficult to be touched; unpleasant to the touch.
- Bengali Word দুঃস্বপ্ন English definition (noun) bad/distressing/ inauspicious/ terrifying dream; nightmare.
- Bengali Word দুঃস্মৃতি English definition (noun) unpleasant memory.
- Bengali Word দুই English definition (noun), (adjective) two. (adjective) (pronoun) both: ও দুই ই এক কথা. দুই-এক (adjective) one or two; a few.
- Bengali Word দুও English definition = দুয়ো
- Bengali Word দুকান English definition = দু-
- Bengali Word দুকুল ১ English definition = দু-
- Bengali Word দুকুল ২ English definition (noun) very fine cloth; silk-cloth; linen; white cloth. দুকুলধারী (adjective) wearing a garment of fine cloth/ Silk-Cloth. দুকুলধারিণী (feminine) = দুকুল ২. দুকুলবাস = দুকুল.
- Bengali Word দুখ, দুখী দুখিনী English definition (poet, dialect) = দুঃখ, দুঃখী and দুঃখিনী respectively.
- Bengali Word দুগুণ English definition দু-
- Bengali Word দুগ্ধ English definition (noun) milk; milky juice of plants; sap; latex. দুগ্ধ কৃপিকা (noun) a cake made of ground rice and filled with coagulated milk. দুগ্ধজ, দুগ্ধজাত (adjective(s)) produced from milk. দুগ্ধজাত দ্রব্য (noun) milk-product. দুগ্ধ দোহন (noun) milking. দুগ্ধধবল (adjective) milky white. দুগ্ধ পাত্র (noun) milk-pan; milk-pail. দুগ্ধপান (noun) drinking of milk. দুগ্ধপায়ী (adjective) suckling (baby). দুগ্ধ পোষ্য (adjective) suckling; living on one’s mother’s milk; breast-fed. (noun) suckling. দুগ্ধপোষ্য শিশু (noun) suckling; a child at the breast. দুগ্ধফেন (noun) froth of milk. দুগ্ধফেননিভ (adjective) milky white; as white and soft as the froth of milk. দুগ্ধবতী (adjective) giving milk; milky. দুগ্ধবতী গাভী (noun) milch-cow. দুগ্ধবৎ (adjective) milk-like; milky. দুগ্ধ বিক্রেতা (noun) milkman; milk-seller. দুগ্ধভাণ্ড = দুগ্ধপাত্র. দুগ্ধমুখ (adjective) having milk in the mouth; very young. দুগ্ধ শর্করা (noun) lactose. দুগ্ধাল = দুগ্ধবতী.
- Bengali Word দুঘড়ি, দুচালা, দু-চুচকো, দুটানা English definition দু
- Bengali Word দুত্তোর English definition (interjection) go to blaze! brat it! confound it! bother!
- Bengali Word দুদ্দাড় English definition = দুড়দাড়
- Bengali Word দুধ English definition = দুধ. দুধ কেটে যাওয়া (of milk) turn sour; curdle. দুধ খাওয়া (verb intransitive) drink milk; suck (one’s mother’s breast). দুধ খাওয়ানো (verb transitive) suckle; give suck (to). দুধ ছাড়ানো (verb transitive) wean (a baby). দুধ ছানা হয়ে যাওয়া/দুধ ছিঁড়ে যাওয়া = দুধ কেটে যাওয়া. দুধ তোলা (verb intransitive) (of babies) vomit/spew milk. দুধ দেওয়া ui give/yield milk. দুধ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) milk. দুধ কলা দিয়ে সাপ পোষা (figurative) nourish a viper in one’s breast; fatten one’s mortal enemy. দুধ কুসুম্ভা (noun) kind of milkshake mixed with a paste of hemp-leaves. দুধ-ক্ষীর (noun) milk condensed by boiling (taken as a sweet-meat). দুধ রুটি (noun) milksop. দুধস্রোত (noun) stream of milk. দুধনামা, দুধভর করা vv (of breasts) swell (during pregnancy). দূধে-আলতা (adjective) (of complexion) rosy; deep pink. দুধে-জলে মেশা get mixed/blended completely; (figurative) be compromised thoroughly. দুধে (র) দাঁত (noun) milk-tooth. দুধে-ভাতে থাকা (verb intransitive)live in affluence; never have had it so good; have one’s bread buttered on both sides. দুধের ছেলে (noun) infant boy; suckling. দুধের মেয়ে (noun) infant girl; suckling. দুধের মাছি (noun) (1) kind of house-fly that feeds on milk. (2) (figurative) fair-weather friend. দুধের সর(noun) cream. দুধের স্বাদ ঘোলে মেটানো to have to be satisfied with an inferior alternative.
- Bengali Word দুধাল, দুগ্ধাল English definition = দুগ্ধাল ( দুগ্ধ)