- Bengali Word হুকুমEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) (1) order; command. (2) decree; rule; statute; law; ordinance; sanction; decision. (3) article (of faith); precept. (4) authority; jurisdiction. (5) permission. হুকুম করা (verb intransitive) order; command; decree; award; sentence; enjoin. হুকুম চালানো (verb intransitive) exercise authority; rule; govern. হুকুম জারি করা (verb intransitive) issue an order/ injunction. হুকুম তামিল/ পালন করা (verb intransitive) execute/ carry out an order; comply with an order. হুকুম দেওয়া (verb intransitive) give/ pass an order; order; command; give permission; permit; issue an injunction. হুকুম অমান্য/ খেলাপ করা (verb intransitive) infringe / violate an order; disobey. হুকুমদার (interjection) (in the army & police) a call of challenge by the sentry; who comes there. হুকুম নামা (noun) written orders/ decree; warrant; permit; writ of command. হুকুম বরদারি (noun) carrying out orders; obedience to orders. হুকুম রদ করা (verb intransitive) cancel/ revoke/ repeal/ withdraw an order/ permission/ decree/ consent etc. যো হুকুম as you command (indicating cringing audience).
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
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- Bengali Word হুকুমত, হকুমৎEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) government; sovereignty; dominion; jurisdiction; sway; authority; power; rule
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- Bengali Word আমহুকুমEnglish definition [Arabic আম + হুকুম্ ] (noun) general order
- Bengali Word আলাইকুমEnglish definition = আলায়কুম
- Bengali Word আলায়কুম, আলাইকুমEnglish definition [Arabic ওয়ালায়কুমুস্ সালাম] (noun) reply to Muslim salutation আস্সালামু আলায়কুম, meaning “peace be on you too"
- Bengali Word আলীহুকুমEnglish definition = আলি ১
- Bengali Word কুঙ্কুমEnglish definition (noun) (1) a pollen-tube or stamen of the sweet scented saffron flower of Kashmir.(2) flower.
- Bengali Word কুমকুমEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a kind of cracker filled with red powder and scented water
- Bengali Word জো হুকুমEnglish definition [Urdu + Arabic] (noun) an obedient servant.(adjective) one who obeys one’s master unquestioningly.
- Bengali Word যো-হুকুমEnglish definition (phrase) as you command; at your command.যো-হুকুমের দল (noun) (plural) flock of flatterers; obsequious followers.
- Bengali Word হলকুমEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) wind-pipe; throat
- আলিহুকুম (noun) general/unrestricted order; carté-blanché.
- জোর হুকুম(noun) strict order.
- পালটা হুকুম (noun) countermand.
- বেহুকুম (adjective) (adverb) against/ without orders; contrary to orders/instructions.
- যো হুকুম as you command; I am at your beck and call.
- যো-হুকুমের দল (noun) (plural) flock of flatterers; obsequious followers.
- রদের হুকুম (noun) stay order.