- Bengali Word হীনEnglish definition(adjective) (1) bereft/ deprived of; devoid/ divested/ destitute of; lacking; free from; less. (2) poor; little; low; vile; bad; base; lowly; mean. (3) inferior to; weaker than, brought low; lower; broken down in circumstances; degraded; humiliated; lowered; humble; poor; indigent; undignified; indigent: হীন অবস্থা. (4) miserable; decreased; diminished; dim; dull. হীনা (feminine) =হীন. হীন করা (verb transitive) debase; humiliate; degrade; lower; make poor/ indigent. হীন কর্ম (noun) low practices; vile deeds/ practice. হীন কর্মা (adjective) (1) engaged in low practices; doing vile/ hateful deed; employed in a lowly/ base work. (2) neglecting/ omitting customary rites/ religious acts. হীন কুল (noun) low family. (adjective) of a low family; base-born; plebeian. হীন গুণ (adjective) of inferior virtue/ merit. হীন চরিত, হীন চরিত্র noun(s) base/ mean conduct. adjective(s) depraved; mean-natured; vile. হীনচেতা (adjective) mean-minded. হীনজ, হীনজন্মাadjective(s) low-born. হীন জাতি (adjective) of low caste; outcasts; degraded; vile. হীনতা, হীনত্ব noun(s) (1) defectiveness; deprivation; destitution; privation; poverty; misery. (2) lack; shortage; want/ absence of: চরিত্রহীনতা. (3) meanness; vileness; low state; hatefulness; humility; humiliation; indignity. হীনতাব্যঞ্জক (adjective) indicating meanness; ignoble; disgraceful; undignified; lowly. হীন প্রকৃতি (adjective) mean-natured; vile; ignoble; small-minded; sordid. হীনপ্রভ (adjective) dim; lustreless; lack-lustre; bleary. হীন প্রাণ (adjective) (1) mean-minded. (2) dying; sluggish; torpid. হীনপ্রাণা (feminine) = হীন প্রাণ. হীনবর্ণ (adjective) of low caste; outcasts. হীন বল (adjective) deficient in strength; weak; feeble; weakened; enfeebled. হীনবীর্য (adjective) = হীনবল. হীন বাদী (adjective) (1) contradicting. (2) speechless; dumb. হীনবুদ্ধি (adjective) (1) of weak understanding; dull-witted. (2) having evil/ vile thoughts; wicked; vicious. হীন বৃত্তি (adjective) of base conduct; employed in a vile/ lowly occupation. (noun) vile/ lowly occupation. হীন বেশ (noun) shabby dress. (adjective) shabbily dressed. হীন ভাব (noun) indigence; misery; penury; lowliness. হীন মতি, হীন মনা (adjective(s)) mean-minded; suffering from inferiority complex. হীনমন্যতা, হীনমানস noun(s) inferiority complex. হীন যান (noun) ‘simpler/ lesser vehicle’; name of the earliest system of Buddhist doctrine. হীন রূপ (adjective) deficient in form/ beauty. হীনশক্তি = হীন বল. হীনাঙ্গ (adjective) defective in limb; crippled; mutilated; lame. হীনাবস্থ (adjective) poor; indigent; in a miserable state; in reduced/ straitened circumstances. হীনাবস্থা (noun) poverty; indigence; reduced/ straitened circumstances; evil days; miserable/ wretched state; low life.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word গহিন, গহীনEnglish definition (adjective) deep; dense: গহিন অরণ্য.(2) far advanced: গহিন রাত. গহিন রাতে (adverb) at dead of night.
- Bengali Word জহিন, জহীনEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) endowed with good parts; meritorious; intelligent; gifted
- Bengali Word তেজোহীনEnglish definition (adjective) void of fire; spiritless; lacking in vigour and energy
- Bengali Word প্রহীনEnglish definition (adjective) left; cast off; standing alone; worn out
- Bengali Word বিহীনEnglish definition (adjective) destitute/deprived of; free from; wanting; missing; absent; separated from.বিহীনা (feminine) = বিহীন. বিহীনতা (noun) absence/want of.
- অঙ্গবিহীন (adjective) 1 wanting in one or more limbs; crippled; deformed.
- হীন অনুকরণ (noun) aping; apery.
- অন্নহীন (adjective) starving; famished; hungry.
- অপত্যহীন (adjective) childless; without issue.
- আপোসহীন মনোবৃত্তি (noun) mentality of not compromising with opposite party; uncompromising attitude.
- আবেগশূন্য, আবেগহীন (adjective) passionless; dispassionate.
- আশাহীন (adjective) hopeless.
- উদ্দেশ্যহীনভাবে (adverb) aimlessly.
- উপায়হীন (adjective) without means; helpless.
- কর্ণহীন (adjective) wanting the sense of hearing; deaf.
- কাণ্ডজ্ঞানহীন (adjective) devoid of/ lacking common sense.
- কুলহীন (adjective) born of an obscure family.
- কূল কিনারাহীন (adjective) 1 without limit; unlimited; unbounded; endless.
- কৃপাহীন (adjective) unkind; merciless.
- ক্ষমতাহীন (adjective) powerless; lacking power or influence.
- ক্ষোভহীন, ক্ষোভশূন্য (adjective) unaggrieved; free from agitation; calm; composed.
- গতিহীন (adjective) 1 motionless; immobile; still.
- গন্ধহীন (adjective) scentless; unscented.
- চরিত্রহীন (adjective) morally corrupted; dissolute; debauchee; characterless.
- চলৎশক্তিহীন (adjective) having no power of motion; unable to move; paralyzed.
- চাঞ্চল্যহীন (adjective) unperturbed; calm and quiet; steady.
- চেতনাহীন, চেতনাশূন্য (adjective) 1 unconscious; not perceiving; unaware.
- চেষ্টাহীন (adjective) effortless; unenterprising; inactive.
- জননশক্তিহীন (adjective) destitute of the power of begetting children; impotent.
- তারিখবিহীন (adjective) undated.