- Bengali Word সুতEnglish definition (noun) son; child; offspring
- Bengali Word সুতনুEnglish definition (adjective) very thin/slender; having a beautiful body; graceful; handsome; shapely.
(noun) beautiful/well-shaped body.
- Bengali Word সুতরীEnglish definition (noun) (feminine) woman possessing a beautifully slim body; belle; beauty
- Bengali Word সুতপা, সুতপাঃEnglish definition adjective(s) practising severe austerity.
(noun) (1) ascetic; hermit.
(2) sun.
- Bengali Word সুতপ্তEnglish definition (adjective) very hot; much heated; very severe
- Bengali Word সুতরাংEnglish definition (conjunction), (adverb) so; therefore; hence; consequently
- Bengali Word সুতলিEnglish definition (noun) very thin thread/string; fibre of yarn
- Bengali Word সুতহিবুকEnglish definition (noun) junction of the fourth and fifth astrological houses (said to be suitable for marriages)
- Bengali Word সুতা ১English definition (noun) (feminine) সুত
- Bengali Word সুতার ১English definition (adjective) (having a) delicious (taste); tasty.
(noun) delicious taste.
- Bengali Word সুতার ২English definition = সূত্রধর
- Bengali Word সুতি, সুতীEnglish definition adjective(s) made of cotton thread/yarn
- Bengali Word সুতিক্তEnglish definition (adjective) very bitter
- Bengali Word সুতীক্ষ্ণEnglish definition (adjective) (1) very sharp/pungent.
(2) acutely painful; severe; cutting.
(3) very keen.
(4) harsh; strident; shrill.
- Bengali Word সুতীব্রEnglish definition (adjective) piercing; very sharp; deafening; biting; very keen
- Bengali Word সুতুঙ্গEnglish definition (adjective) very lofty/tall
- Bengali Word সুতুলিEnglish definition = সুতলি
- Bengali Word সুতোEnglish definition (noun) (colloquial) thread; yarn; cotton thread
- Bengali Word অভিজ্ঞা ২English definition (noun) intuition; memory.
অভিজ্ঞান (noun) token of recognition; keepsake.
অভিজ্ঞান-পত্র (noun) letter of introduction; identity card.
- Bengali Word আওতা ২English definition 1 influence.
(2) guardianship; custody; control.
- Bengali Word আগা ২English definition [Turkish](noun) lord; honourable person
- Bengali Word আমলা ২English definition আমলকী (noun) ministerial staff
- Bengali Word আমা ২English definition (Archaic) (pronoun) (1) I; me.
(2) I myself; myself.
(3) me; to me.
- Bengali Word আর্যা ২English definition (noun) (1) kind of metre used in Sanskrit verse.
(2) any of the rhymed arithmetical formulae.
- Bengali Word আলা ২English definition (adjective) bright; resplendent; illuminated.
(noun) light`
- Bengali Word উমরা ২English definition [Arabic] (noun) performance of rites at the Holy Kaaba between Hajj seasons; lesser Hajj
- Bengali Word এণ্ডা ২English definition (noun) the castor-oil plant
- Bengali Word এষা ২English definition (adjective) (feminine) (1) worthy of desire; desirable.
(2) searchable; explorable.
(3) fit to be remembered.
- Bengali Word কড়া ২English definition (noun) metal ring; ring attached to anything as a handle: দরজার কড়া
- Bengali Word কমলা ২English definition (noun) an appellation of Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
কমলাপতি (noun) appellation of Vishnu.
কমলাসন (noun) appellation of Hindu god Brahma.