(2) successful investigation of a crime.
আস্কারা করা (verb transitive) unravel a crime; detect a criminal.
আস্কারা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) treat with over-indulgence; give undue indulgence.
Bengali Word ইঁদারা, ইন্দারাEnglish definition(noun) masonry-well; draw-well
Bengali Word ইজারাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) letting of land for a certain time for a stipulated money payment; a lease or a tenure hold by lease. ইজারাদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) a tenant under a lease; a lessee; a leaseholder.
ইজারাদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) a tenant under a lease; a lessee; a leaseholder.
ইজারা দেওয়া (verb transitive) let on lease; lease out; farm out.
ইজারাপাট্টা (noun) lease-deed.
ইজারামহল (noun) property held by a lessee.
Bengali Word ইশারাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) beckoning; a wink; a sign; a hint.
ইশারা করা (verb transitive) beckon; hint; make a sign/wink.
Bengali Word উদারাEnglish definition(noun) (music) the first of the three musical notes (উদারা, মুদারা, তারা)
Bengali Word একতারাEnglish definition(noun) one-stringed musical instrument (chiefly used by folk singers)
Bengali Word একহারাEnglish definition(adjective) slim; slender: একহারা গড়ন
Bengali Word এস্তেখারাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) mode of getting at a correct judgement through a dream/meditation
Bengali Word কর্মধারাEnglish definition(noun) method/ procedure of work
Bengali Word কানেস্তারাEnglish definition [English] (noun) small box with a lid used for holding tea, coffee, etc; a canister
Bengali Word কাফফারাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) an expiatory measure to absolve one of a sin according to the Islamic Shariah: a money penalty paid as a means of absolution from a sin.
কাফফারা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) pay a penalty for committing a sin.
Bengali Word গুদারাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a boat for carrying passengers and goods across a river; a ferry-boat.
(2) place where boats ply across a river for conveying passengers and goods.
Bengali Word গোঁয়ারাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (plural) (Singular গোর) (1) replica of the coffins of Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Hussain taken out in procession on the occasion of Muharram.
(2) the Muharram festival.
Bengali Word গোসোয়ারাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) the summary/ salient points of an account.
(2) the gist of anything.
Bengali Word চেহারাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) what something or somebody appears to be; one’s outward appearance or look; form; shape.
চেহারা দেখানো (verb intransitive) present oneself; show one’s appearance; appear in person.