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  • Bengali Word সংক্রমণEnglish definition(noun) (1) going/ meeting together; union with ; entrance into. (2) transference to; transferring. (3) entrance; appearance; commencement. (4) (medical) infection; contagion. (5) transmission (of a practice/ virtue/ vice ). (6) the sun’s passage from one sign of the zodiac to another. সংক্রমণ করা (verb intransitive) (1) come together; meet; encounter. (2) come near; approach; appear. (3) enter (a constellation). (4) go/ pass over or through; transit. (5) (medical) infect. (6) be transmitted (into). সংক্রমণ কাল (noun) (astronomy) time of transmit. সংক্রমণ যন্ত্র (noun) transit instrument.

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  • Bengali Word সংক্রমEnglish definition (noun) (1) going/ entering together.
    (2) course; progress. (3) transition; passage/ transference to; transit. (4) passage of the sun/ a planet through the zodiacal sign. (5) bridge.
  • Bengali Word সংক্রমণিকাEnglish definition (noun) gallery
  • Bengali Word সংক্রমিতEnglish definition (adjective) (1) conducted; led to.
    (2) transferred; changed. (3) infected; transmitted; communicated. (4) transited (from one zodiacal sign to another). সংক্রমিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) enter. (2) (of diseases) infect; be transmitted. (3) (of patients) be infected. (4) be influenced by; acquire (as a practice). (5) (astronomy) pass/ make a transit from one zodiacal sign to another.
  • Bengali Word সংক্রান্তEnglish definition (adjective) (1) (used as a suffix) of; relating/ pertaining to; regarding; as regards; concerning.
    (2) gone/ come together; passed/ transferred from.
  • Bengali Word সংক্রান্তিEnglish definition (noun) (1) (astronomy) passage of the sun/ a planet from one sign/ position in the heavens to another.
    (2) last day of a Bengali month: চৈত্র সংক্রান্তি.
  • Bengali Word সংক্রামEnglish definition = সংক্রম.
    সংক্রামক (adjective) (1) infections; contagious. (2) wide; broad; extensive. সংক্রামক বিষ (noun) virus. সংক্রাম রোগ (noun) infectious disease.
  • Bengali Word সংক্রামণEnglish definition = সংক্রমণ ( সংক্রম)
  • Bengali Word সংক্রামিতEnglish definition = সংক্রমিত
  • Bengali Word সংক্ষিপ্ত English definition (adjective) abbreviated; condensed; summarized; abridged; shortened; reduced; curtailed; short; brief; concise.
    সংক্ষিপ্ত করা = সংক্ষেপ করা. সংক্ষিপ্ততা (noun) conciseness; shortness; brevity; concision. সংক্ষিপ্ত-নির্ধার (noun) summary assessment. সংক্ষিপ্ত-বিচার (noun) summary trial. সংক্ষিপ্ত সার (noun) summary; abstract; précis; synopsis.
  • Bengali Word সংক্ষুব্ধEnglish definition (adjective) violently agitated/ shaken/ disturbed; extremer aggrieved/ troubled/ concerned/ perturbed/ mortified
  • Bengali Word সংক্ষেপEnglish definition (noun) (1) summarization; condensation; abridgement; compression; shortening; abbreviation; reduction; curtailment.
    (2) summary; précis; synopsis; abstract; compendium; epitome; brief exposition; essence; quintessence. (3) conciseness. সংক্ষেপ করা (verb transitive) summarize; compress; condense; abridge; shorten; curtail; abbreviate; reduce. সংক্ষেপণ (noun) = সংক্ষেপ ((1) ). সংক্ষেপত, সংক্ষেপতঃ, সংক্ষেপে (adverb) in short/brief; briefly; in few words; in fine; in substance; in a word.
  • Bengali Word সংক্ষেপিতEnglish definition = সংক্ষিপ্ত
  • Bengali Word সংক্ষোভEnglish definition (noun) violent shock/ jolt; agitation; commotion; disturbance; great perturbation/ concern/ aggrievement
  • Bengali Word অতিক্রম, অতিক্রমণEnglish definition (noun) crossing; passing over; going beyond; supersession; taking the place of another; surpassing; violation.
    অতিক্রম করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) to exceed; to violate; to excel; to outdo; to surpass. অতিক্রমনীয়, অতিক্রম্য (adjective) what can be or is to be passed over; violable; surpassable. অতিক্রান্ত (adjective) (1) passed; past. (2) overstepped; Surpassed; violated; slighted; transgressed.
  • Bengali Word অনাক্রমণEnglish definition (noun) absence of aggression; non-aggression: অনাক্রমণ চুক্তি
  • Bengali Word আক্রমণEnglish definition (noun) (military) an offence against an enemy; attack; invasion.
    আক্রমণ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) attack; fall upon; invade. আক্রমণকারী (noun) aggressor; invader.
  • Bengali Word নিষ্ক্রমণEnglish definition (noun) going out; coming forth; exit; emergence; departing (from); departure; going away; leaving.
    নিষ্ক্রমণ করা (verb intransitive) go out; come forth; depart; (take) leave; make an exit; quit; emerge; go away; set out. নিষ্ক্রমণপত্র (noun) passport.
  • Bengali Word প্রতি-আক্রমণEnglish definition (noun) counter-attack
  • Bengali Word ভ্রমণEnglish definition (noun) (1) travel; travelling; journey; wandering/ roaming about; peregrination; roving through; ambulation.
    (2) walk; walking: প্রাতঃ ভ্রমণ. (3) revolution; rotation; tuming round; whirl. ভ্রমণ করা (verb intransitive) travel; journey; wander/ roam about; rove; itinerate; walk; rotate; revolve; move round; circulate. ভ্রমণকারী (noun) traveller; walker. ভ্রমণকারিণী (feminine) = ভ্রমণকারী. ভ্রমণবৃত্তান্ত (noun) account of a journey; travels; travelogue. ভ্রমণশীল (adjective) travelling; itinerant; always on the move.
  • Bengali Word শ্রমণEnglish definition (noun) Buddhist monk/ mendicant; ascetic