Bengali Word আলান ১English definition(noun) (1) pillar or post to which an elephant is tethered; a tying post.
(2) peg or stake for tethering domestic animals.
Bengali Word একান্ন ১English definition(noun), (adjective) fifty-one
Bengali Word কুজন ১English definition(noun) a wicked or mean person
Bengali Word কুশাসন ১English definition [কুশ + আসন] (noun) a seat made of kush grass
Bengali Word খান ১English definition(noun) a place: এখানে, সেখানে, সবখানে
Bengali Word গর্জন ১English definition(noun) (1) loud continued sound; cry of a beast; roar; roaring: মেঘের গর্জন, সিংহের গর্জন.
(2) shouting aloud in anger or in reproach; a bawl; a loud scream.
গর্জন করা (verb transitive) roar; bawl; scream; squall.
গর্জিত (adjective) sounded/ resounded loudly.
Bengali Word গুলবদন ১English definition(adjective) one whose face is like a flower.
গুলবদনী (feminine) = গুলবদন (১) .
Bengali Word ঘাতন ১English definition(noun) (1) slaying of beasts for market; slaughter.
(2) sacrificial slaughter; immolation.
Bengali Word চান ১English definition (dialect) (noun) bath; bathing by immersion
Bengali Word চাপান ১English definition(noun) a problematic charge thrown at the opposite party for answering in song-tournaments like কবিগান or তরজা.
(noun) something that has been thrown or placed.
Bengali Word চাহন ১English definition (old use) (noun) (1) act of asking or praying for something.
(2) wish; desire; longing.
চাহা (verb transitive) (poet) ask/pray for; desire; wish: মরিতে চাহি না আমি সুন্দর ভুবনে.
Bengali Word জান ১English definition(noun) (1) one who can foretell future events; an astrologer; a soothsayer; a diviner.
(2) person possessing occult power to predict future.
Bengali Word জিন ১English definition [Arabic] (noun) a supernatural being or spirit; a demon
Bengali Word টন ১English definition(noun), (interjection) denoting the sound made metallic substance when hit by something hard
Bengali Word দান ১English definition(noun) (1) giving (up away) act of giving.
(2) grant; bestowal; award.
(3) distribution: অন্নদান.
(4) imparting; communicating; teaching: বিদ্যাদান.
(5) giving in marriage: কন্যাদান.
(6) offering; sacrifice; dedication.
(7) throw(ing); score; cast: পাশাখেলার দান.
(8) levy; tax; duty: ঘাটের দান.
(9) gift; donation: মূল্যবান দান.
(10) contribution: সাহিত্যে তাঁর দান স্মরণীয়.
(11) turn (for doing something): এবার কার দান?
(12) paying back; restoring. দান করা (verb transitive) (1) give (away/up).
(2) bestow; grant; award; confer.
(3) impart; communicate; yield; present; offer (to).
(4) give (a daughter) in marriage.
(5) hand over; give back.
(6) cede; give up.
(7) pay.
(8) sacrifice; dedicate: জীবন দান করা.
(9) donate; contribute.
(10) give/distribute (in charity).
(11) utter; give: উত্তর দান করা.
দানকর্ম, দানকার্য (noun) (practice of) charity; liberality; largess(e).
দান কাতর, দান কুণ্ঠ (adjective(s)) uncharitable; parsimonious; stingy; niggardly; closefisted; miserly; tightfisted; illiberal. দানধর্ম, দানধ্যান (noun(s)) duty of liberality.
দানপতি (noun) munificent man.
দানপত্র (noun) deed of gift.
দানবীর = (noun) munificent man.
দানযোগ্য (adjective) worthy of a gift.
দানশালা (noun) hall for almsgiving.
দানশীল (adjective) bountiful; generous; liberally disposed; munificent; charitable;
দানশীলতা (noun) bounty; generosity; munificence; magnanimity.
দানশৌণ্ড (adjective) very liberal.
দানসজ্জা (noun) (in a wedding) display of gifts given to the bride and the bridegroom.
দানসত্র (noun) charitable institution; almshouse.
দান সাগর (noun) sixteen sets of gifts given In a sraddha (শ্রাদ্ধ) ceremony.
দান সামগ্রী (noun) article of gift; gifts.
যেমন দান তেমনি দক্ষিণা (1) the amount of fee will commensurate with the amount of gift.
(2) (figurative) A niggardly master will have a niggardly servant.
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