Bengali Word লহু ২English definition(adjective) (old use) = লঘু
Bengali Word অগুরু ১English definition(noun) the Dulbergia sisoo or its timber; a kind of fragrant wood
Bengali Word আলু ১English definition(noun) famous vegetable plant with rounded tubers.
গোল আলু (noun) potato.
মিষ্টি আলু sweet potato.
Bengali Word আশু ১English definition(noun) variety of paddy harvested in the rainy season
Bengali Word উলু ১English definition(noun) sound raised by Hindu women by the moving of tongue on festive occasions
Bengali Word চাটু ১English definition(noun) a fry pan
Bengali Word জনু ১English definition(adverb) (archaic) as if; perhaps
Bengali Word জাদু ১English definition(noun) word used (a) to address a child in endearment: জাদু আমার, my darling;
জাদুমণি (noun) dear; darling.
Bengali Word দারু ১English definition(noun) (piece of) wood; timber.
দারুচিনি (noun) cinnamon.
দারুজ (adjective) made of wood; wooden.
দারুপাত্র (noun) wooden vessel.
দারুভূত (adjective) transformned/ changed into a wooden entity; (figurative) numb; inert.
দারুময় = দারুজ .
Bengali Word পরশু ১English definition(noun) hatchet; axe; battle-axe
Bengali Word পিলু ১English definition(noun) an Indian musical mode
Bengali Word বহু ১English definition(adjective) many; numerous; great or considerable in quantity; much; abundant; profuse; diverse; manifold; long; several; poly-; multi-.
বহুকষ্টে (adjective) with great difficulty.
বহুকাল (noun) a long time.
(adverb) for a long time.
বহুকাল ধরে, বহুকালাবধি for a long time; for long.
বহুকাল পরে alter a long time.
বহুকাল পূর্বে long ago.
বহুকালব্যাপী (adjective) long-lasting; long-continued; very old.
বহুকালাশ্রিত (adjective) sheltered/ supported for a long time
বহুকালাশ্রিতা (feminine) = বহুকালাশ্রিত.
বহুকালীন, বহুকেলে (adjective) long-standing; old; ancient; antique.
বহুকেশর (adjective) (botany) polyandrous.
বহুকোষ্ঠ (adjective) (botany) multicellular.
বহুক্ষণ (noun), (adverb) (for) a long while/ time.
বহুক্ষম (adjective) enduring much; long suffering.
বহুগর্ভপত্রী (adjective) (botany) polycarpellary, বহুগুচ্ছ (botany) polyadelphous.
বহুগুণ (adjective) multiplied many time; many times over; many more; much more; many fold; multifarious.
বহুগ্রন্থি (adjective) having many knots.
বহুজ্ঞ (adjective), (noun) possessed of great knowledge; having varied or vast experience; polymath.
বহুজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি (noun) polymath; man of varied/ vast experience.
বহুত (adjective) much; many.
বহুতঃ (adverb) in many ways; front many sides.
বহুতন্ত্রী, বহুতন্ত্রীক (adjective) many-fibred; having many strings.
বহুতম (adjective) superl very many; most; most numerous; remotest; farthest.
বহুতর (adjective) comp many more; too many; more abundant/ numerous; greater or very great; more; very; too much; various; diverse; manifold; profuse.
বহুতলক (noun) (geometry) polyhedron.
বহুতা (noun) muchness; numerousness; abundance; multitude; plurality; profusion; excessiveness; diversity.
বহুত্র (adverb) in many ways or places; at many diverse places; amongst many.
বহুদ (adjective) liberal; munificent.
বহুদর্শন, বহুদর্শী adjective(s) seeing much; having varied/ vast experience; prudence; circumspect.
বহুদর্শিতা (noun) varied/ vast/ wide experience; circumspection; prudence.
বহুদর্শিনী (feminine) = বহুদর্শী.
বহুদুগ্ধা (adjective) having/giving much milk.
বহুদূর (adjective) very far; far-away; far-off; distant.
(adverb) very far; far off; far away; at a great distance.
বহুদূরবর্তী (adjective) far-off; remote; faraway.
বহুদূরবর্তিতা (noun) remoteness; farness.
বহুদূরবর্তিনী (adjective) (feminine) = বহুদূরবর্তী.
বহুদূরস্থ (adjective) = বহুদূরবর্তী.
বহুদূরস্থা (feminine) = বহুদূরস্থ.
দৃষ্ট = বহুদর্শী.
বহুদেশদর্শী (adjective) one who has seen many countries; great traveller
বহুদেশদর্শিনী (feminine) = বহুদেশদর্শী .
বহুদেশদর্শিতা (noun) experience of visiting many countries.
বহুদোষ (noun) great harm/ disadvantage.
(adjective) very wicked/bad.
বহুধন (adjective) possessing much wealth; wealthy.
বহুধা (adverb) in many and diverse modes/ methods/ ways/ directions/ parts; diversely; many times.
বহুধারা (adjective) many-edged.
বহুপতিত্ব (noun), polyandry.
বহু-পত্নীক (adjective) having many wives; polygamous.
বহুপদ (adjective) (algebra) polynomial.
বহুপদ (noun) polypod; multiped.
বহুপুত্র (adjective) (masculine) having many sons.
বহুপুত্রী (adjective) (feminine) having many children.
বহুপার্শ্বিক (adjective) (botany) multiparous; multilateral.
বহুপ্রদ (adjective) having a numerous progeny.
বহুপ্রদ (adjective) liberal; munificent; bountiful.
বহুপ্রবাহ (adjective) flowing in many streams.
বহুপ্রবাহী (adjective) having many streams
বহুপ্রসবিনী (adjective) (feminine) bearing many children; prolific; fertile.
বহুপ্রসূ (adjective) (feminine) = বহুপ্রসবিনী.
বহুপ্রান্তীয় (adjective) parietal.
বহুফলক (noun) (geometry) polyhedron.
বহুফলকপত্র (noun) (botany) compound leaf.
বহুফলী (adjective) bearing many fruits.
বহুবচন (noun) (grammar) plural number.
বহু বর্ষজীবী (adjective) long-lived; (botany) perennial.
বহুবল (adjective) very strong; mighty.
বহুবল্লভ (adjective) one beloved of many women; Sri Krishna.
বহুবল্লভা (feminine) a woman beloved of many men; flirt; prostitute.
বহুবাদী (adjective) garrulous; babbling.
বহুবার (adverb) many times.
বহুবিদ (adjective) much knowing; very learned.
বহুবিধ (adjective) of many sorts/kinds; manifold; various.
বহুবিবাহ (noun) polygamy.
বহুবিবাহকারী (adjective), (noun) polygamous; polygamist.
বহুবিস্তীর্ণ (adjective) wide-spread; widely diffused; far-flung.
বহুবীজপত্রী (adjective) (botany) polycotyledon.
বহুবেত্তা (adjective), (noun) = বহুজ্ঞ.
বহুব্যয়সাধ্য (adjective) very expensive or costly.
বহুব্যয়ী (adjective) prodigal.
বহুব্যয়ে (adverb) at a great cost or expense.
বহুব্রীহি (adjective) possessing much rice.
(noun) mode of forming compound words (in which the last member loses its character of a substantive and together with the first member serves to quality a noun).
বহুভর্তৃক (adjective) having many husbands.
বহুভঙ্গিম (adjective) having many expressions or styles.
বহুভাগ, বহুভাগী, বহুভাগ্য adjective(s) very fortunate; of great fortune.
(noun) a great fortune বহুভাগা, বহুভাগিনী, বহুভাগ্যা (feminine).
বহুভাষিতা (noun) act of speaking many languages; garrulity; talkativeness.
বহুভাষী (adjective) speaking many languages; polyglot; garrulous; talkative.
(noun) a polyglot.
বহুভাষিণী (feminine) = বহুভাষী.
বহুভাষী ব্যক্তি (noun) a polyglot; garrulous/ talkative person.
বহুভুজ (noun) (geometry) polygon; (botany) polyp.
(adjective) polygonal; polyporous.
বহুভুজ ক্ষেত্র (noun) (geometry) polygon.
বহুভ্রূণবীজতা (noun) (botany) polyembryony.
বহুভ্রূণবীজী (adjective) (botany) polyembryony.
বহুমত (adjective) highly esteemed; valued.
বহুমান (noun) high esteem/ estimation; great respect/ regard for.
বহুমানাস্পদ, বহুমানী adjective(s) thought much of; highly esteemed; revered.
বহুমান্য (adjective) to be thought much of; to
be highly esteemed; estimable.
বহুমুখ (adjective) multifaceted; multifarious; multiplex; multilateral: বহুমুখ টেলিগ্রাম, বহুমুখ বিদ্যালয়.
বহুমুখী = বহুমুখ.
বহুমূত্র (noun) diabetes.
বহুমূত্রগত (adjective) diabetic.
বহুমূত্রপীড়িত (adjective) diabetic.
বহুমূর্তি (adjective) multiform.
বহুমূল, বহুমূলক (adjective) many-rooted.
বহুমূল্য (adjective) very costly; precious; high-priced; valuable.
বহুযোগিক (adjective) (botany) decompound.
বহুরত্ন (adjective) rich in gems or jewels; very wealthy.
বহু-বন্ধু (adjective) porous; full of holes.
বহুরাশিক (noun) (arithmetic) the double rule of three.
বহুরূপ (adjective) multiform; variegated; checkered; diverse; multifarious; manifold.
(noun) (1) an itinerant showman who amuses people by assuming various forms.
(2) various forms.
বহুরূপা (noun) chameleon.
বহুরূপী (adjective) multiform; manifold; assuming different forms; polymorphic.
(noun) = বহুরূপ ((1) ).
বহুরূপিণী (feminine) = বহুরূপী.
বহুরূপতা (noun) polymorphism; variegation; diversity.
বহুরেখ, বহুরেখা (adjective) having many lines or wrinkles; wrinkled.
বহুরোখা (adjective) having much hair or wool.
(noun) sheep.
বহুশ, বহুশ: (adverb) many (times); in a great measure; to a great extent; repeatedly; oft; manifoldly; much.
বহু শত্রু (adjective) having many enemies.
বহু শাখা (adjective) having many branches or ramification; multifarious; manifold.
বহু শাস্ত্রজ্ঞ (noun), (adjective) acquainted with many sciences; polymath.
বহুশিখ, বহুশিখা (adjective) having many flames or points.
বহুশিরাল (adjective) (botany) multicostate.
বহুশ্রুত (adjective) profoundly/ vastly learned; erudite; well versed in the Vedas.
বহুশ্রেয়াস (adjective) endowed with many qualities; by far the best.
বহুশ্রেয়সী (feminine) = বহুশ্রেয়াস.
বহুসংখ্যক (adjective) numerous; many.
বহুস্ত্রীক = বহুপত্নীক.
বহুস্বামিক (adjective) having to serve many masters; having many owners.
Bengali Word যাদু ১English definition(noun) (term of endearment especially for children) darling; sweet; angel.
যাদু ধন, যাদুমণি noun(s) = যাদু.
Bengali Word যুযুৎসু ১English definition(adjective) wishing to fight; eager for battle; pugnacious.
(noun) combatant.
Bengali Word রিপু ১English definition(noun) (1) enemy; adversary; foe.
(2) any one of the six inherent/ cardinal passions of man (viz sex-passion, anger, greed, infatuation, vanity and envy, collectively ষড়্ রিপু.
(3) (astrology) hostile planet.
রিপুজয়, রিপুদমন noun(s) subjugation/ conquest of an enemy; subjugation/ subduing of one’s inherent vices.
রিপুদমন করা (verb intransitive) subdue/ subjugate/ tame passions/ inherent vices.
রিপুজয়ী (adjective) vanquishing/ destroying one’s cardinal passions/ inherent vices/ foes.
(noun) subduer of one’s enemies, etc.
রিপুপরতন্ত্র, রিপুপরবশ, রিপুবশ (adjective) ruled by/ giving oneself to one’s passions/ inherent vices; vicious.