Bengali Word লক্ষ্মীEnglish definition(noun)
(feminine) (1) Hindu goddess of fortune and beauty.
(2) fortune; wealth; riches; prosperity.
(3) beauty; grace; charm; loveliness.
(4) splendour; lustre.
(5) success; happiness.
(6) (as term of endearment) dear one; darling: একটু চুপ করে বসো, লক্ষ্মীটি.
(adjective) well-behaved and good-natured; good: লক্ষ্মী ছেলে, লক্ষ্মী মেয়ে লক্ষ্মী কান্ত (noun) beloved of Lakshmi; Narayana.
লক্ষ্মীছাড়া (adjective) ‘bereft of grace and fortune’; wretched; miserable; poor; uncouth; scoundrelly; wicked.
(noun) scapegrace; rascal; scamp; scalawag; wretch; scoundrel; villain.
লক্ষ্মীছাড়ী (feminine) = লক্ষ্মীছাড়া.
লক্ষ্মী টি = লক্ষ্মী (6).
লক্ষ্মী পেঁচা (noun) kind of owl said to be the vehicle of Lakshmi.
লক্ষ্মীমন্ত,লক্ষ্মী বান (adjective)(1) possessed of fortune/ good luck; wealthy; prosperous; lucky; rich.
(2) handsome; beautiful; graceful.
লক্ষ্মীবিলাস (noun)(1) kind of fine cloth.
(2) a particular Ayurvedie hair oil.
লক্ষ্মী মণি, লক্ষ্মী মণিটি noun(s) (term of endearment) dear; darling; treasure.
লক্ষ্মী শ্রী (noun) good fortune; prosperity; Lakshmi’s favour; affluence; opulence; easy circumstances.
লক্ষ্মীসনাথ (adjective) endowed with beauty/ fortune.
লক্ষ্মী স্বরূপিণী (adjective) (feminine) appearing as Lakshmi incarnate; endowed with all the qualities of Lakshmi.
লক্ষ্মীর বরপুত্র (noun) fortune’s favourite.
লক্ষ্মীর বরযাত্রী (noun) (plural) (figurative) fair weather friends.
লক্ষ্মীর ভাণ্ডার (noun) inexhaustible store.
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Bengali Word লক্ষ ১English definition(noun) (1) look; glance; looking.
(2) aim.
(3) mark; sign; target; object; goal.
লক্ষ করা (verb transitive) (1) mark; observe; notice; note; cast a look; glance;
(2) aim at; direct towards; have in view; mean; intend.
লক্ষরাখা (verb intransitive) keep an eye on; keep watch; be on watch; be on the watch for.
Bengali Word লক্ষ ২English definition(noun) one hundred thousand.
(adjective) numerous; countless.
লক্ষ পতি (noun) man with a hundred thousand Taka; millionaire; very wealthy man.
লক্ষ লক্ষ (adjective) innumerable; countless.
লক্ষাধিক (adjective) more than a hundred thousand.
Bengali Word লক্ষকEnglish definition(adjective) (rhetorical) indicating; hinting; expressing indirectly/ elliptically/ by metonymy
(2) attribute; quality.
(3) lucky mark; favourable sign.
(4) symptom/ indication of disease.
(5) definition; accurate description.
(6) designation; appellation.
(7) omen; presage; prognostic.
লক্ষণ যুক্ত (adjective) possessing/ characterized by a sign/ mark/ symptom/ indication; having a characteristic; indicative of; presaging; marked by.
Bengali Word লক্ষণাEnglish definition(noun) (1) (rhetorical) use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning; indirect/ figurative sense of a word; elliptical expression.
(2) implication.
Bengali Word লক্ষণাক্রান্তEnglish definition = লক্ষণযুক্ত ( লক্ষণ)
Bengali Word লক্ষণাত্মকEnglish definition(adjective) relating to signs/ marks; symptomatic; characteristic
Bengali Word লক্ষণীয়English definition(adjective) remarkable; noticeable; noteworthy; perceptible; visible; prominent; to be observed/ remarked/ noted
Bengali Word লক্ষ্মণEnglish definition(noun) (mythology) name of a younger brother and companion of Rama
Bengali Word লক্ষ্যEnglish definition(adjective) to be marked/ observed/ remarked/ noticed/ perceived; observable; perceptible; intended; aimed at.
(noun) aim; object; objective; purpose; end; intention; goal; targets.
লক্ষ্যচ্যুত (adjective) missing the mark; failing to hit the target; stray; erratic; beside the mark; wide of the mark.
লক্ষ্যচ্যুত হওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) miss the mark;
(2) be/ fall wide of the mark.
(3) go astray; deviate.
লক্ষ্যত (adjective) apparently; openly.
লক্ষ্য দর্শক (noun) (physics) viewfinder.
লক্ষ্য বেধ, লক্ষ্য ভেদ noun(s) hitting a mark/ bull’s eye.
লক্ষ্যবেধ/ লক্ষ্যভেদ করা (verb intransitive) hit the mark.
লক্ষ্যবেধী, লক্ষ্যভেদী (adjective) capable of hitting the mark; accurate; precise; unerring.
(noun) marksman.
লক্ষ্যভ্রষ্ট = লক্ষ্যচ্যুত.
লক্ষ্যসিদ্ধি (noun) attainment of an object.
লক্ষ্যস্থল target; mark.
লক্ষ্যহীন (adjective) aimless.
Bengali Word লক্ষ্যীকৃতEnglish definition(adjective) aimed at
Bengali Word অলক্ষ্মীEnglish definition(adjective) (1) graceless; not neat in works and activities.
(2) unfortunate.
(noun) misfortune.
অলক্ষ্মীতে পাওয়া (verb transitive) get under the influence of unlucky star; get addicted to practices that bring misfortune and misery; be in constant misery.
অলক্ষ্মীর দশা (noun) want; poverty; indigence.
অলক্ষ্মীর দৃষ্টি (noun) the sinister look of a bad star; poverty; misery.
অঙ্কলক্ষ্মী (noun) wife; the mistress of a house.
অলক্ষ্মীতে পাওয়া (verb transitive) get under the influence of unlucky star; get addicted to practices that bring misfortune and misery; be in constant misery.
গৃহলক্ষ্মী (noun) a housewife whose gracious management of the household affairs brings prosperity to the family; (facetious) a wife.
জয়লক্ষ্মী, জয়শ্রী (noun) the presiding goddess of victory (according to Hindu scriptures).
ধন লক্ষ্মী goddess of wealth.
পুরলক্ষ্মী (noun) 1 guardian goddess of a city.
লক্ষ্মী পেঁচা (noun) barn owl.
বিজয়লক্ষ্মী (noun) (feminine) the goddess of victory.
মহালক্ষ্মী (noun) (feminine) great Lakshmi (Shakti of Narayana).
রণলক্ষ্মী (noun) (feminine) fortune of war; goddess of battle.
রাজলক্ষ্মী (noun) (feminine) fortune/ prosperity of a king (personified as a goddess); royal sovereignty/ majesty.
রাজ্যলক্ষ্মী (noun) good fortune of a kingdom.
সতী লক্ষ্মী (noun)(feminine) a verychaste and pleasingwife who brings fortuneto her husband; virtuous wife.
সৌভাগ্যলক্ষ্মী (noun) (feminine) (mythology) goddess of fortune; good fortune personified.