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  • Bengali Word রুটিনEnglish definition[English] (noun) routine. রুটিন-বাঁধা (adjective) rigidly fixed; regular; routine; monotonous: রুটিন-বাঁধা কাজ, routine duties: রুটিন-বাঁধা জীবন.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word রুটি, রুটীEnglish definition (noun) bread; loaf; food; sustenance; livelihood.
    রুটি গড়া (verb intransitive) make bread (by kneading, rolling); make loaves; cook bread. রুটি বেলা (verb intransitive) roll bread into (into the shape of a saucer). রুটি মারা (verb intransitive) (figurative) deprive somebody of one’s livelihood. রুটি সেঁকা (verb intransitive) bake bread. রুটি ওয়ালা (noun) baker. রুটি র কারখানা (noun) bakery. রুটি-রোজগার (noun) livelihood.
  • Bengali Word ক্যানটিনEnglish definition [English] (noun) a refreshment bar, especially in a camp, factory or institution; a canteen
  • Bengali Word গিলোটিনEnglish definition [French] (noun) machine used for beheading criminals in France; guillotine
  • Bengali Word টিনEnglish definition [English] (noun) (1) a malleable metal of white colour used in alloys; tin.
    (2) thin pliable sheets of tin used for wrapping and packing; tinfoil. (3) corrugated iron-sheet used for roofing, etc. (4) boxes or containers made of tin; canister.
  • Bengali Word প্রোটিনEnglish definition (noun) protein
  • Bengali Word শাটিনEnglish definition [English] (noun) satin
  • Bengali Word সাটিনEnglish definition [English] (noun) satin