(2) peculiar efficacy/ virtue of any divinity/shrine etc; charm: অর্ঘের মাহাত্ম্য.
Bengali Word মাহাফা, মহাপEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun(s) small covered litter; palanquin
Bengali Word মাহিনা, মাহিয়ানাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun(s) monthly wages/salary.
মাহিনার/মাইনের চাকর (derogatory) paid servant.
Bengali Word মাহিষEnglish definition(adjective) belonging/ relating to a buffalo or buffalo-cow
Bengali Word মাহিষ্যEnglish definition(adjective) = মাহিষ.
(noun) name of a Hindu caste.
Bengali Word মাহুতEnglish definition(noun) keeper and driver of an elephant; mahout
Bengali Word মাহেন্দ্রEnglish definition(adjective) relating/belonging to great Indra.
মাহেন্দ্রক্ষণ (noun) (astrology) most auspicious conjunction of stars for commencing any work.
Bengali Word আত্মাহুতিEnglish definition(noun) self-sacrifice; dedication of one's life
Bengali Word ইমাম মেহদি, ইমাম মাহদীEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the last Imam or ruler of the Shia sect who, according to Shia belief, is to reappear on earth before the Day of Judgement for the reformation of Islam
Bengali Word মহতাব, মাহতাবEnglish definition(noun) (1) moon.
(2) moonlight.
(3) a kind of fireworks.
Bengali Word সমাহতEnglish definition(adjective) struck down; wounded; killed
(2) abbreviation.
(3) (grammar) compounding of words; compound.
সমাহার করা = সমাহরণ করা.
Bengali Word সমাহিতEnglish definition(adjective) (1) buried; interred.
(2) put/ placed in or upon; fixed; placed; deposited.
(3) composed; collected; concentrated (as the thoughts upon); one who has collected his thoughts or is fixed in abstract meditation; lost in meditation; quite devoted to; intent upon.
(4) steadfast; firm; devout.
সমাহিত করা (verb transitive) bury; inter; lay in the grave.
সমাহিত চিত্ত (adjective) having the mind absorbed in something; collected; composed.
Bengali Word সমাহৃতিEnglish definition(noun) collecting; assembling
Bengali Word সমাহ্বয়English definition(noun) (1) challenge; conflict.
(2) setting animals to fight for sport; betting.
Bengali Word সুসমাহিতEnglish definition(adjective) very intent/ attentive; having the mind intently fixed/ absorbed on an object or a subject; fallen into a trance
আত্ম সমাহিত (adjective) self-absorbed.
দিন মাহিনা (noun) daily wage.
ভাবসমাহিত (adjective) fixed/ collected in mind.
মর্মাহত (adjective) mortified; deeply grieved.
মাসমাহিনা monthly wages/salary.
মাহিনার/মাইনের চাকর (derogatory) paid servant.
মাহেন্দ্রক্ষণ (noun) (astrology) most auspicious conjunction of stars for commencing any work.
সমাহরণ করা (verb transitive) bring together; collect; assemble; combine; gather.
সমাহিত করা (verb transitive) bury; inter; lay in the grave.