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  • Bengali Word মা ২English definition(noun) (music) the fourth note.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word মা ১English definition (noun) (feminine) mother; mamma; mama; mum.
    (2) (of four-footed animals) dam. (3) goddess. (4) (term of address to) a young girl. (interjection) expresses surprise; pain; ridicule; tiredness (also মা গো, ওমা). মা-ছা (noun) mother and child. মাঝি (noun) mother and daughter. মাপো, মা বেটা (noun(s)) mother and son. মা বাপ (noun) (1) parents. (2) master, protector and guardian; only refuge. মা বাপগিরি (noun) bossing; patronizing attitude. মা মরা (adjective) motherless. ও মা কী হবে? exclamation) what will become of me? What is to be done now?
  • Bengali Word অভিজ্ঞা ২English definition (noun) intuition; memory.
    অভিজ্ঞান (noun) token of recognition; keepsake. অভিজ্ঞান-পত্র (noun) letter of introduction; identity card.
  • Bengali Word আওতা ২English definition 1 influence.
    (2) guardianship; custody; control.
  • Bengali Word আগা ২English definition [Turkish](noun) lord; honourable person
  • Bengali Word আমলা ২English definition আমলকী (noun) ministerial staff
  • Bengali Word আমা ২English definition (Archaic) (pronoun) (1) I; me.
    (2) I myself; myself. (3) me; to me.
  • Bengali Word আর্যা ২English definition (noun) (1) kind of metre used in Sanskrit verse.
    (2) any of the rhymed arithmetical formulae.
  • Bengali Word আলা ২English definition (adjective) bright; resplendent; illuminated.
    (noun) light`
  • Bengali Word উমরা ২English definition [Arabic] (noun) performance of rites at the Holy Kaaba between Hajj seasons; lesser Hajj
  • Bengali Word এণ্ডা ২English definition (noun) the castor-oil plant
  • Bengali Word এষা ২English definition (adjective) (feminine) (1) worthy of desire; desirable.
    (2) searchable; explorable. (3) fit to be remembered.
  • Bengali Word কড়া ২English definition (noun) metal ring; ring attached to anything as a handle: দরজার কড়া
  • Bengali Word কমলা ২English definition (noun) an appellation of Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
    কমলাপতি (noun) appellation of Vishnu. কমলাসন (noun) appellation of Hindu god Brahma.
  • Bengali Word কমা ২English definition (verb intransitive) decrease; abate; come down; diminish; fall: দাম কমা.
    কমানো (verb transitive) cause to become less; lessen; lower.
  • Bengali Word কলা ২English definition কদল (noun) (1) the famous all-season fruit growing in tropical and semi tropical countries; the banana.
    (2) the plant or tree that bears banana; the plantain tree. (3) word expressing slight or contempt: সে আমার কলা করবে, he can do me little harm. কলা খাওয়া (slang) be deceived/disappointed. কলা দেখানো (slang) point the thumb at; show scorn; defy; evade a payment. কলা পোড়া খাও (slang) go to the dogs; be down and out; be ruined. কলার কাঁদি (noun) cluster of plantains. কলার ছড়া (noun) a bunch of bananas.
  • Bengali Word কলিকা ২English definition pedantic form of কলকি
  • Bengali Word কল্লা ২English definition [Bangla] (adjective) quarrelsome; wicked; conspiring: কল্লালোক.
    (noun) a quarrel; a dispute.
  • Bengali Word কশা ২English definition (verb transitive) (1) whip; lash; flog. .
    . (2) strike with the open hand; slap: চড় কশা.
  • Bengali Word কষা ২English definition (adjective) (1) high in price; costly.
    (2) miserly; niggardly; close-fisted: কষা লোক. (3) fitting close or too close; tight: কষা জামা.
  • Bengali Word কাড়া ২English definition (noun) hollow cylindrical instrument of music beaten with sticks; a drum (used as a correlative of নাকাড়া which is smaller than কাড়া): কাড়া নাকাড়া
  • Bengali Word কানা ২English definition (noun) (1) the rim of a thing (eg a pitcher, a pot, etc.)
    ) (2) the bank or brim of a river. কানায় কানায় (adverb) upto the brim. কানায় কানায় ভরা (adjective) full to the brim; quite full.
  • Bengali Word কামলা ২English definition (noun) one who earns his bread by labouring on daily basis; a day labourer
  • Bengali Word কারা ২English definition (noun) confinement in prison.
    কারাগার, কারাগৃহ (noun) place of confinement; a prison; a jail; a gaol (GB). কারাকক্ষ (noun) a prison-cell; a prisoner’s cell. কারাদণ্ড (noun) a sentence to imprisonment; incarceration. কারাদণ্ড দেওয়া (verb transitive) sentence to imprisonment; imprison. সশ্রম কারাদণ্ড rigorous imprisonment. বিনাশ্রম কারাদণ্ড simple imprisonment. কারাপাল (noun) superintendent in charge of a jail or the prisoners in it; jailer; gaoler (GB).
  • Bengali Word কালা ২English definition (adjective) (1) black; dark.
    (2) in disrepute; stigmatized: কালামুখ. (3) soiled; dirty: কালা কাপড়, কালা আদমি, brown-skinned people of the easterners. কালা কানুন (noun) law that aims at repressing the people; Black Act.
  • Bengali Word কিনা ২English definition [Persian] ill-will; malice; rancour: মনে কোনো কিনা রাখবেন না
  • Bengali Word কুঁদা ২English definition (verb transitive) bluster and talk big (at one) in rage (as fi to attack him)
  • Bengali Word কুটা ২English definition (verb transitive) (1) to dress fish, meat, vegetables for cooking.
    (2) to grind or pulverize: আটা কুটা.
  • Bengali Word কেতা ২English definition [Arabic] (noun) manner; method; custom; fashion; etiquette.
    কেতা দুরস্ত [Arabic + Persian] (adjective) conforming to all formalities; observant of all etiquette.
  • Bengali Word কেদারা ২English definition (noun) a musical mode
  • Bengali Word কোটনা ২English definition (feminine কুটনি) (noun) a pander who acts as an agent between an adulterer and adulteress; a male bawd.
    কোটনাগিরি (noun) the profession or the role played by a pander. কোটনামি (noun) act of whispering malicious reports against a person.