Bengali Word মহলEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)(1) palace; palatial building; residence; house; mansion.
(2) seraglio.
(3) quarter; apartment; abode; place; station; location.
(4) society: মহিলা মহল.
(5) administrative division of an estate; taluk: খাস মহল.
(6) (feminine) wife; queen: মমতাজ মহল.
মহলদার (noun) landlord.
মহলা (adjective) having a particular number of almost self-contained portions/ apartments: সাতমহলা ভবন.
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Bengali Word মহলাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) rehearsal; practice; demonstration; test.
মহলা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) rehearse; practice; give a demonstration of; take a, test.
Bengali Word মহলানাবিশEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) head of a district.
(2) a particular family name.
Bengali Word মহল্লক, মহল্লিকEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) eunuch; attendant/ overseer of the women’s apartments; chamberlain
Bengali Word মহল্লাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) quarter/part of a town; ward.
(2) district. মহল্লাদার (noun) headman of a district; resident of the same quarter.
Bengali Word অন্দর, অন্দরমহলEnglish definition (Persian অন্দর + Arabic মহল) (noun) inner apartments of a dwelling house; female quarters; harem
Bengali Word তাজমহলEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the monumental sepulchre in marble built by emperor Shahjahan in memory of his queen Mamtazmahal at Agra, deemed as one of the wonders of the world
Bengali Word শিশমহলEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) glass house; house adorned with glass; apartment fitted with mirrors
Bengali Word আন্দর, আন্দরমহল English definition = অন্দর
ইজারামহল (noun) property held by a lessee.
(adjective) detached; separate: ছিট মহল, a holding lying detached from the parent estate; an enclave.
নিমক মহল (noun) estate consisting of salt-yielding land/salt-pit/salt-marsh.
মহলা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) rehearse; practice; give a demonstration of; take a, test.
মহল্লাদার (noun) headman of a district; resident of the same quarter.
রংমহল (noun) apartment for festive enjoyments; building dedicated to voluptuous enjoyments; sleeping apartment; drawing room; pleasure-house; theatre.
রাজমহল (noun) king’s palace; inner apartments of a.
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