Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word অকর্তাEnglish definition (noun) one who is not the doer or performer; not the master of a house or family.
(adjective) not the principal or chief; secondary; minor.
- Bengali Word অধিকর্তাEnglish definition (noun) the highest officer in charge of a concern or department; a director
- Bengali Word অনুচিন্তন, অনুচিন্তাEnglish definition (noun) contemplation of the past; backward view; retrospect
- Bengali Word অপহন্তাEnglish definition (noun) person committing an assassination; assassin; murderer
- Bengali Word আবেস্তাEnglish definition (noun) holy book of the Zoroastrians; Avesta
- Bengali Word আহর্তাEnglish definition (adjective) one who collects/ procures/ compiles.
(noun) collector; compiler.
- Bengali Word ইতিহাসবিদ, ইতিহাসবেত্তাEnglish definition (noun) one versed in history; a historian
- Bengali Word ইয়ত্তাEnglish definition (noun) (1) quantity; measure.
(2) limit; definiteness.
ইয়ত্তা করা (verb transitive) ascertain the extent/limit; measure.
ইয়ত্তা রহিত (adjective) innumerable; unending.
- Bengali Word উদ্যোক্তাEnglish definition (noun) one who takes the initiative or makes necessary preparations for doing (something)
- Bengali Word উপভোক্তাEnglish definition (noun) one who uses or enjoys; a consumer.
(adjective) eating; using; enjoying.
- ভূতভর্তা, ভূতভৃৎ adjective(s) sustaining the elements/creatures.
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