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  • Bengali Word বে ১English definition[Persian] pre denoting: absence, lack, negation, perversion, etc. (it forms compound words corresponding to the English words beginning with in, im, un, ir, etc; or ending in-less). বেআক্কেল (adjective) stupid; unwise; senseless. বেয়াকুফ, বেকুফ, বেকুব, বেওকুফ (adjective) foolish; stupid; dolt.(noun) fool; stupid. বেয়াকুফ বানানো (verb transitive) make a fool (of); make fun (of); ridicule. বেয়াকুফি noun(s) foolishness; stupidity; want of understanding. বেআইন, বেআইনি, adjective(s) unlawful; illegal; lawless; outlawed; proscribed; banned. বেআইনি করা (verb transitive) prohibit by law; interdict; outlaw; prescribe; ban: do something unlawful. বেআইনি জনতা (noun) unlawful assembly. বেত্যাড়া = বেয়াড়া. বেআদব (adjective) rude; ,brazen-faced; unmannerly; impudent; disrespectful.(noun) rude person; boor; lout; brute. বেআদবি (noun) discourtesy; bad/poor manners; ill breeding; insolence; disrespect; impudence. বেআদবি করা (verb intransitive) be discourteous/insolent, etc. বেআন্দাজ , বেআন্দাজি adjective(s) unlimited; beyond estimate; extravagant; excessive; endless. বেআবরু, বেআব্রু (adjective) (1) (of a woman) not keeping to the inner appartments; having one’s modesty outraged. (2) shameless dishonourable; disreputable; disgraced. (3) shamefully/ indecorously exposed to public view. বেআবাদ (adjective) uncultivated; unpopulated. বেআরাম, ব্যারাম (noun) illness; disease; ailment. ব্যারামে পড়া be ill; ail; waste away. বেইজ্জত, বেইজ্জৎ (adjective) without honour/ respect; disgraceful; disgraced; put out of countenance; insulted; (of a woman) having one’s modestly/ chastity outraged.(noun) disgrace; insult; dishonour; ignominy; indignity; odium; (of a woman) outrage of modesty/ chastity. বেইজ্জত করা (verb transitive) disgrace; defile; dishonour; outrage the modesty (of); bring disgrace upon; put to shame; expose to disgrace. বেইজ্জতি (noun) = disgrace; insult; dishonour; ignominy; indignity; odium; (of a woman) outrage of modesty/ chastity. বেইনসাফ (adjective) unjust; unfair; iniquitous. বেইনসাফি (noun) injustice; unfairness; inequity. বেইমান, বেঈমান (adjective) (1) perfidious; unfaithful; false; dishonest; liar; cheat. (2) infidel; faithless; unbeliever; godless; irreligious.(noun) traitor; infidel. বেইমানি, বেঈমানি noun(s) perfidy; treachery; faithlessness; perfidiousness: falseness; infidelity; ungodliness; impiety. বেএক্তিয়ার = (adjective) beyond jurisdiction; ultra vires; out of one’s control; helpless; want of power; want of choice. বেএকরার (noun) (1) unconditionality. (2) disavowal; denial. বেএকরারি (adjective) unconditional. বেএলাকাদার (adjective), (noun) unconcerned (person). বেওআকিফ, বেওয়াকিফ (adjective) uninformed বেওক্ত (noun) inopportune/ unsuitable time.(adjective) untimely; out of season; ill-timed. বেওজন (adjective) unmeasured; immeasurable; extravagant; excessive. বেওজনী (noun) excess; extravagance. বেওজর (adjective) admitting no excuse/ protest.(adverb) without excuse/ protest. বেওতন (noun) without country; homeless. বেওফা (adjective) faithless; perfidious; treacherous; ungrateful. বেওয়া (noun) childless widow. বেওয়ারিশ (adjective) unclaimed; ownerless; hairless; derelict. বেকবুল (adjective) denied; repudiated. বেকরার (adjective) without contract; unsettled; uneasy; restless; variable; impatient. বেকসুর (adjective) innocent; faultless; not guilty; guiltless. বেকসুর খালাস acquitted on account of being found not guilty; clean acquittal. বেকানুন (adjective) illegal. বেকানুনি (adjective) contrary to land. বেকার (adjective) not brought under control; out of ones power/ reach; uncontrollable; having no control/ restraint over; uncontained; unbridled; not subdued. বেকায়দা (adjective) unwieldy; disadvantageous; driven into a corner; awkward; against rules/ regulations.(noun) tight corner; awkward situation. বেকার (adjective) unemployed; unoccupied; idle; useless; unserviceable. বেকারত্ব, বেকারি noun(s) unemployment; idleness. বেকার সমস্যা (noun) unemployment problem. বেকুফি, বেকুবি = noun(s) foolishness; stupidity; want of understanding. বেখবর (adjective) uninformed; ignorant; stupid; negligent; neglectful; careless. বেখরচ, বেখরচা (adjective) (1) gratuitous; free of costs; for nothing. (2) penniless; indigent. বেখাপ, বেখাপ্পা (adjective) unfitting; unsuited; awkward; uncouth; infelicitous; inapt; ill-befitting; unsuitable; inappropriate; irrelevant; inconsistent; disproportionate; incompatible. বেগতিক (adjective) helpless; unfavourable; critical; difficult; awkward.(noun) awkward/ unfavourable/ helpless situation; tight corner; danger; difficulty. বেগর prep without বেগরজ, বেগরজি (adjective) disinterested; selfless; indifferent; unnecessary. বেগানা (adjective) not related; alien; outsider. বেগানা পুরুষ/ লোক (noun) stranger; foreigner; outsider. বেগার (noun) forced labour; compulsory labour with or without payment; drudgery. বেগার খাটা (verb intransitive) work without payment; render service gratis under pressure; slave; drudge. বেগার ঠেলা (verb intransitive) work in a perfunctory manner/ carelessly. বেগারে (adjective) available for rendering corvée or gratuitous service. বেগুনাহ (adjective) innocent; guiltless. বেগোছ (adjective) disorderly; untidy; sloppy; disarrayed; disadvantageous.(noun) disorder; disadvantage; inconvenience; trouble; awkward situation tight corner. বেগোড় (adjective) baseless: flimsy; having no foundation. বেঘুম (noun) sleeplessness; insomnia. বেচইন (adjective) restless; uneasy. বেচারা, বেচারি (adjective) helpless; poor; miserable; unfortunate.(noun) helpless/ wretched/ pitiable person; harmless/ innocent person. বেচাল (adjective) misbehaving; unmannerly; ill-mannered, dissolute; depraved.(noun) misbehaviour; misdemeanor; bad mariners; dissoluteness; refractoriness; depravity; difficulty. বেছপ্পর (adjective) homeless; outcast. বেজন্মা (adjective) bastard; illegitimate বেজবাব (adjective) unanswering; unresponsive. silent. বেজয় (adjective) unjust; improper unreasonable. বেজাত (adjective) degenerated in caste; degraded; illegitimate.(noun) degenerated caste; bastard; rake. degenerate. বেজান (adjective) lifeless; dead; inanimate: dying. বেজায় (adjective) much; many; excessive; tremendous; extreme; enormous.(adverb) tremendously; greatly; exceedingly; infinitely. বেজার (adjective) disgusted; displeased; saddened: sulky. বেজার হয়ে (adverb) with a bad grace. বেজারি (noun) non-execution (of orders). বেজুত (noun) tight corner; disadvantage; indisposition.(adjective) disadvantageous; adverse; indisposed. বেজোড় = বিজোড়. বেজোর (adjective) weak; impotent; powerless. বেটাইম (noun) unsuitable/ improper/ inopportune time.(adjective) untimely; inopportune; ill-timed. বেঠিক (adjective) incorrect; wrong; mistaken. বেঠিকানা (adjective), (noun) having no abode/ domicile; vagabond; wanderer. বেভাড়া (adjective) spineless; contrary to custom and usage; anomalous. বেডৌল (adjective) ill-shaped; misshapen; shapeless; ungainly; disproportionate; less. ugly. বেঢপ (adjective) ill-shaped; ugly; unmannerly; awkward; unfitting. বেতদবির (adjective) (1) lethargic; indolent, shiftless; without any plan. (2) unopposed; unresisted; not remedied.(noun) absence or lack of redress/ solicitude/ supervision/ management. বেতমিজ (adjective) (1) rude; uncultured; incivil; ill-bred; unmannerly. (2) lacking discrimination; indiscreet; unwise inexperienced. বেতর (adjective) indisposed; besotted; fuddled; tipsy; off one’s guard; embarrassed; dissimiIar: বেতর শরীর , নেশায় বেতর উকিলের জেরায় বেতর. বেতরিবত (adjective) ill-bred , unmannerly; ill-behaved; unrefined; uneducated. বেতাক, বেতাগ (adjective) missing the mark; beside the mark. বেতাকত, বেতাগৎ (adjective) weak; powerless; feeble; infirm; frail. বেতার ১ (adjective) tasteless; insipid; distasteful; flat; dull; uninteresting. বেতার ২ (adjective) wireless.(noun) radio; wireless telegraphy. বেঘোষণা (noun) radio announcement; broadcast. বেঘোষণা করা (verb transitive) broadcast. বেতার বার্তা (noun) radio news; wireless telegrams/ message. বেযন্ত্র (noun) radio(-set). বেতাল (adjective) (1) (music) falling in measure; failing to maintain measure out of tune. (2) (figurative) ill-timed; confused; upset; confusing; wayward; bizarre; queer; whimsical; curious.(noun) breach of measure; inappropriate/ wrong measure. বেতালা (adjective) = বেতাল. বেথাক (adjective) disarrayed; disordered; out of time; disarranged; upset; inappropriate unfitting; unbecoming; infelicitous; unsuited. বেদখল (adjective) (1) (of a person) dispossessed; ousted; ejected. (2) (of lands) put out of possession; not taken possession of; taken possession of unlawfully (and forcibly). (2) not brought under control; beyond one’s reach/ power; not mastered; unconquered. বেদখল করা (verb transitive) eject; evict; dispossess; take possession of unlawfully. বেদখল হওয়া (verb intransitive) be dispossessed/ evicted; be taken possession of unlawfully; pass out of possession. বেদখলি (noun) ejectment; eviction.(adjective) taken possession of unlawfully. বেদম (adjective) breathless; lifeless; out of breath; giving or taking no respite even to breathe; ruthless; relentless বেদম ছুট/ মার. (adverb) severely; ruthlessly; relentlessly; out of breath; breathlessly. বেদম পেটানো (verb transitive) thrash the living daylights out of; give a good hiding. বেদরকারি (adjective) unnecessary. বেদরদ, বেদরদি (adjective) feelingless; void of compassion; heartless; pitiless. merciless. বেদল (adjective) separated from one‘s flock/party; solitary; singular; queer. বেদলিল, বেদলিলি (adjective) having no documentary proof; ungrounded; causeless; baseless; without foundation. বেদস্তুর (adjective) contrary to rule/ practice; unusual; unconventional anomalous; atypical; irregular. বেদাগ (adjective) spotless; without blemish; faultless; innocent. বেদানা (adjective) seedless.(noun) pomegranate. বেদার (adjective) not disciplined; ungoverned; insolent; haughty headstrong. বেদাবা, বেদাবি (adjective) (1) having no liability/ responsibility. (2) of peaceful/ quiet disposition; peace loving. (3) without rightful owner. বেদাম, বেদামি (adjective) valueless; priceless; invaluable. বেদিল (adjective) dejected; sad; melancholic; dispirited; dissatisfied; heartless. বেদিশা, বেদিশে noun(s) error in ascertainment of right direction; bewilderment; perplexity; missing the target; confusion.(adjective) confounded; perplexed; stunned; staggered. বেদীন (adjective) irreligious; faithless. বেদেরেগ (adjective), (adverb) without regret/ hesitation; rashly. বেধড়ক (adjective) (1) measureless; abundant; excessive; bountiful. (2) fearless; bold.(adverb) excessively; bountifully abundantly; readily; fearlessly; rashly. বেধারা (adjective) bad manners; harmful customs/ usage disorder. বেনজির (adjective) matchless; incomparable; unique; peerless; unequalled. বেনসিব (adjective) unfortunate; deprived; frustrated. বেনসিবি (noun) misfortune; bad luck. বেনাম (adjective) (1) nameless. (2) anonymous; pseudonymous.(noun) one’s name used by another; false name; pen name; nom de plume; pseudonym. বেনাম করা (verb transitive) transfer (a property) to another only nominally (chiefly in order to evade liabilities). বেনামে (কিছু) করা do (something) under another’s name. বেনামে লেখা (verb transitive) write under a pseudonym. বেনামদার (adjective) pseudonymous; anonymous; unnamed; unknown ; incognito. বেনামা, বেনামি (adjective) (1) anonymous, pseudonymous; with an assumed name; incognito; nameless. (2) transferred to another only nominally. বেনামিদার (noun) ostensible holder. বেনোটিস (adjective) without information/ notification. বেপছন্দ, বেপসন্দ (adjective) not to one’s liking; disfavoured; disliked; dislikeable; in the bad graces of; out of favour. বেপরওয়া, বেপরোয়া (adjective) heedless; careless; thoughtless; reckless desperate; rash; dauntless; devil-may-care; headstrong. বেপরোয়া লোক (noun) absoluter heedless/ dauntless/ reckless man; daredevil; desperado. বেপরোয়াই (noun) carelessness; unconcern; indifference; recklessness; heedlessness; desperation. বেপর্দা (adjective) (1) having no covering/ veil; exposed; using no covering; bare faced; unveiled; immodest; not keeping to the inner apartments. (2) shameless; brazen; brazen faced. (3) disreputable; dishonourable; disgraced; shameful. বেফজুল (adjective) useless; superfluous; needless; profuse: বেফজুল খরচ. বেফয়দা, বেফায়দা (adjective) unprofitable; of no consequence; futile; purposeless; vain; useless. বেফাঁস (adjective) (1) uttered off guard / indiscreetly; indiscreet: বেফাঁস কথা. (2) unrestrained; loose; free: বেফাঁস মুখ. (3) divulged. বেবদল (noun) invariability; constancy.(adjective) unchanging; changeless; invariable. বেবন্দেজ (adjective) disorderly; not properly managed. extravagant; unplanned.(noun) disorder; mismanagement. বেবন্দোবস্ত (adjective) (1) disorderly; unsystematic; disorganized; messed up; messy; muddled; not properly managed; mismanaged; (of lands) not settled on .(noun) disorderliness; disorder; mismanagement; disarray; muddle; mix-up; chaos; tangle; jumble. বেবন্দোবস্তি (adjective) (of lands) not settled on. বেবহা (adjective) invaluable; very precious; wonderful; excellent. বেবাক (adjective) all; whole; entire.(adverb) entirely; wholly. বেবুনিয়াদ (adjective) groundless; baseless; without foundation. বেমওকা, বেমক্কা (adjective) out of place; untimely; improper; inopportune; inconvenient; inappropriate; sudden. বেমজলিসি (adjective) not fit for a party/ assembly; unsocial; reserved. বেমতলব (adjective) (1) purposeless; aimless. (2) selfless; unselfish; uncalculating. বেমনাসিব, বেমোনাসিব (adjective) (1) improper inappropriate; uncalled for; unseemly; inapropos; malapropos; unseasonable. (2) after one’s own heart; to one’s liking. বেমানান (adjective) unfitting; unbecoming; unbefitting; unsuitable; inappropriate; unseemly; unpresentable; unreasonable; inept; in congruous; ill-matched; awkward; incompatible. বেমালুম (adjective). unperceived; unknown to; stealthy; secret.(adjective) imperceptibly; stealthily; silently; unknowingly; un-consciously; surreptitiously. বেমালেক (adjective) dispossessed; not entitled; having no right. বেমেরামত (adjective) unrepaired; in a bad state of repair; derelict; dilapidated.(noun) disrepair; unrepair; negligence. বেমেল (adjective) dissimilar; incompatible; unlike; disparate; incomparable; incommensurable.(noun) dissimilarity; disparity; incommensurability; unlikeness; disharmony; discord; dissonance. বেমৌসুম (adjective) out of season; unseasonable. বেয়াড়া (adjective) (1) self willed; obstinate; stubborn; headstrong; refractory: বেয়াড়া ছেলে (2) ungainly; ill-shaped; ugly; unmannerly; odd-looking; awkward: বেয়াড়া পরিস্থিতি. (3) queer; odd; strange; difficult; outlandish; bizarre: বেয়াড়া প্রশ্ন. বেয়ারাম, ব্যায়রাম, ব্যায়ারাম, ব্যারাম (noun) disease; illness; ailment; malady; infirmity; malaise. বেরং, বেরঙ, বেরঙ্গ (noun) (1) spoilt/faded colour unsuitable/different colour. (2) (card-game) a suit other than the trump.(adjective) discoloured; faded. বেরসিক (adjective) (1) devoid of sense of humour/taste/appreciative power; dull; blunt. (2) prosaic; colourless; dry; tedious; stodgy. বেরহম (adjective) merciless; pitiless; cruel. বেরেয়া, বেরিয়া (adjective) (1) guileless; candid; sincere; without any show/formality. (2) taking no bribes. বেরোজগারি (adjective) having no income; not earning. বেলয় (adjective) (music) out of time. (2) irrelevant; impertinent; inapropos; pointless. বেলাগাম (adjective) unbridled; licentious; intemperate. বেলিহাজ, বেলেহাজ (adjective) shameless; indiscreet; unmannerly; impertinent. বেলেল্লা (adjective) (1) wayward; dissolute; profligate; rakish; lascivious; lecherous. (2) shameless. ill-bred; boorish; rowdy. বেলেল্লাগিরি, বেলেল্লাপনা noun(s) (1) way wardness; profligacy; debauchery; moral turpitude; lasciviousness; lechery. (2) shamelessness; boorishnees; bad manness; rowdyism. বেশক, বেসক (adverb) surely; certainly; positively; of course. বেশরম (adjective) shameless; immodest; impudent; brazen-faced. বেশরা (adjective) acting against the law of Islam; heretical; unorthodox: বেশরা ফকির. বেশুমার, বেসুমার (adjective) countless; innumerable; numberless. বেসবর, বেসবুর (adjective) devoid of patience; impatient; restless. বেসরকারি (adjective) unofficial; non-official;; not belonging to the government; non-governmental; private; personal. বেসামাল 1 unable to check/restrain; divested of self-control; beside oneself with. (2) unguarded; careless; inadvertent; indiscreet; thoughtless: বেসামাল উক্তি. (3) powerless; helpless; impotent. বেসুদি (adjective) bearing no interest; interest-free. বেসুর, বেসুরা, বেসুরো (adjective) out of tune; not keeping with the tune; unmelodious; unmusical; incapable of maintaining the tune: বেসুরো (noun) বাজনা/ গলা/ গায়ক. (noun) discordant; disharmonious; cacophonous; grating; jarring; বেসুরো কথাবার্তা, বেসুরো আলাপ. বেহক (adjective) (1) unjust; unfair; wrongful; inequitable; unseasonable; immoderate; unjustifiable. (2) having no right; not rightful. বেহদ, বেহদ্দ (adjective) boundless; endless; excessive; out-and-out; thorough; extreme: বেহদ্দ বদমাশ, বেহদ্দ লোভ. বেহাত (adjective) (passed) out of one’s hand/ possession/ control; gone into another hand/ possession/ control. বেহায়া (adjective) shameless; immodest; impudent; brazen-faced. বেহায়াপনা (noun) shameless; conduct; immodesty. বেহাল (adjective) out of condition; ill-circumstanced; weary; miserable; worn out; impecunious; destitute. বেহিসাব (adjective) (1) countless; beyond calculation; unlimited; excessive. (2) extravagant; uneconomical; incautious; improvident; unrestrained; incautious imprudent. (3) without challenge; unchallenged. (noun) absence of estimate; extravagance; improvidence; lack of caution; imprudence. বেহিসাবি (adjective) = হিসাব. বেহুশ, বেহোশ, বেহোস (adjective) (1) senseless; fainted; insensible. (2) needless; careless; unmindful; not in one’s proper senses. বেহুঁশিয়ার (adjective) (1) ignorant; insensate; negligent; uninformed. (2) guileless; naive, artless; simple minded. (3) incautious; unheeding, unwary; thought-less. বেহুকুম (adjective) (adverb) against/ without orders; contrary to orders/instructions. বেহুদা (adjective) unjust; improper; without reason; unnecessary; useless; superfluous; uncalled for; gratuitous.(adverb) unjustly; unnecessarily; for nothing. বেহেড (adjective) (1) deranged; having one’s head turned; frenzied; crazy; out of one’s mind; unbalanced; unhinged; wild; zany. (2) besotted; sotted; dead-drunk; blind-drunk. (3) thoughtless; wrong-headed; perverse.
  • Bengali Word বে ২, বেEnglish definition(noun) (colloquial) = বিবাহ
  • Bengali Word বেউড়-বাঁশEnglish definition(noun) a thorny variety of bamboo.
  • Bengali Word বেওয়াEnglish definition(noun) childless widow.
  • Bengali Word বেংEnglish definition= ব্যাঙ
  • Bengali Word বেঁকাEnglish definition(adjective) (colloquial) = বাঁকা
  • Bengali Word বেঁজি, বেঁজীEnglish definition= বেজি
  • Bengali Word বেঁটেEnglish definition(adjective) dwarfish; short. statured stunted. বেঁটে খাটো, বেঁটে খেটে (adjective) dumpy; pudgy; stumpy; diminutive.
  • Bengali Word বেঁড়েEnglish definition(adjective) tailless; dock-tailed.
  • Bengali Word বেঁধাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (colloquial) = বিঁধা
  • Bengali Word বেঁয়েEnglish definition(adjective) left-handed.
  • Bengali Word বেগ ১English definition0n 1 speed; rapidly; quickness; swiftness; velocity; vehemence; haste; impetuosity; (2) rush; dash; impetus; momentum; onset. (3) outburst *outburst (of passion); emotion; excitement; emotion; (4) virulence; attack; paroxysm (of a disease); violent, agitation shock; jerk. (5) stream; current (of water, tears etc); flood. (6) desire to evacuate bowels/ urinate; expulsion of the faeces. (7) trouble: বেগ দেওয়া. (8) (mech) velocity. অসম বেগ (noun) variable velocity. কৌণিক বেগ (noun) angular velocity. কৌণিক ভরবেগ (noun) momentum. সমবেগ (noun) uniform velocity. বেগগামী (adjective) going/streaming fast; swiftly moving. বেগ ত্রিভুজ (noun) (mach) triangle of velocities. বেগনাশক (adjective) preventing speed. বেগনিয়ামক (noun) speed-governor. বেগবন্ত, বেগবান (adjective) fast-moving; speedy; swift; impetuous; rapid; hasty; having a strong current; rushing; flowing rapidly; torrential; irresistible; violent; emotional: বেগবান হৃদয় বেগবতী (feminine). বেগবাহী (adjective) going/flowing/flying swiftly. বেগবৃদ্ধি (noun) acceleration of speed; speed-up. বেগমাপক (adjective) measuring speed. বেগমাপকযন্ত্র speedometer. বেগশালী, বেগসম্পন্ন adjective(s) endowed with swiftness; swift বেগশালিনী (feminine) = বেগশালী. বেগ বিতরণ (noun) swift descent. বেগার্ত (adjective) extremely speedy; (figurative) utterly irresistible. violent: বেগার্ত হৃদয়. বেগিত, বেগী (adjective) (1) impetuous; swift; rapid; hasty; fleet. (2) agitated; rough (as the) sea. বেগে (adverb) swiftly; hastily.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word ইতঃপূর্বেEnglish definition (adverb) before this; previously
  • Bengali Word ইতিপূর্বেEnglish definition corrupt form of ইতঃপূর্বে
  • Bengali Word এবেEnglish definition (poetic) (adverb) (1) now; at this moment.
    (2) thereafter; then. (3) at present; in these days; now-a-days.
  • Bengali Word জবাই, জবেহ্‌, জবেEnglish definition (noun) (1) slaughter of animals in the Muslim method.
    (2) (figurative) ruin; destruction. জবাইঘর (noun) slaughter-house. জবাই হওয়া (verb intransitive) (figurative) be ruined root and branch.
  • Bengali Word জবেEnglish definition = জবাই
  • Bengali Word ডিবা, ডিবেEnglish definition (noun) (1) a small box or container: পানের ডিবা.
    (2) a lamp without a chimney: কেরোসিনের ডিবা.
  • Bengali Word তদূর্ধ্বেEnglish definition [তদ্‌ + ঊর্ধ্বে ] (adverb) high over that; on the top of it; beyond; over and above that
  • Bengali Word তবেEnglish definition (conjunction), (adverb) (1) (used in expressing a condition) then; in that case: যদি তুমি না আসো তবে আমিও তোমার বাড়ি যাবো না.
    (2) so; now; well: তবে আসি, Well, let me rise now. (3) thereafter; only then; then alone: আগে অভাবে পড়ো তবে পয়সা চিনবে. (4) but: করতে বলি না তবে যদি করো বাধা দেবো না. (interjection) well!: তবেরে পাজি, Well! let me have it out, you naughty one! তবেই হয়েছে nothing doing! it’s all up! তবে কিনা but; except that.
  • Bengali Word তাঁবেEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) control; authority; command.
    তাঁবে থাকা be under one's control, command or authority. তাঁবেদার (noun) one who carries out another's orders; a henchman; a servant; a servile person.
  • Bengali Word পুবাল, পুবালি, পুবেEnglish definition (adjective) coming/ blowing from t e east; eastern
  • অক্ষবিদ, অক্ষবিৎ, অক্ষবেত্তা (adjective) versed in law or diplomacy; clever at dice.
  • অগ্নি প্রবেশ (noun) the Hindu rite of mounting the funeral pyre of the husband by a widow.
  • অঙ্গাঙ্গিভাবে (adverb) inseparably.
  • (pronoun) that much: অতো দেবো না, অতোশত (adjective) detailed; elaborate: অতোশত দেখতে হবে না.
  • অতিবাড় (noun) overgrowth; growing extremely haughty or arrogant: অতিবাড় বেড়ো নাকো ঝড়ে পড়ে যাবে, don't grow too high lest a storm should make you stumble down; (figurative) pride will have a fall.
  • অতি বেগুনি, অতি বেগুনী (adjective) ultraviolet.
  • অধিবেত্তা (noun) a person marrying a second wife during the lifetime of the first.
  • অধিবেশন ডাকা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) convene a meeting/session.
  • অনতিপূর্বে (adverb) not long before; a short while ago.
  • অনতিবিলম্বে (adverb) before long; shortly; soon.
  • অনধিকার প্রবেশ (noun) intrusion; trespass.
  • অনধিকার প্রবেশ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) intrude; trespass; encroach; transgress; infringe.
  • অনলসভাবে (adverb) diligently.
  • অনিচ্ছাসত্ত্বেও (adverb) despite unwillingness; against one's will.
  • অনিয়মিতভাবে (adverb) irregularly.
  • অনিশ্চিতভাবে (adverb) without certainly; without being sure; indecisively.
  • অনুচিতভাবে (adverb) wrongly; unjustifiably.
  • অনুরূপভাবে (adverb) accordingly; similarly.
  • অন্তঃ প্রবেশন (noun) literary interpolation.
  • অন্ধভাবে (adverb) blindly; indiscreetly.
  • অন্য প্রকারে, অন্যভাবে (adverb) in a different way.
  • অন্বেষিত (adjective) searched; sought; researched; investigated.
  • অন্বেষক (noun) researcher; investigator.
  • অপরিকল্পিতভাবে (adverb) in an unplanned way.
  • অপ্রতিহতভাবে (adverb) uninterruptedly; irresistibly.
  • অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে (adverb) unexpectedly; suddenly; by chance.
  • অবিলম্বে (adverb) without delay; immediately; at once.