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  • Bengali Word বঁটিEnglish definition(noun) kind of large knife fixed almost at a right angle in a piece of wood on which one sits while chopping fish, vegetables, etc. বঁটি কাটা (noun) cut or chopped with a বঁটি. বঁটি ঝাঁপ (noun) the practice of throwing oneself upon aforesaid knives during the feast of charak (চড়ক).

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word বঁটানোEnglish definition (verb transitive)বঁটি
  • Bengali Word খাঁটিEnglish definition [Hindi] (adjective) (1) not contaminated with any base matter; unmixed; unadulterated; pure: খাঁটি সোনা, খাঁটি দুধ.
    (2) not feigned; sincere; true: খাঁটি ভালোবাসা. (3) honest; truthful; upright, virtuous: খাঁটি লোক. (4) of great worth; precious; valuable: খাঁটি কথা. (5) not forged or faked; genuine; actual; real: খাঁটি অবস্থা.
  • Bengali Word খুঁটিEnglish definition (noun) a post of wood or bamboo.
    খুঁটি গাড়া (verb intransitive) fix a post; (figurative) to settle down at a place permanently. খুঁটির জোর (figurative) patronage of an influential person.
  • Bengali Word চাটি ২, চাঁটিEnglish definition (noun) (1) a stroke with the fingers: তবলায় চাটি মারা play on a tabala (tabour).
    (2) a blow with the open palm; a slap. চাটি মারা (verb transitive) slap.
  • Bengali Word ঝুঁটিEnglish definition (noun) (1) tuft of hair on the crown of the head tied in a bun.
    (2) crash on the head of a bird: কাকাতুয়ার ঝুঁটি. (3) the hump of a bull. ঝুঁটি বাঁধা (verb intransitive) tie up hair into a knot.
  • Bengali Word টুঁটিEnglish definition (noun) the passage by which food enters the stomach; gullet; throat.
    টুঁটি চেপে ধরা (verb intransitive) seize by the throat. টুঁটি টিপে মারা (verb transitive) throttle. টুঁটি-কাটা (noun) a murderer; an assassin; a cut-throat.
  • Bengali Word ডাঁটিEnglish definition (noun) the handle of a spoon, etc
  • Bengali Word পিচুঁটিEnglish definition (noun) excretion/discharge concrete rheum/sordes of the eyes
  • Bengali Word ভাঁটা ২, ভাটা, ভাঁটিEnglish definition noun(s) (1) ebb; ebb-tide; low tide; ebbward direction of a stream; downstream direction; downward direction.
    (2) decline; ebb; decrease. ভাঁটা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) row/sail with the ebb-tide. ভাঁটা পড়া/লাগা (verb intransitive) ebb; begin to ebb; be on the ebb; be at a low ebb; decline; be on the decline. সারাণি(ণী) ভাঁটা (noun) end/cessation of the ebb-tide; slack water at ebb-tide.
  • Bengali Word ভাঁটিEnglish definition (noun) (1) kiln (for buring bricks, etc).
    (2) oven ; furnace. (3) washerman’s trough for boiling dirty clothes; vat; still. (4) distillery. ভাঁটিখানা (noun) distillery; brewery; liquor-shop. খোলা ভাঁটি (noun) public house.
  • Bengali Word ভাটি ১, ভাঁটিEnglish definition (noun) (1) = ভাটা.
    (2) decline; end; even; eventide. (3) lower/low-lying region. (4) south. (adjective) mild; low; slight: ভাটি জ্বাল. ভাটি গাং (noun) a river on the ebb. ভাটি বেলা (noun) afternoon. উজান ভাটি (noun) (1) tides. (2) ups and downs; vicissitude. (3) acclivity and declivity; uneven land.
  • Bengali Word শুঁটিEnglish definition noun(s) pod; legume
  • Bengali Word সরপুঁটিEnglish definition (noun) kind of fresh-water fish
  • Bengali Word সুঁটিEnglish definition = শুঁটি