Bengali Word ফোরাতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)
the river Euphrates.
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Bengali Word ফোরম্যানEnglish definition [English] (noun) foreman
Bengali Word আখেরাত, আখিরাতEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the next world; the hereafter; the Day of Judgement
Bengali Word আম্রাত, আম্রাতক, অম্রাতEnglish definition(noun) (1) tropical tree bearing plum-like fruits.
(2) the hog-plum.
Bengali Word করাতEnglish definition(noun) cutting tool consisting of a thin blade with a serrated edge; a saw.
করাত দিয়ে কাটা (verb transitive) cut with a saw; saw.
শাঁখের করাত (noun) a saw having serrated edge on both sides used for cutting conch shells; (figurative) situation when one is left with a choice between things that are equally undesirable; horns of a dilemma.
করাত কল (noun) a saw-mill.
করাতি, করাতী (noun) a sawyer.
(2) charitable gift; donation.
খয়রাত করা (verb transitive) (1) give in charity.
(2) (figurative) (sarcastic) say something uncalled for or something not desirable: উপদেশ খয়রাত করা.
খয়রাতি (adjective)
given or received in charity; charitable; gratuitous.
খয়রাতি সাহায্য (noun) test relief.
Bengali Word জিরাত, জেরাতEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) cultivation.
(2) land for homestead or a aricultural use: জমি জিরাত.
জিরাতি (adjective) cultivable.
জিরাতি জমি (noun) cultivable land.
Bengali Word ত্রাতEnglish definition(adjective) saved; delivered; rescued; relieved
Bengali Word পরাতEnglish definition [Portuguese] (noun) large tray/ saucer
Bengali Word প্রাতEnglish definition(noun) (in compounds) = প্রাতঃ.
প্রাতরাশ, প্রাতর্ভোজন (noun) morning meal; breakfast.
প্রাতরাশ আহার করা, প্রাতর্ভোজন করা (verb transitive) take the morning meal. breakfast.
প্রাতর্বাক্য (noun) the first words uttered on waking in the morning.
প্রাতে (adverb) in the early morning; at dawn/daybreak.
Bengali Word বরাতEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) fate; luck; fortune; good luck.
(2) charge; commission; assignment; warrant; order: কাজের বরাত দেওয়া.
(3) necessity; business: সেখানে একটু বরাত ছিল.
(4) warrant of authority; authority to represent: নিজে না গিয়ে তাকে বরাত দিয়ে দাও.
(5) representative.
(6) letter.
(7) bill of exchange.
বরাত দেওয়া (verb intransitive) entrust a charge; authorize; assign; commission.
বরাত গুণে (adverb) by virtue of luck.
বরাত জোরে (adverb) through good/a stroke of luck.
বরাত চিঠি (noun) letter of authority or assignment; bill of exchange.
বরাতি (adjective) (1) lucky.
(2) commissioned; representing; entrusted: বরাতি কাজ হওয়া.
(3) necessary.
(noun) messenger; courier; emissary; go-between.
বরাতে (adjective) lucky.
prep in front of; in somebody’s presence; before: কথাটা তার বরাতেই বলো.
Bengali Word রাতEnglish definition(noun) (colloquial) night.
রাত করা (verb intransitive) be far on in the day; stay up late.
রাত কাটানো (verb intransitive) pass a night; stay overnight.
রাত জাগা (verb intransitive) stay up far into the night; keep late hours; stay/ sit up late.
রাত জেগে কাজ করা (verb intransitive) sit up and work late at night; burn the midnight oil.
রাত হওয়া (verb intransitive) get dark.
রাতকানা (adjective) night-blind; nyctalopic.
রাতচোরা (adjective) wandering by night.
(noun) thief; nocturnal animals.
রাতদিন (noun) day and night.
(adverb) night and day; ceaselessly.
রাতভর, রাতভোর (adverb) all night long; nightlong; all night (long).
রাতারাতি (adverb) overnight; whilst there is still light; within a very short time: রাতারাতি ভোল পাল্টানো.
Bengali Word শবে বরাতEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) the fifteenth night of Shaban (the eighth month of the Hijri year), which is celebrated by Muslims as the night of fate