- Bengali Word নবী ১English definition[Arabic] (noun) prophet.
- Bengali Word নবী ২English definition(adjective) (in compounds) = নব ১. নবীকরণ (noun) making new; renewing; renewal; renovation; repair; mending. নবীকৃত (adjective) renewed; renovated; revived; mended; repaired. নবী ভবন (noun) becoming new; state of being renewed; renewal; renovation. নবীভাব (noun) becoming new; renovation; renewed state. নবীভূত (adjective) become new; renewed; renovated.
- Bengali Word নবীন English definition(adjective) fresh; new; young; tender-aged; modern; novel. নবীনা (feminine) = নবীন ." ."> নবীনতা, নবীনত্ব (noun(s) freshness; newness; youthfulness; novelty; modernity.
- Bengali Word নবীয়সীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) = নবীনা
- Bengali Word জাহ্নবীEnglish definition(noun) (1) the daughter of Hindu mythological sage জহ্নু. (2) an appellation of the Ganges.
- Bengali Word দানবীয়English definition(adjective) monstrous; gigantic; demoniac(al); diabolical; devilish.
- Bengali Word মানবীয়English definition(adjective) human; humane.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word জাহ্নবীEnglish definition (noun) (1) the daughter of Hindu mythological sage জহ্নু.(2) an appellation of the Ganges.
- আখেরি, আখেরী [Arabic] (adjective) last; final: আখেরি নবী, prophet Muhammad (sm).
- ঘনবীথি (noun) the region of clouds.
- জহ্নু কন্যা, জহ্নু তনয়া, জাহ্নবী (noun) the Ganges.
- দানবী (feminine) giantess; demoness.
- নকল নবিস, নকল নবীস (noun) (professional) copyist/ transcriber.
- নবীকরণ (noun) making new; renewing; renewal; renovation; repair; mending.
- নবীকৃত (adjective) renewed; renovated; revived; mended; repaired.
- নবী ভবন (noun) becoming new; state of being renewed; renewal; renovation.
- নবীভাব (noun) becoming new; renovation; renewed state.
- নবীভূত (adjective) become new; renewed; renovated.
- নবীনতা, নবীনত্ব (noun(s) freshness; newness; youthfulness; novelty; modernity.
- নূরনবী (noun) the prophet of the Light; the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sm).
- মানবী (feminine) womankind; woman; daughter of man.