Bengali Word নবান্নEnglish definition(noun) new rice/ grain; ceremony observed on first eating new rice in the month of Agrahayan (অগ্রহায়ণ)
Bengali Word নবাবি, নবাবীEnglish definition(adjective) (1) relating to a nawab.
(2) extravagant; lavish; luxurious: নবাবি চাল.
(noun) (1) office/ state of a nawab.
(2) deportment/ bearing like that of a nawab.
(3) extravagant/ luxurious way of life.
Bengali Word নবারুণEnglish definition(noun) newly risen sun; first light of the day; daybreak; dawn
Bengali Word নবার্জিতEnglish definition(adjective) newly earned/ acquired
Bengali Word আসবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) articles of equipment, such as chairs, tables, beds, etc; furniture.
আসবাবপত্র (noun) furniture and fittings; goods and chattels.
Bengali Word আহবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (plural) [singular হবীব্] friends and associates
Bengali Word কবাবEnglish definition(noun) a dish of small pieces of meat seasoned and roasted.
কাবাব চিনি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) kind of spice akin to black pepper.
Bengali Word কাবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a dish of small pieces of meat seasoned and roasted.
কাবাব চিনি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) kind of spice akin to black pepper.
Bengali Word রবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) kind of violin
Bengali Word লা-জওয়াব, লাজবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective(s)) rendered speechless; silenced; confuted; disconcerted; having no reply to give.
লাজবাব করা (verb transitive) render speechless; silence; confound.
Bengali Word শামি-কাবাবEnglish definition(noun) kind of kabab, made of flat rounded cakes of mince-meat