Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word অনুপকারিতা English definition (noun) harmfulness
Bengali Word অনুপযোগিতা English definition (noun) (1) inappropriateness; uselessness.Show more (2) incompetence; incapability; unworthiness.
অনুপযোগী (adjective) unfit; unsuitable.
Bengali Word অসহযোগ, অসহযোগিতা English definition (noun) absence of co-operation; non-cooperation.Show more অসহযোগী (adjective) non-cooperating.
(noun) non-cooperator.
Bengali Word উপযোগিতা English definition (noun) suitability; usefulness; necess propriety; fitness.Show more উপযোগী (adjective) suitable; fit, appropriate; proper; useful.
Bengali Word একগামিতা English definition (noun) contentment with one wife only.Show more একগামী (adjective).
Bengali Word কবিতা English definition (noun) a piece of poetry; a composition in verse; a poem.Show more গীতি কবিতা (noun) a poem written in a metre originally intended to be song; a poem in manner or matter resembling a song; a lyric poem.
Bengali Word জনয়িতা English definition = জনক .Show more জনয়িত্রী (feminine) = জনয়িতা.
Bengali Word জিতা English definition = জেতা Bengali Word জেতা ২, জিতা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) achieve victory; be victorious.Show more (2) get as profit or advantage; gain.
(3) win; get or acquire by winning (as a stake).
জেতানো (verb transitive) (1) cause or help to win; make victorious.
(2) cause to gain something.
Bengali Word জ্ঞাপয়িতা English definition (noun) , (adjective) one who informs.Show more জ্ঞাপয়িত্রী (feminine) = জ্ঞাপয়িতা.
অনুবর্তিতা (noun) obedience; acquiescence; compliance; subservience.অপক্ষপাতিত্ব, অপক্ষপাতিতা same as অপক্ষপাত (noun) .আজ্ঞানুবর্তিতা (noun) subjection; subordination; obedience.দূরবর্তিতা (noun) state of being/lying at a distance; remoteness; (figurative) separation by a large margin/great distance.
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