Bengali Word জুলুমEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)(1) torture; oppression; tyranny.
(2) application of force; pressure; violence; intimidation.
জুলুমবাজ (adjective) one who uses violent and unjust means to achieve his ends.
জুলুমবাজি (noun) taking recourse to oppressive and violent means.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word জুলফি, জুলফি, জুলফEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) hair allowed to grow on the sides of a man’s face; side-burns; whiskers
Bengali Word জুলফিকারEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the famous sword of Caliph Ali
Bengali Word জুলমাতEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) perpetration of tyranny and injustice and consequent disorder, chaos and confusion.
(2) indication of a great upheaval.
Bengali Word জুলাইEnglish definition [English] (noun) the seventh month of the Christian calendar; July
Bengali Word জুলিEnglish definition(noun) a narrow drain for waste water
Bengali Word জুলুEnglish definition [English] (noun) the Zulu tribe of South Africa or their language
Bengali Word ছিলিম, ছিলুমEnglish definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) the bowl of a hookah that contains and burns the tobacco; a chillum.
(2) the quantity of tobacco or hemp that may be smoked at one time: এক ছিলিম তামাক, a chiIlumful of tobacco.
ছিলিমচি (noun) the top portion of the wooden rod of a hookah (hubble-bubble) where the bowl or chillum is placed; chillum-holder.
Bengali Word দারুল উলুমEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) college; university