Bengali Word জুম্মা, জুমাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)(1) weekly congregational prayer on Friday.
(2) Friday.
জুম্মাঘর (noun) a mosque in which weekly congregational prayer as well as five canonical prayers are hold regularly. জুম্মাবার (noun) Friday.
জুম্মা মসজিদ (noun)(1) a mosque spacious enough to accommodate weekly congregational prayers.
(2) the famous congregational mosque at old Delhi built by emperor Shahjahan.
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Bengali Word অজন্মাEnglish definition(noun)failure of crops; scarcity; famine.
(adjective) bastard; illegitimate.
Bengali Word অনুজ, অনুজন্মাEnglish definition(noun) younger brother
Bengali Word অন্তরাত্মাEnglish definition(noun) (1) individual soul.
(2) inward spirit.
Bengali Word আত্মাEnglish definition(noun) soul; spirit; life
Bengali Word উষ্ম, উষ্মাEnglish definition(noun) (1) heat; warmth.
(2) the summer.
(3) anger; rage; passion.
উষ্মবর্ণ (grammar) (noun) the four aspirated consonants in Bengali pronounced with full breath or with the sound ‘h', (for example) শ ষ স and হ.
Bengali Word একধর্মাEnglish definition(adjective) having common qualities
Bengali Word একাত্মাEnglish definition(adjective) (of groups of people) of one spirit; sharing the same views and ideas.
একাত্মতা (noun) oneness of spirit; identity of purpose; solidarity: ছাত্রগণ ধর্মঘটী শ্রমিকদের সাথে একাত্মা ঘোষণা করে, The students declared solidarity with the striking labourers.
Bengali Word করিতকর্মা, করিৎকর্মাEnglish definition(adjective) well-experienced and highly skilled; adept; active
Bengali Word কোর্মাEnglish definition [Turkish] (noun) sweet-tasting meat or fish curry prepared after the Turkish fashion
Bengali Word জন্মাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (1) be born: সন্তান জন্মিল, a child is born.
(2) grow; be produced: পাট জন্মে.
জুম্মাঘর (noun) a mosque in which weekly congregational prayer as well as five canonical prayers are hold regularly.
জুম্মাবার (noun) Friday.
জুম্মা মসজিদ (noun) 1 a mosque spacious enough to accommodate weekly congregational prayers.