Bengali Word জালিমEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)
oppressive; tyrannical.
(noun) one who oppresses; an oppressor; a tyrant.
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Bengali Word জাল ১English definition(noun) (1) a texture of twine, cord, silk, etc with meshes, commonly used to catch fish; a fishing net.
(2) a piece of such open-work fabric used to scare birds or to protect fruits.
(3) an oblong strip of such material used to divide a tennis court or a ping-pong table.
(4) an implement for dressing woman’s hair: খোপার জাল.
(5) the threads which a spider spins; a cobweb: মাকড়সার জাল.
(6) (figurative) anything having power to allure or fascinate: রূপের জাল.
(7) a fine lattice-work: জাল ঘেরা জানালা.
(8) evil influence: কুহক জাল.
(9) love; attachment: মায়াজাল.
জাল পাতা (verb intransitive) lay or set a trap.
জাল ফেলা (verb intransitive) cast a net.
খেপলা-জাল (noun) a cast-net.
ছাঁকিজাল (noun) a scoop-net; a dripping net.
টানা-জাল (noun) a draw-net.
জাল গুটানো (verb intransitive) haul up the net.
জালজীবী (noun) one whose occupation is to catch fish; a fisherman.
জাল ছেঁড়া (verb intransitive) (figurative) get rid of a denger/trouble.
জালপাদ (adjective) having the toes united by a membrane; web-footed.
(noun) animals whose toes are united by a membrane (as a duck).
Bengali Word জাল ২English definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) made in skilful imitation; spurious; counterfeit; fake: জাল টাকা.
(2) forged in order to deceive; not genuine or original : জাল দলিল.
(3) one who has disguised his identity for the purpose of deception; dissembling; dissimulating; false; hypocritical: জাল সাধু.
জাল করা (verb transitive) (1) forge; commit forgery; counterfeit: টাকা বা দলিল জাল করা.
(2) hide under a false appearance; disguise; dissemble; dissimulate; impersonate.
জাল-সাজ (noun) a forger.
জালসাজি (noun) forgery.