Bengali Word জলদ ১English definition(adjective)
that gives water.
(noun) the cloud: জলদা (feminine).
জলদকাল (noun) the rainy season.
জলদক্ষয় (noun) the autumn.
জলদগম্ভীর (adjective) deep and grave like the rumbling of clouds.
জলদ গম্ভীর স্বরে (adverb) in a voice as deep and grave as the rumbling of clouds; in an extremely loud vorce.
জলদাগম [জলদ + আগম] (noun) the advent of the monsoon; the rainy season; the rains.
জলদজাল (noun) a series of clouds.
জলদমন্ত্র (noun) the grave sound of clouds.
জলদোদয় [জলদ + উদয়] (noun) the appearance of clouds.
Bengali Word জলদ ২English definition[Arabic] (adjective)
quick; rapid; swift.
Bengali Word জলদিEnglish definition[Arabic] (adverb)
quickly; hurriedly; hastily.
জলদি করা (verb transitive) make haste.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
জলত্রাসজলাতঙ্ক, জলদস্যু (noun) a robber on the high seas; a pirate; a buccaneer.
জলদস্যুতা (noun) piracy; buccaneering.
জলদস্যুতা করা (verb intransitive) engage in piracy/ buccaneering.
জলদুর্গ (noun) fortress surrounded by a protective trench; a citadel with a moat around it for defence.
জলদেবতা (noun) (according to Hindu belief) a deity inhabiting waters; water-god; Varuna (বরুণ).
জলদোষ (noun) 1 (medical) an unnatural collection of water in any part of the body; dropsy.
জলদ্রোণী (noun) a trough used to free a boat from water; a bailing bucket.
(noun) the cloud: জলদা (feminine).
জলদকাল (noun) the rainy season.
জলদক্ষয় (noun) the autumn.
জলদগম্ভীর (adjective) deep and grave like the rumbling of clouds.
জলদ গম্ভীর স্বরে (adverb) in a voice as deep and grave as the rumbling of clouds; in an extremely loud vorce.
জলদাগম [জলদ + আগম] (noun) the advent of the monsoon; the rainy season; the rains.
জলদজাল (noun) a series of clouds.
জলদমন্ত্র (noun) the grave sound of clouds.
জলদোদয় [জলদ + উদয়] (noun) the appearance of clouds.
জলদি করা (verb transitive) make haste.
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