Bengali Word জরতারিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)
fine cloth made with a mixture of gold thread.
Bengali Word জরতীEnglish definition(adjective)
(feminine) (1) very old; decrepit; decaying.
(2) ancient; antique; not having any novelty: জরতী ধরণী.
জরৎ mas.
Bengali Word জরৎকারুEnglish definition(noun)
Husband of the Hindu deity Manasa.
Bengali Word জরথুস্ত্রEnglish definition(noun)
Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism, the ancient Persian religion.
Bengali Word জরদEnglish definition(noun)(1) yellow colour.
(2) cloth with embroidery designs in gold and silver thread.
Bengali Word জরদা, জর্দা, যরদাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)(1) sweet pilau coloured with saffron.
(2) scented tobacco preparation taken with betel leaves.
Bengali Word জরদ্গব, জরদ্গবEnglish definition(adjective)
a decrepit old fellow; a stupid and indolent person.
(noun)(1) a decrepit bull.
(2) the vulture.
জরদ্গবী, জরদ্গবী (noun) a decrepit cow.
Bengali Word জরাEnglish definition(noun)
the state of being worn out, broken down and weakened by age; the crazy state of the body produced by decay or age; decrepitude.
জরাগ্রস্ত (adjective) broken down with age; being in the last stage of decay; decrepit.
জরাজীর্ণ (adjective) worn out and decayed through age.
Bengali Word জরা ২English definition(verb transitive)(1) wear out or cause to wear out.
(2) be digested.
জারিত, জীর্ণ (adjective) worn out.
জরানো (verb transitive) smear with something (as salt) or saturate (in oil, etc) for the purpose of preservation.
(adjective) that has been preserved in this way.
Bengali Word জরায়ুEnglish definition(noun)
the uterus; the womb.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word অজরEnglish definition(adjective) not subject to old age; not decaying
Bengali Word ওজরEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) objection; protest.
(2) a plea; an excuse; a pretext.
বাজে ওজর a lame excuse.
মিথ্যা ওজর a false plea.
Bengali Word খঞ্জরEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a kind of double-edged dagger
Bengali Word গাজরEnglish definition(noun) a kind of vegetable; carrot
Bengali Word গুর্জরEnglish definition(noun) Guzrat, the country in the western region of India; a native of Gujrat.