Bengali Word জংEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)
reddish-brown coating or fungus formed on iron exposed to moisture; rust.
জং ধরা (verb intransitive) rust; become rusty.
জং-ধরা (adjective) rusty; rusted: জং-ধরা লোহা; rusty iron.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word জংলা, জঙ্গলাEnglish definition(adjective) (1) full of bushes; bushy.
(2) born in state of nature; wild: জংলা কচু.
(3) having a wild nature; uncivilized; rude.
Bengali Word জংলি, জঙ্গলীEnglish definition [Persian] (adjective) (1) living in a state of nature; dwelling in a forest; wild; uncivil; ill-mannered: জংলি জাতি, a wild/aboriginal race
Bengali Word জবড়জংEnglish definition(adjective) (1) indecorously showy or pompous; ill-matched; unbecoming; un-fitting; clumsy and heavy.
(2) disorderly; untidy; wild.
Bengali Word ভোজং, ভুজংEnglish definition (noun(s) bad advice ; evil counsel.
ভোজং দেওয়া (verb transitive) win over by cajolery; coax into; persuade by flattery.
Bengali Word জঙ্গ ১, জংগEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a contest between nations or parties carried on by force of arms; a battle; a war.
(2) a tumultuous brawl; a noisy quarrel.
জঙ্গ ডিঙা (noun) a battle ship; warship.
জঙ্গ-নামা (noun) (1) an account of a battle.
(2) a book on warfare and bravery in Bengali.
জঙ্গবাজ (adjective), (noun) skilled in fighting; a brave warrior; a war-lord.
জঙ্গ বাহাদুর (adjective) skilled in warfare; warlike; martial.
বাহাদুরি (noun) military tactics; art of warfare; strategies.