- Bengali Word চোখEnglish definition(noun) (1) the organ of vision; the eye. (2) the sight of the eye; view; observation; eyesight. (3) kind disposition; an eye of favour: তার প্রতি আমার চোখ আছে. (4) a covetous eye; an avaricious look: পরের জিনিসে চোখ দেওয়া. (5) a sort of knot at the root of a bamboo or sugarcane where shoots arise; a node; a protuberance. চোখ ওঠা (verb intransitive) be attacked with ophthalmia. (noun) inflammation of the eye; ophthalmia. চোখ কপালে তোলা (verb intransitive) be amazed/alarmed. চোখ কাটানো (verb intransitive) have the cataract of one’s eyes removed by ophthalmic surgery. চোখ-কান খোলা (adjective) careful; watchful; alert. (noun) alertness; watchfulness. চোখ-কান বুজে থাকা (verb intransitive) (1) refuse to be entangled in what one doesn’t like. (2) be failing in one’s responsibilities. চোখ খাওয়া, চোখের মাথা খাওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) fail to choose the right thing. (2) lose one’s eyesight. চোখ ছলছল করা (verb intransitive) feel like weeping; (of one’s eyes) be filled with tears. চোখ টাটানো (verb intransitive) be envious or jealous; be apprehensive of rivalry. চোখ টেপা, চোখ ঠারা (verb transitive) wink at meaningfully; give a leer or side glance; ogle at (one). চোখ দেওয়া (verb transitive) cast an evil eye (on). চোখ পড়া (verb transitive) feel attraction for; be attracted to. চোখ পাকানো (verb intransitive) express anger or displeasure by straining one’s eyes; goggle; frown. চোখ ফোটা (verb intransitive) (1) (of young birds) have eyes opened for the first time. (2) some to be enlightened about what one was quite in darkness. চোখ মিটমিট করা (verb intransitive) shut and open the eyelids rapidly. চোখ রাখা (verb transitive) keep an eye on; be watchful about. চোখ রাঙানো (verb transitive) (1) throw an angry glance/a fierce or piercing look; show temper. (2) give threats; intimidate. চোখে আঙুল দিয়ে দেখানো (verb intransitive) make one understand something with positive proof. চোখে চোখে রাখা (verb transitive) keep (one) under constant observation/watch. চোখে ধুলা দেওয়া (verb transitive) play a trick on; deceive or mislead one; hoodwink. চোখে মুখে কথা বলা (verb intransitive) talk indiscreetly; display one’s gift of the gab. চোখের আড়ালে (adverb) out of one’s sight; behind one’s back. চোখের উপরে (adverb) before one’s eyes. চোখের নেশা (noun) a strong desire just for seeing. চোখের পরদা (noun) (1) eyelid. (2) a feeling f delicacy in doing something unseemly. চোখের বালি (noun) (figurative) a detestable person; an eye-sore. চোখের ভুল (noun) a deceptive appearance; an illusion; a hallucination. চোখে সরষে ফুল দেখা be perplexed in a difficult situation; be at a loss what to do.
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- Bengali Word চোখাEnglish definition [Hindi] (adjective) (1) sharp; pointed; piercing.(2) (figurative) harsh; rude; severe; strong: চোখা কথা, words that cut to the quick; sharp words. (3) smart; intelligent; experienced: চোখা লোক. (4) genuine; pure; excellent: চোখা মাল.
- Bengali Word চোখাচোখিEnglish definition (noun) exchange of glances/looks
- Bengali Word একচক্ষু, একচোখোEnglish definition (adjective) (1) blind of one eye; one-eyed.(2) looking to one side only; showing partiality; prejudiced: একচক্ষু নীতি, preferential treatment/policy. একচক্ষু হরিণ (adjective) (figurative) (1) whimsical; self-willed; wayward. (2) prejudiced; biased. একচোখোমি (noun) partiality; bias; prejudice.
- Bengali Word একচোখা, একচোখাEnglish definition = একচক্ষু
- উটচোখো (adjective) having small eyes like the camel.
- চোখ উঠা have inflammation of the eye (especially) conjunctivitis.
- একচোখোমি (noun) partiality; bias; prejudice.
- চার চোখে দেখা look to one with an eye of favour.
- পটোল চেরা চোখ (noun) wide and very beautiful eyes shaped like the longitudinal half of a পটোল.
- (adjective) large as the sweet of this name: চোখ ছানাবড়া হওয়া, have one’s eyes wide open with wonder; be struck with awe; be dumbfounded.
- চোখ টাটানো be envious of somebody’s good fortune.
- চোখে ঠেকা (verb intransitive) look unseemly.
- ডবডবে (adjective) tearful; swelled: ডবডবে চোখ.
- দুচোখ (noun) two eyes.
- (adjective) dazzling: চোখ ধাঁধাঁনো.
- চোখে ধূলি দেওয়া (figurative) throw dust in somebody’s eyes; hoodwink; deceive.