Bengali Word গোষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun)(1) a family; a clan; a tribe.
(2) a class; a collection; a group: শিল্পগোষ্ঠী, a group of industries.
(3) an association; a union; a confederacy: উদয়ন শিল্পীগোষ্ঠী.
গোষ্ঠীপতি (noun) the head of a family or clan; a leader; a president.
গোষ্ঠীবর্গ (noun) (plural) members of a family; a whole body of kinsfolk.
গোষ্ঠীভুক্ত (adjective) included in or belonging to a family/ group.
গোষ্ঠীসুখ (noun) the pleasure of being with one’s kith and kin.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word গোষ্ঠEnglish definition(noun) (1) a cow-house; a cow-shed.
(2) a pasture; a pasturage; a grazing ground.
(3) a meeting-place; an assembly.
(4) an alliance; an association; a union.
গোষ্ঠগৃহ (noun) = গোষ্ঠ ((1) ).
গোষ্ঠবিহারী (noun) appellation of Sri Krishna.
গোষ্ঠলীলা (noun) pastoral sports of Sri Krishna in Brindabana.
Bengali Word গোষ্পদEnglish definition(noun) cow’s footprint
Bengali Word কোষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun) (astrology) a figure or scheme of the heavens from which to cast nativities; a horoscope.
কোষ্ঠী করা cast one’s horoscope or nativity.
কোষ্ঠী গণনা করা foretell the future of one’s life from one’s horoscope.
কোষ্ঠীগত (adjective) horoscopic.
কোষ্ঠীগণক (noun) a horoscopist; an astrologer.
কোষ্ঠী গণনা (noun) casting of horoscopes; horoscopy.
Bengali Word খরোষ্ঠীEnglish definition the ancient language and script of the north-west region of Pakistan; Kharosthi
Bengali Word গনাগোষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun) one’s whole family
Bengali Word জ্যেষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun) the common lizard found in dwelling houses
Bengali Word ঠিকুজি, ঠিকুজি-কোষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun) one’s horoscope from which astrologers can foretell future events of one’s life
Bengali Word বিদ্বদ্গণ, বিদ্বদ্গোষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun(s)) = বিদ্বৎকুল
Bengali Word শুণ্ঠি, শুণ্ঠীEnglish definition noun(s) dried ginger
Bengali Word ষষ্ঠীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) (1) name of a Hindu goddess supposed to protect children.
(2) the sixth day of the bright fortnight.
(3) (grammar) the sixth or genitive case.
ষষ্ঠী তৎপুরুষ (noun) (grammar) kind of compound of which the first member would (if uncompounded) be in the genitive case.
ষষ্ঠী তলা (noun) place for the worship of goddess Shashthi.
ষষ্ঠী বাটা (noun) Hindu ceremonial gift sent to a son-in-law on the eve of জামাই ষষ্ঠী (জামাই).
ষষ্ঠী বুড়ি (noun) (feminine) goddess Shashthi.
ষষ্ঠীর কৃপা (noun) obtaining a child through the grace of goddess Shashthi; being blessed with many children.