- Bengali Word খোশEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) (1) pleasant; agreeable; delightful: খোশ খবর. (2) amusing; entertaining: খোশ গল্প. খোশ আখলাক (noun) good manners; courteous conduct. (adjective) well-behaved; polished; refined; elegant. খোশ আমদেদ (noun) kind reception; welcome. খোশ এলহান (noun) sweet voice. খোশকবালা (noun) (legal) a deed of conveyance willingly executed by the proprietor. খোশকেতা (adjective) of good physique; handsome. খোশখত, খোশখৎ (noun) good hand-writing. (adjective) writing a good hand. খোশখবর (noun) happy tidings. খোশ খেয়াল (noun) sweet will; fancy; whim; caprice: প্রভুর খোশ খেয়াল. খোশ খেয়ালি (adjective) self-willed; capricious. খোশ-খোরাক (noun) dainty food; delicious dishes. খোশ খোরাকি (adjective) fond of/used to dainty food. খোশ গল্প (noun) (1) an amusing tale. (2) chit-chat. খোশ-জবান (adjective) well-speaking; eloquent. খোশ নবিস (noun) a good writer; a calligrapher. খোশ নসিব (adjective) lucky; fortunate. খোশ নসিবি (noun) good luck. খোশনাম (noun) good name; reputation. খোশ পোশাক (noun) fine clothes; good/elegant dress. খোশ পোশাকি (adjective) well-dressed; foppish. খোশবু (noun) perfume; sweet scent; fragrance. খোশবুদার (adjective) (1) sweet-smelling; fragrant. (2) having a savoury smell; spicy; balmy; aromatic. খোশ মেজাজ (adjective) cheerful; gay. (noun) good humour. খোশ রং (noun) agreeable colour; sweet colour. খোশরোজ (noun) (1) a happy day; a day of rejoicing. (2) new year’s day. খোশহাল (noun) good condition. (adjective) well-to-do; well-off.
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- Bengali Word খোশামোদ, খোশামোদিEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) servile/obsequious flattery; servility; sycophancy; adulation.খোশামোদ করা (verb intransitive) (verb transitive) flatter; adulate. খোসামুদে (adjective) flattering; uttering false praise. (noun) person who flatters; a flatterer.
- Bengali Word নাখুশ, নাখোশ English definition (adjective(s)) displeased; unhappy; disgusted; dissatisfied.নাখুশি (noun) displeasure; fretting; unhappiness.
- Bengali Word মুখোশ, মুখোসEnglish definition noun(s) (1) mask.(2) disguise; hypocrisy; dissimulation. মুখোশ পরা (verb intransitive) wear a mask; masquerade; disguise oneself; dissimulate. মুখোশ খোলা (verb intransitive) unmask; throw off one’s mask. মুখোশ পরানো (verb intransitive) mask; disguise.
- খোশখবর (noun) happy tiding; good news.
- খোশামোদ করা (verb intransitive) (verb transitive) flatter; adulate.
- দিলখুশ, দিলখোশ (adjective) enchanted; pleased; heartened; delighted.
- খোশ পোশাকি (adjective) dressy; modish; fashionable; foppish.
- মুখোশ পরা (verb intransitive) wear a mask; masquerade; disguise oneself; dissimulate.
- খোশ মেজাজ (verb intransitive) good humour; cheerful temperament.