Bengali Word খাসি, খাসীEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)
castrated goal or sheep.
করা (verb transitive) castrate.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word অধিবাসীEnglish definition(noun) an inhabitant; a native; a resident
Bengali Word অন্তেবাসীEnglish definition(noun) (1) pupil or disciple boarding at the master's house.
(2) a neighbour.
(3) the untouchable Hindu community who dwell in the outskirts of villages.
(adjective) nearby; adjacent.
Bengali Word উদাসীEnglish definition(adjective) in a state of apathy/indifference; callous; disinterested.
উদাসিনী (feminine) = উদাসী.
Bengali Word উপাসীEnglish definition = উপবাসী. = উপবাস
= উপবাস
Bengali Word খাসি, খাসীEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) castrated goal or sheep.
করা (verb transitive) castrate.
Bengali Word ঘাসীEnglish definition(noun) a dealer in grass; one who cuts and sells grass for cattle.
ঘাসী নৌকা (noun) a long and narrow boat used in carrying grass.
Bengali Word জগদ্বাসীEnglish definition [জগৎ + বাসী] (adjective), (noun) dwelling on earth; people inhabiting the earth
Bengali Word দাসীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) (of দাস) female servant/slave.
দাসীগিরি, দাসীপনা, দাসীবৃত্তি, দাসীত্ব (noun) condition profession/service of a maid-servant/female slave; slavery.
দাসীপুত্র (noun) son of a female slave; low wretch/miscreant (as an abusive term).
দাসীভাব = দাসীগিরি.
Bengali Word দেয়াসীEnglish definition(noun) votary (of certain goddesses)