Bengali Word কুকুরEnglish definition(noun)
domestic quadruped famous for loyalty to its master; a dog
কুকুরী(noun) (feminine) a bitch.
কুকুরের ছানা (noun) a puppy.
কুকুরের পাল (noun) a pack of dogs/ hounds.
কুকুর-কুণ্ডলী (noun) the manner at lying down in a coil as a dog.
কুকুর নেজা (adjective) of the shape of a dog’s tail.
কুকুর মুখো (noun) an abuse.
কুকুরে ঘুম short sleep.
কুকুরে দাঁত (noun) (in a human being) two pairs of sharp, pointed teeth between the incisors and the premolars like those of a dog; the canine teeth.
খেঁকি কুকুর (noun) type of rickety and ill-tempered dog that easily gets irritated and snarls at people; (figurative) a peevish person without worth.
যেমন কুকুর তেমনি মুগুর like dog, like hammer.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word কুকথাEnglish definition(noun) (1) indecent or obscene talk; abusive language.
(2) talking unguardedly something serious that ought not be said (as when a husband says to the wife in a fit of rage ‘l divorce thee’).
Bengali Word কুকর্ম, কুকার্যEnglish definition(noun) a wicked or blamable act; a mischief; a misdeed.
কুকর্মকারী (noun) an evil-doer; a mischief maker.
কুকর্মাসক্ত (adjective) given to evil ways/ immorality; villainous.
Bengali Word কুকীর্তিEnglish definition(noun) a misdeed; a wicked act; a crime
Bengali Word কুক্ষণEnglish definition(noun) an inauspicious moment; evil hour
Bengali Word কুক্ষিEnglish definition(noun) (1) the belly; the womb; the abdomen.
(2) the inside or hollow of anything; a cave.
কুক্ষিগত (adjective) lying inside the womb or a cave; (figurative) seized/ snatched/ grabbed by one; under one’s absolute control.
Bengali Word অঙ্কুরEnglish definition(noun) (1) seedling; sapling; sprout: বীজাঙ্কুর.
(2) origination; germination; first stage: ভাবের অঙ্কুর.
(3) root; source; commencement.
(4) an end or tip: তৃণাঙ্কুর, কুশাঙ্কুর.
(5) a bud; a blossom.
অঙ্কুরে বিনাশ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) to nip in the bud.
Bengali Word কুশাঙ্কুরEnglish definition(noun) (1) sharp-pointed young shoot of kush grass.
(2) a new-grown sharp blade of kush grass.
(adjective) sharp as the tip of a blade of kush.
Bengali Word চিকুরEnglish definition(noun) (1) hair covering the human scalp; tuft of hair.
(2) a discharge of atmospheric electricity; lightning.
চিকুর জাল (noun) a tress of hair.
Bengali Word জাতাঙ্কুরEnglish definition [জাত + অঙ্কুর] (adjective) sprouted.
(noun) a new sprout
Bengali Word জ্ঞানাঙ্কুরEnglish definition [জ্ঞান + অঙ্কুর] (noun) (literally) the sprout or the beginning of knowledge; the rudiments of knowledge
Bengali Word ঠাকুরEnglish definition(noun) (1) a Hindu god or deity.
(2) an idol.
(3) God : ঠাকুর, রক্ষা করো.
(4) person deserving respect and reverence: পিতা ঠাকুর.
(5) a preceptor: গুরু ঠাকুর.
(6) a Brahmin.
(7) a Brahmin cook: ঠাকুরের রান্না.
(8) a priest: ঠাকুর পূজা করেন.
(9) the father-in-law of a woman: ঠাকুরপো.
(10) title of the Brahmins: রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.
ঠাকুরানী, ঠাকরুন (feminine).
ঠাকুর-ঘর (noun) room for an idol.
ঠাকুর-জামাই (noun) husband of husband’s sister.
ঠাকুর-ঝি (noun) husband’s sister.
ঠাকুরদাদা (noun) grandfather.
ঠাকুর দালান (noun) a hall or building containing an idol attached to a dwelling house.
ঠাকুর পুত্র (noun) son of a spiritual preceptor.
ঠাকুরপো (noun) husband’s younger brother.
ঠাকুর বাড়ি (noun) temple; shrine.
ঠাকুরমা (noun) paternal grandmother.
ঠাকুরালি (noun) (1) jest; joke; fun: ছাড়ো তোমার ঠাকুরালি.
(2) authority; supremacy; predominance.
Bengali Word ঢেঁকুরEnglish definition(noun) a noisy expulsion of wind upwards from the stomach; a belch; an eructation.
ঢেঁকুর তোলা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) make a belch; belch; eructate.
চোঁয়া ঢেঁকুর (noun) soury eructation caused by over-eating or indigestion.
Bengali Word পুকুরEnglish definition(noun) pond; pool.
পুকুর কাটা (verb intransitive) excavate a pond.
পুকুর ঝালানো (verb intransitive) dredge a pond.
পুকুর প্রতিষ্ঠা করা (verb intransitive) perform solemn rites before putting a newly excavated pond to use.
পুকুর-চুরি (noun) monstrous fraud/swindle.
পুকুরপাড় (noun) bank of a pond.
Bengali Word প্রাণাঙ্কুরEnglish definition(noun) protoplasm
Bengali Word বংশাঙ্কুরEnglish definition(noun) bamboo-shoot
Bengali Word বট্ঠাকুরEnglish definition(noun) an elder brother of one’s husband
Bengali Word ভগাঙ্কুরEnglish definition(noun) (anatomy) clitoris
Bengali Word মজকুরEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) mentioned; recorded; related; aforesaid.