Bengali Word কিমিয়াEnglish definition[Arabic] chemical science of olden days; alchemy.
Bengali Word হাকিমিEnglish definition(noun)
(adjective) magisterial.
Bengali Word ঝিকমিক, ঝিকিমিকিEnglish definition(interjection)
suggesting a sparkling or glittering state.
ঝিকমিক করা (verb intransitive) glitter; glisten; gleam; glimmer.
Bengali Word হেকিমি, হকিমীEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective)
relating to the Muslim system of medicine.
(noun) practice of the Muslim system of medicine.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word তালিমিEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) of or concerning education
Bengali Word তিমিEnglish definition(noun) the whale, the largest of sea animals, a mammal. (mas the bull-whale, (feminine) the cow-whale).
(mas the bull-whale, (feminine) the cow-whale).
তিমি শাবক (noun) a whale-calf; a calf whale.
তিমি শিকার (noun) whale-fishing; whaling; whalery.
তিমি শিকারি (noun) (person or ship) whaler; whale-fisher.
তিমিতৈল (noun) train-oil; whale-oil.
Bengali Word ভিটকিলিমিEnglish definition(noun) hypocrisy; imposture; deception; pranks
Bengali Word রিমঝিম, রিমিঝিমিEnglish definition noun(s) (onomatopoeia) patter (of rain)
Bengali Word হাকিমিEnglish definition(noun) magistracy.
(adjective) magisterial.
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