Bengali Word ভূম্যধিকারীEnglish definition(noun)
landlord; landholder.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word অপসারীEnglish definition(adjective) (physics) that diverges; divergent
Bengali Word অল্পাহারীEnglish definition(adjective) one who eats less; moderate in eating
Bengali Word অনুপকারীEnglish definition = অনুপকারক
Bengali Word অপহারক, অপহারীEnglish definition(adjective) robbing; stealing; plundering
Bengali Word অহংকারীEnglish definition proud; arrogant; haughty; boastful; vainglorious.
অহঙ্কারে মত্ত puffed up/intoxicated/mad with pride.
Bengali Word কর্মচারীEnglish definition(noun) one who works for an employer; an employee; an officer/ official.
কর্মচারীবৃন্দ (noun) (plural) the staff of persons employed in an office; the personnel.
Bengali Word কাণ্ডারি, কাণ্ডারীEnglish definition(noun) the man at the helm; the steersman; the helmsman; (figurative) one at the helm of affairs; a leader.
বিপদের কাণ্ডারি (noun) one’s guide or resort in peril.
ভবের কাণ্ডারি (noun) pilot in the voyage of life.
Bengali Word কারী, ক্বারীEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) one whose recital of the Holy Qoran is perfectly faultless and accurate
Bengali Word -কারীEnglish definition (suffix) denoting a doer or performer of something: হিত-কারী, আড্ডা-কারী
Bengali Word কুমারীEnglish definition(noun) (1) an unmarried girl of marriageable age; a virgin; a maiden.
(2) woman who remains single after the conventional age of marrying; a spinster.
(3) a daughter: রাজকুমারী.
কুমারীত্ব (noun) state of being a virgin; virginity.
কুমারী-নাম (noun) name derived from that of father or ancestor (in contrast to that derived horn husband); maiden name.
অকৃত্যকারী (adjective) a wrong-doer; a mischief-maker.
অধিকারী (noun) 1 owner; lord; king.
অনহঙ্কারী (adjective) not proud/ arrogant/conceited; unassuming; polite; modest.
অনিষ্টকারী (noun), (adjective) one who causes harm/injury; an evil-doer; a wrong-doer.