Bengali Word কামরাEnglish definition[Portuguese] (noun)
apartment in a house; a room.
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Bengali Word কাম ১English definition (colloquial) = কাজ, কাম চোর (noun) one who evades responsibility; a shirker
Bengali Word কাম ২English definition(noun) the Hindu god of love and lust called variously as Anange, Kandarpa, Madana or Kama
Bengali Word কাম ৩English definition(noun) (1) desire to have sex with somebody: কামাতুর, stricken with the desire for sexual intercourse/ love-making; love-sick.
(2) eagerness to obtain or enjoy; strong longing; aspiration: সিদ্ধ কাম, one who has attained his goal.
(3) love; devotion; attachment.
কামকলা (noun) the art of love-making.
কামকেলি (noun) amorous sport; sexual intercourse; copulation.
কাম গন্ধ (noun) taint of lust/ sex.
কামচর (adjective) one who can travel wherever he wills; moving at will: কামচর নারদ.
কামাচার (noun) act of doing as one wishes; wilfulness; wantonness; sensuality.
কামাচারী (adjective) lacking moral discipline; licentious; profligate.
(noun) a dissipated and depraved person
কামাচারিণী (feminine).
কামজ (adjective) (1) born of the unlawful union of one’s father and mother.
কামজ্বর (noun) inordinate desire for sexual union.
কামদ (adjective) granting/ having the power of granting whatever one desires
কামদা (feminine).
কামধেনু (noun) (mythology) cow that grants any desire; wishing-cow.
কাম পীড়িত (adjective) love-sick; কাম পীড়িতা (feminine).
কাম প্রবৃত্তি (noun) sex urge; sexual appetite.
কাম মোহিত (adjective) overwhelmed with sexual desire.
কাম মোহিতা (feminine) = কাম (৩) .
কাম শাস্ত্র (noun) science relating to sexual passion; the art of lovemaking.
Bengali Word কামঠEnglish definition(noun) the meat of tortoise.
(adjective) of or relating to the tortoise.
Bengali Word কামড়English definition(noun) gripping with the teeth; act of biting: সাপের কামড়, snake bite.
(2) a wound made by a sting: মশার কামড়, mosquito bite.
(3) a sharp or shooting pain: মাথার কামড়, পেটের কামড়.
(4) (figurative) an exorbitant or merciless demand: বরের বাপের কামড়.
কামড় দেওয়া (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) pierce or wound with the teeth or sting; bite.
কামড় ধরা (verb intransitive) have a sharp or shooting pain like that of biting.
কামড়ে ধরা (verb transitive) grip with the teeth.
মরণ কামড় (noun) the last bid of the vanquished.
Bengali Word কামড়ানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) pierce or grip with the teeth.
(2) wound with the sting (as by a mosquito).
(3) have a biting sensation: পেট কামড়ানো, stomach-ache; হাত-পা কামড়ানো.
কামড়ানি (noun) act of biting; biting.
Bengali Word কামনাEnglish definition(noun) (1) desire to have sex with somebody.
(2) the object of desire.
কামনা করা (verb transitive) wish for the possession or enjoyment of.
কামনানাশ (noun) annihilation of desire.
কামনা সিদ্ধি (noun) fulfilment of a desire.
Bengali Word কামরাঙা, কামরাঙ্গাEnglish definition(noun) kind of sour fruit; Averrhoa carambola
Bengali Word কামলা ১English definition(noun) a disease characterized by yellowness of the eyes and skin, loss of appetite and general lassitude; jaundice
Bengali Word কামলা ২English definition(noun) one who earns his bread by labouring on daily basis; a day labourer
Bengali Word কামাই ১English definition(noun) that which is earned by labour; emolument which one receives for employment; earning.
কামাই করা (verb intransitive) acquire by work; earn.
Bengali Word কামাই ২English definition(noun) (1) absence from work/duty: অফিস কামাই করে খেলা দেখেছি.
কামাই করা (verb intransitive) (verb transitive) absent oneself from duty.
(2) cessation; termination; respite: বকবকানির কামাই নেই.
কাজও নেই কামাইও নেই no work, no leisure; one who is without a job/ unemployed.
Bengali Word কামাক্ষীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) appellation or Hindu goddess Kamakhya so called because of her beautiful eyes (কাম beautiful + অক্ষি eyes)
Bengali Word কামানEnglish definition [English] (noun) the well-known heavy fire-arm; cannon: কামান বন্দুক.
কামান দাগা (verb intransitive) fire a cannon; bombard with a cannon.
কামান দেগে চূর্ণবিচূর্ণ করা (verb transitive)batter with cannon shots; cannonade.
কামান-গোলা (noun) a cannon-ball.
Bengali Word কামানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) gain (money) by labour; earn: পয়সা কামানো.
(2) cut off hair from the skin; shave: দাঁড়ি কামানো.
(3) (slang) abusive word used to express anger or temper: এতক্ষণ কামাচ্ছিলে নাকি? what hell have you been doing so long?
Bengali Word কামিজEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) garment for the upper part of the body; a shirt
Bengali Word কামিনীEnglish definition(noun) (1) an adult female; a woman.
(2) the consort of a man; a wife.
(3) a lustful woman.
(4) a variety of Sweet-scented flower.
কামিনী সুলভ (adjective) befitting a woman; womanly: কামিনী সুলভ কোমলতা.
Bengali Word কামিয়াবEnglish definition [Persian] (adjective) attaining the desired success; successful: তুমি কামিয়াব হবে.
কামিয়াবি (noun) the achievement of a desired aim; success.
Bengali Word কামীEnglish definition(adjective) (1) inspired by lust or the sexual appetite; lewd; lustful.
(2) (chiefly used as a suffix) desirous of; eager to have: শান্তিকামী
কামিনী (feminine) = কামী.
Bengali Word কামুকEnglish definition(adjective) one who is slyly and powerfully sexual; lascivious; wanton
Bengali Word কামেলEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) one who has attained his end.
(noun) person who has attained divine grace through austere religious practices; a saint; a sage: কামেল ফকির.
Bengali Word কামোদEnglish definition(noun) a musical mode
Bengali Word কাম্যEnglish definition(adjective) (1) worthy of desire; desirable.
(2) worth having; enjoyable.
(3) what is to be performed for the realization of one’s end: কাম্যকর্ম.
কাম্যফল (noun) the result or outcome of one’s desire.
Bengali Word আলহামরাEnglish definition [Aabic] (adjective) the red one.
(noun) the famous palace in Spain built during the Muslim rule.