Bengali Word কাবাবEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)
a dish of small pieces of meat seasoned and roasted.
কাবাব চিনি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) kind of spice akin to black pepper.
Bengali Word কাবাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the Holy Kaaba, the centre of Muslim pilgrimage in Mecca, containing the sacred Black Stone, and in which direction Muslims all over the world offer their prayers.
Also known as Baitullah, the House of Allah.
Bengali Word কাবাডিEnglish definition(noun) country game of Bangladesh (also called hadudu)
Bengali Word কাবারEnglish definition [Portuguese] (noun) (1) the state of being exhausted; end; termination: গল্পে গল্পে রাত কাবার হলো.
(2) the final state; the last day: মাস কাবারে এসো.
কাবার করা (verb transitive) spend; finish; exhaust.
কাবার হওয়া (verb intransitive) be finished/exhausted / terminated.
Bengali Word কাবিন, কাবীনEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the dowry payable to a bride at a Muslim marriage.
কাবিননামা [Arabic + Persian] (noun) the deed of marriage contract under Muslim law.
Bengali Word কাবিলEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) possessing worth; deserving; suitable; fitting: এতেবারের কাবিল, worthy of trust.
কাবিলতি (noun) worthiness; fitness; suitability.
Bengali Word কাবুEnglish definition [Turkish] (adjective) (1) lacking in strength; weak; feeble.
(2) conquered; subdued; prostrate; under one’s control.
কাবু করা (verb transitive) or defeat or overpower; bring under control.
কাবু হওয়া (verb intransitive) go down; be defeated/ cornered / overpowered.
Bengali Word কাবুলিEnglish definition [Persian] (adjective) of or relating to Kabul; born in Kabul or Afghanistan.
(noun) a national of Afghanistan; man from Kabul (also কাবুলিওয়ালা).
Bengali Word কাবেজEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) caught in the palm of one’s hand; got into one’s clutches; acquired; in one’s possession: জান কাবেজ করা
Bengali Word কাব্যEnglish definition(noun) (1) creative writing in verse form expressing an imaginative or deeply felt experience in a heightened style.
(2) creative literature in the elevated style of prose expressing deep feeling or noble thought; polite literature.
(3) a book of verse.
কাব্যকলা (noun) the art of poetry; the poetical art; poetics.
কাব্যকার (noun) a writer of verses; a poet.
কাব্যগ্রন্থ (noun) a book of verse.
কাব্যচর্চা (noun) cultivation or study of poetry.
কাব্য জগৎ (noun) the realm of poetry; the society of poets.
কাব্য বিশারদ (adjective) skilled in poetry.
(noun) one versed in poetic literature.
কাব্যরস (noun) the beauty of poetry; the aesthetic value of poetry.
কাব্যরসিক (noun) one who appreciates poetry; a connoisseur of poetical art.
গদ্য কাব্য (noun) composition in prose containing literary beauty.
গীতি কাব্য (noun) poetry based on deep personal feeling and intended to be sung; lyrical poetry.
খণ্ডকাব্য (noun) neither an epic, nor a short poem.
মহাকাব্য (noun) poetic account in an elevated style describing the adventures and achievements of one or more great heroes, or a nation’s past history; an epic.
Bengali Word আসবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) articles of equipment, such as chairs, tables, beds, etc; furniture.
আসবাবপত্র (noun) furniture and fittings; goods and chattels.
Bengali Word আহবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (plural) [singular হবীব্] friends and associates
Bengali Word কবাবEnglish definition(noun) a dish of small pieces of meat seasoned and roasted.
কাবাব চিনি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) kind of spice akin to black pepper.
Bengali Word নবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) nabob; nawab; ruler of a territory; governor of a district/ town; viceroy.
Bengali Word রবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) kind of violin
Bengali Word লা-জওয়াব, লাজবাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective(s)) rendered speechless; silenced; confuted; disconcerted; having no reply to give.
লাজবাব করা (verb transitive) render speechless; silence; confound.
Bengali Word শামি-কাবাবEnglish definition(noun) kind of kabab, made of flat rounded cakes of mince-meat
কাবাব চিনি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) kind of spice akin to black pepper.
শিক কাবাব (noun) shikh kebab.
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