Bengali Word কল্লা ১English definition[Persian] (noun)
the head: বাবা জানতে পারলে কল্লা থাকবে না (অপরাধের বিষয়), father will inflict a severe punishment when he comes to know of (the crime); the head of a fish, goat etc: মাছের কল্লা, খাসির কল্লা.
Bengali Word কল্লা ২English definition[Bangla] (adjective)
quarrelsome; wicked; conspiring: কল্লালোক.
(noun) a quarrel; a dispute.
Bengali Word আল্লাEnglish definition(noun) Allah, the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of the universe as described in the Qoran
Bengali Word আল্লাহ্, আল্লাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) Allah, the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of the universe as described in the Qoran; the incorporeal and only object of adoration by the Muslims; Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.
আল্লাওয়ালা (adjective) one who has made absolute submission to Allah; intensely devoted and God-fearing.
আল্লার কসম/কিরা a vow in the name of Alah.
আল্লার কুদরত (noun) supernatural/unnatural thing or event.
আল্লার গজব (noun) punishment/punitive action from Allah.
Bengali Word কাটমোল্লাEnglish definition(noun) a bigoted and illiberal Muslim cleric
Bengali Word কেল্লাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a fortified town; a place of security; a stronghold; a fortress.
কেল্লাদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) (1) the commanding officer of a fortress.
(2) the governor of a garrison.
কেল্লাফতে (noun) the conquest of a fort.
কেল্লাফতে করা (verb intransitive) capture a fort; (figurative) achieve one’s goal; realize one’s end.
কেল্লামাত করা (figurative) be successful in a hard task.
Bengali Word গিল্লাEnglish definition [P] (noun) blame; reproach; complaint
Bengali Word গোল্লাEnglish definition(noun) (1) globular and juicy sweets made of the posset of milk: রসগোল্লা.
(2) cipher; naught; zero: পরীক্ষায় গোল্লা পাওয়া.
গোল্লায় (adverb) to the dogs; to the path of ruin.
গোল্লায় যাওয়া (verb intransitive) take to the evil way; go to the dogs.
Bengali Word চিলা, চিল্লাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) absorption in religious exercises and meditation in seclusion for forty days at a stress as practised by sages and devout Muslims.
চিলাখানা (noun) venue of such exercises.
Bengali Word চিল্লাEnglish definition(noun) absorption in religious exercises and meditation in seclusion for forty days at a stress as practised by sages and devout Muslims.
চিলাখানা (noun) venue of such exercises.
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